In this way, under the guidance of Liu Yan, after five or six days, those who were infected by the early stage of the plague really got better. ★ The first book chase gang ★

Almost everything everyone said about Liu Yan was obedient.

"Dear folks, do you know why we are infected with the plague? One of the biggest sources of these plagues is the unsanitary environment."

At this point, people are whispering.

"Is n’t the plague spread from heaven? It ’s because we do n’t respect the gods and Buddhas that we get sick. What does it have to do with the environment?"

"Yeah, God did it because we didn't like it."

"This girl saved our lives, and what she said must have made sense."

"I believe the doctor said."

There were two opinions among the crowd, one believed that Liu Ye said, and one believed that the plague was caused by heaven.

Liu Ye didn't refute everyone, she just waited after everyone didn't speak, and continued: "Environmental hygiene is not good. The food we eat, the water we drink will all have bacteria. When we eat our stomach, we will naturally get sick."

When Liu Yan said this, those who opposed her stopped talking.

In their hearts, Liu Ye made sense.

"Those who died of drought did not deal with their corpses in time. Now the weather is so hot. Once the corpses have mildew, they will enter our respiratory tract with the flow of air, so everyone's illness is indeed related to the environment."

Liu Ye said some professional terms, and some people did not understand, but still chose to believe her.

"Girl, don't tell us those inscrutable words, we don't understand, you just say what we want to do." A man said directly.

"Yes, girl, we all listen to you."

Liu Ye thought that since everyone said this, the next things would be much easier to handle.

"What I call on everyone now is to clean up."

After Liu Yan said, he added, "House cleaning, clean the house."

People really admire the girl in front of her. She used garlic and green onions to pull the newly plagued person from the brink of death.

Now, she said that letting everyone clean up can prevent you from getting sick, so everyone starts cleaning.

For those who were seriously ill, Liu Yan first concentrated them in one place.

Some people are weaker in resistance and there is no way out, but some people who are strong in resistance are rescued by Liu Yan stiffly.

Liu Ye taught everyone a good way in the process of cleaning.

She asked people to find some plant ash, and mixed it with water from the inside. This turned into plant ash, which was used to clean the dishes and bowls in the kitchen. The decontamination effect was particularly good.

At first, some people did not believe that the ash was dirty, but under the demonstration of Liu Yan, they saw the bowls cleaned with a smile and a smile on their faces.

In this way, everyone worked hard, and spent two or three days, and each home was clean.

The epidemic had been brought under control, and Liu Ye smiled at ease.

At this time, she thought of Nangong Yu, not knowing what he was doing now.

"Mother-in-law, now that people are not sick, can we go back?" Zhu Yuan asked happily.

Yurun said, "If the emperor knew that the mother had controlled the plague so quickly, she would have been very happy."

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