When Zhuyuan Yurun saw that there was a cure for tears in the eyes, the two immediately regained their consciousness, and they became more active when working. ★ First ★ Send ★ Chasing ★ Book ★ Help ★

As soon as I heard that the medicine for this treatment, there is stem rice to eat, but everyone has a trace of luck in their hearts.

Those who are seriously ill also want to take such a drug once, no matter how much time they can live in this world, at least when they are dying, they can eat a full meal.

There are also some people who do not want to drink it when it is hot, because the weather is really warm, and then drink some hot soup and water, no one feels a bit unbearable, so some people have a hesitation in their eyes. color.

But after all, this is healing. Everyone you look at me, I look at you, and grit your teeth and drink those hot porridge.

After drinking it, I still drink the garlic for the first time. After I go back, I cover my sweat with a quilt.

Liu Ye told everyone, "Fathers and gentlemen, we must actively cooperate. The current weather is to sweat and really make everyone suffer, but we are not even afraid of death. How can we be afraid of these? Everyone said yes? We are now To do this again is to live better in the future. "

Everyone cast grateful gazes at Liu Ye, and went back to cover the quilt after drinking.

At this time, only one person did not leave, that is the woman who stood up in support of Liu Yan for the first time.

I saw that her clothes were shaggy and there was still some dust on her face.

The most striking thing was not these, but the child in her arms.

The child was gray and apparently uncomfortable.

"Doctor, please, save my child." The woman began to cry as she said.

Before Liu Yan said anything, she hugged the child to her, and she gently put the child on the bed and examined him carefully.

Liu Ye thought that the child had only contracted the plague, but when she saw the child's arm, she immediately changed her mind.

The child's arm was so swollen that at a glance it was caused by a fall.

"Where did he go to play? Why did his arm fall like this?" Liu Yan looked up and asked the woman.

The woman stopped crying, and said in a hurry: "Yesterday afternoon, she went to a collapsed house to play. Who knows, she accidentally fell off the wood. I thought it was only a minor stabbing and no bleeding I didn't take you here, but I knew she would be like this after a day.

Liu Ye touched her head and felt a little hot.

"What should the doctor do? Is the child okay?"

Seeing Liu Yan's look, the woman obviously had no backbone.

"You said as I said, her current symptoms are not infected with the plague, you can rest assured."

Hearing Liu Yan's words, the woman nodded hurriedly to her and kept saying good.

After carefully explaining to the woman what she needed, Liu Ye prescribed another medicine for the child and handed it to the woman.

As the disaster continued one after another, these people had no money in their hands. When the woman took the medicine, there was a hint of distress.

"These don't cost money, so go back and take care of the children. Don't delay the illness."

"Girl, girl, you are a living bodhisattva, God will bless you." After that, the woman knelt down with a look of devotion.

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