"Get up, if it wasn't because you were my marrying girl, I would have killed you many times!"

Lan Xin slowly stood up. She knew that when the concubine said such a thing, Bacheng was no longer angry. This book is published at the beginning of the book, and the follow-up book is here. Https://www.NovelMTL.com/

What I have to do now is dress up the concubine so that the emperor notices her.

When those concubines were racking their brains to find a way, in the palace of the Empress Dowager, they were plotting something.

"Just as you said, take this opportunity to get rid of her." The Empress Dowager said lightly.

The Master, kneeling on the ground, respectfully nodded his head to the Empress Dowager, and turned and walked outward.

"Mr. Empress Dowager, you do this. If the emperor knows, isn't it easy to explain?" A cricket on the side said a bit worried.

The Empress Dowager glanced at her and said, "I do this for the Emperor. He has no reason to blame me. He does not want to think that if the woman around him is too strong, it will not do any good to this country."

Seeing the Empress Dowager standing up, I resigned aside respectfully.

"I've got the exact information. Now, the economic lifeline of the entire country is in Liu Ye's hands. If one day, if this woman wants to do something, the whole country can't stop her. I don't want to let that It happened under my eyelids. "

I no longer speak, since the queen and queen mother have settled this matter, there is absolutely no reason to withdraw.

The Empress Dowager looked out of the window. In this palace, it is really easy to frame a person. In the presence of evidence, even if you have a thousand mouths, you cannot justify it, and the evidence is based on evidence. Some are faked.

She has lived in this harem for too long. She also experienced this kind of pain for the struggle of the women in the harem, so she believes that when Liu Yan was executed, no concubine would stand beside her. Come out and help her.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the face of the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager was not afraid that the Emperor would complain, because at that time, Liu Ye had been burned to ashes.

Even if the emperor resents it, he can't take himself for granted. People in the world have scoffed at his approach. This stain of his power to usurp cannot be washed away. If he executes the empress again Too many sins to bear.

The Empress Dowager believes that after weighing the pros and cons, the Emperor will surely believe that Liu Ye is a demon girl, and he will not treat himself.

There was a light rain that night, and Lili did not stop until the morning.

Every concubine in the harem is begging for the sun to come out quickly. Don't miss the emperor to set foot.

The Empress Dowager is also the same. She knelt before the Bodhisattva and prayed for a long time. It never seemed to be as devout as she is today, and never like she is today.

Perhaps it was the piety of these people that moved heaven, and after eating breakfast, the sun reappeared.

The fragrance of earth was exuded. After being smelled, the spirit was refreshed. This weather is really suitable for going out.

Surprisingly, this time the emperor set foot, and no one took it with him.

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