When Liu Ye first arrived in Linchuan County, she was taken aback by the situation here. What she was afraid of was not those who had the plague, but their current mental state. https://www.NovelMTL.com/

Knowing that they got the plague, many people gave up the idea of ​​survival, their eyes are as dead as death, and even they will not deal with those who die.

Liu Ye looked at those who had died for many days under his feet, and a moment of nausea appeared from his chest.

The whole village was dead, and even the children who played on weekdays lost their vitality. When Liu Ye came over, they did not even raise their eyes.

If they want to get better, they must be motivated.

After finally getting up on a high slope, Liu Ye said to everyone, "My fellows, I was sent by the court to treat the plague. This plague is not terrible. Please don't lose your confidence."

Having said that, she looked at the decadent people and they did not respond.

"We haven't got the plague, and we are not afraid of you being infected. We all have such a big confidence. Why can't you believe that you can live? Do you really want to wait for death? Are you really willing?" Liu Yan said loudly .

At this time, a middle-aged woman stood up. She cried and said to Liu Yan, "Doctor, please save me. I don't want to die. I still have a three-year-old child to take care of. I can't die now! "

"Well, you don't want to die, I will treat you!"

After Liu Yan spoke, he walked in front of her.

At this time, several women stood up, and then the men stood up tremblingly.

"That's right, none of us want to die, but if there is a glimmer of hope, we can't give up!" Liu Yan smiled, watching the growing crowd.

"Doctor, do you know? After hearing that our village had a plague, people in several nearby villages fled. They were afraid of being transmitted to them. You said you were a doctor. I did n’t believe it at first, but I believe you are a Good girl, you have a good heart. "An old man said to Liu Yan.

"There is no hurdle, as long as we believe and believe in ourselves, this crisis will definitely pass!"

Looking at the crowd, Liu Ye said to everyone, "Now, we are bringing those who are seriously ill together. If we still have some strength, we will lift these dead people away. These are sources of pollution. Sometimes, Our own diseases are not terrible, but guarding them gives us a second chance of infection, so these bodies must be cleaned up. "

Seeing Liu Ye say this, those who have a little strength, together with Weinan, cleaned up the corpses.

Liu Yan divided them into three categories according to their situation. One was people who had just contracted the early stage of the plague, some were already infected, and some were those who were seriously ill.

"Is there a clean water source nearby?" Liu Yan asked a villager here.

"Yes, I can take you there, not far from there."

"Zhuyuan, you take a few people to get water there, and when you come back, you boil it, Yurun, smash these garlic, it's mashed like mud." After Liu Yan ordered, then went to the patients for treatment, for a moment I dare not stop.

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