According to the symptoms they described, these people started with a sore throat and a cough, and then, after a while, had a high fever and died. ★ First ★ Send ★ Chasing ★ Book ★ Help ★

By the evening, the bodies had been cleaned up, and the people brought by Liu Ye were almost exhausted.

After taking a few bites of food, Liu Yan told those who were in the early stages of the plague and asked them to gather here.

No one understands what is happening with a half-belief.

Liu Yan said to everyone, "Dear folks, now I have cooked the medicine. You drink it as I said. You can put these garlic purees in a bowl first, and then simmer some boiling water from the pot next to you. , Drink hot, and when you go back, cover the quilt with sweat and do n’t go anywhere. "

Everyone was dubious. I never thought that garlic could cure the plague. This was the first time I heard.

"The symptom will be reduced the next day. As time goes by, if you are in good health, you will not have this disease again. You must believe in me. You must take it regularly and come here regularly to get medicine. . "

After Liu Yan finished speaking, let Zhu Yuanyurun start to dress garlic for those people.

"Isn't she lying to us? Isn't garlic a condiment? How can he cure the disease?" Some people in the crowd didn't believe it.

The first woman who stood up said: "Now the village is full of patients. If she wants to lie to us, she will not risk her life to deceive. Since this girl believes in everyone, we must also believe in them."

After speaking, she first stood in front of Liu Yan.

"Girl I believe in you."

Liu Ye nodded gratefully.

The first, and then the second one, just like they believed in Liu Ye's words, those people took the garlic from here, and after drinking, they obediently returned.

One day in the middle of the night, Liu Ye said to Zhu Yuanyurun, "We have to drink some of this for the prevention of the plague. Everyone is busy for a day, and hurry up to sleep. If you can't keep up, you will be more likely to be infected."

Everyone heard Liu Yan's words. Although the garlic water was not good, it was still hot.

Looking at the twinkling stars, Liu Ye couldn't sleep. She didn't know how many people would die here tomorrow.

But she was determined in her heart that when everyone's physical strength is a little better, she must clean up manually. Only by changing the environment here can the epidemic situation be controlled well. Otherwise, it is only changed by drugs. No outside conditions.

Thinking so, Liu Yan fell asleep.

In the next morning, she got up again early, and as soon as she walked outside, she saw two young men carrying a corpse.

Liu Yan didn't speak, watching them move the body to the place designated yesterday.

Everyone's mood is the same, no one wants to give up the last glimmer of hope, but this hope, to some people, is so slim, so slim that they pass by themselves in the blink of an eye.

Liu Ye was anxious to know how the effect of the medicine was yesterday, so she waited outside until she saw a familiar face, and her face became tense.

"How's it feeling? Is there any change in your body?" Stepped forward, Liu Yan asked in the first sentence.

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