"Doctor, I don't think my throat hurts as much as before, and my body seems to have some strength. ★ Look ★ Most ★ New ★ Chapter ★ Festival ★ 100 ★ Degrees ★ Search ★ Chase ★ Book ★ Help ★" the woman said with some joy. .

"Okay, if you persist in this way, your symptoms will disappear in a few days. Let us realize that the epidemic is not terrible, but there is no right treatment. If you use the right medicine, you can still get it. Controlled, please relax. "

At this time, the two men carrying the corpse came to Liu Yan's side.

There was a flicker of inquiry in their eyes.

"Doctor, in fact, we don't have the bottom of our heart. Whether our illness can be cured or not is not up to us. Human life is destined to be cured. Doctor, you can rest assured that we can treat us boldly, if you If you do n’t come, we must be dead. Since you are here, we have hope for survival. "

The man moved his face when he said it, but someone knew that he still had something to say, because the doubt on this man's face had not been eliminated.

"Do you have anything to ask me?" Liu Yan asked softly.

The man gave Liu Yan a embarrassed glance, then said, "I just want to ask you to work. After I drank that medicine last night, I didn't sweat. Is this medicine not working for me?"

It can be seen that the man was very worried. Although he said that there was life and death, he was still afraid of death.

Liu Yan comforted him softly.

"Everyone's constitution is different, and their ability to absorb drugs is different. Some people will immediately see the effect after drinking this medicine. Just like this big sister, and some people, he absorbs it slowly, or It ’s because the condition is different, it will affect the performance after taking the medicine. You can rest assured. "

Hearing Liu Yan's words, the man was relieved.

"I must actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment. The doctor has worked hard for you." After that, the man bowed deeply to Liu Yan.

Liu Ye smiled. The folk customs here were simple and simple, as clear as the blue sky here.

However, now there is no time to sigh about it. After these people left, Liu Ye was immediately busy again.

"Pearl and Yurun, peel off all these onions, chop them with a knife after washing, then use porridge rice to cook porridge, add these onions after boiling, boil to a gruel, and finally add some vinegar. Everyone. "

Liu Yan said without looking back.

After the two had heard it, Mo Li started.

Peeling onions and cooking rice is a simple task, but chopping these onions is not as easy as cooking.

"Yu Run, what about my eyes? My eyes keep crying, and I can't see anything in front of me." After speaking, Zhu Yuan made a gesture with her hands in front of her eyes, as if really looking Not the same.

Yurun also burst into tears at this time, wiping her tears while blowing her nose.

"I'm the same as you, but these onions, the girl said, must be chopped, or it won't work after being put in the rice for a while." Yu Run said, the hand holding the knife didn't stop Chop there.

After Liu Ye heard the conversation between them, he hurried to them and drew a pot of water in front of them.

"I forgot to tell you. Chopping green onions this way will not make your eyes cry."

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