"Yes, they didn't look down on our queen maiden. They were always dissatisfied with the queen queen, and the queen queen, especially the queen queen. Every time the queen went to ask her, she was closed behind her. , You said it would be her? "

Hearing Zhu Yuan saying this, Yu Run jumped in front of Zhu Yuan all of a sudden, two hands grabbed Zhu Yuan's arm fiercely, could not help asking. Free-fee-first-delivery → [chasing] [book] [help]

"Relax, we can think of it, Ye Lan must also think, since she has let us wait here quietly, then she must have a way." Zhu Yuan advised Yu Run.

Yurun tried hard to calm herself, but at this moment of life and death, she couldn't calm down.

"They must be time wise. After seeing the emperor leaving, they acted on the mother. This matter, they must have planned in advance!"

Yu Run expressed her thoughts and later looked at Zhu Yuan.

This time, Zhu Yuan didn't speak. Even though she thought so, her mother was still tied up. If something unexpected happened, the day would really fall.

In front of an empty temple on the side of the city, the Archmage waved the wooden sword in his hand.

Due to the fast movement, the clothes of the Archmage are like butterflies with open wings.

People gathered around and looked at him religiously.

The peach in his hand was clearly a peach sword, but the peach sword was pointed at a piece of yellow paper, and the yellow paper suddenly burst into flames.

"It's amazing. It's worthy of being a Master. His mana is too powerful!"

"That is, thanks to him for blessing our country!"

"Stop talking, Archmage is doing it."

There was a brief whisper in the crowd, and after a while, it was calm again.

People stared at every action of the Archmage.

"If there is a demon girl, I will get rid of it!"

After the Master had spoken, he spit something at the burning candle. The candle suddenly burst into flames.

"Spiritual, manifested." No one in the crowd shouted.

At this time, an unsuspecting person whispered, "What is this doing? Who is that sword dance person?"

"Don't talk nonsense, that's the Archmage, because he has high mana and strength, which will protect our country's Guotai Min'an!" A voice stopped him immediately.

"Brother, I don't understand something. What did he just say, what kind of demon girl?" The man asked again without hesitation.

At this time, the talents who scolded him lowered his voice and said, "I don't know. The Master came here early in the morning to say that there is a demon girl harming the country. You must smear her so that our country can be Guotai Minan."

The person who asked the question stopped talking. He already knew how the Archmage would get rid of the demon girl, because next to the Archmage, the wooden pile and the wooden pair had been placed, and it seemed to be four meters high. This is To burn the demon girl.

"It should be a sacrifice to heaven. Only after the demon girl is burned to death will the anger of heaven be quelled."

The archmage muttered something there, and his blue forehead was violently sweating.

After a while, he finally stopped and shouted to the crowd: "I watched the stars at night and found that a demon girl was making trouble in the palace. For the stability of the country, we must sacrifice her to heaven!"

No one in the crowd dared to speak up.

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