The emperor finally let go, but the date was set to two days later. Free-fee-first-delivery → [chasing] [book] [help]

Liu Min was relieved in his heart. No matter what, he finally agreed. If he kept fighting with himself, he would definitely not be able to walk.

In the past two days, Liu Ye was not idle. She researched a lot about the treatment of the plague in the Royal Hospital of the Royal Palace.

In fact, the plague is generally an acute infectious disease caused by a bad environment after a natural disaster. Liu Ye thought that it would be because of the bad environment. When he thought of his previous life, he almost No plague has been encountered.

It usually manifests as sore throat and thick spit, and different plagues should be treated with different Chinese medicines, and they should be isolated during treatment.

Liu Ye remembered that when she was studying Chinese medicine, she read a book that said that the plague was the most powerful disease in the history of China that affected population development.

In the face of natural disasters, people are often powerless.

After preparing the necessary items, Liu Yan also prepared some garlic, light green, and stem rice.

People looked at each other, wondering what the queen maiden was doing.

They dare not ask, and Liu Ye was too lazy to answer. This method was still seen in some classic medical books that Nangong gave her.

The night before he left, Nangong Yan sat in the middle of the night watching Liu Yan.

"The emperor, it's so late, do you really not allow the courtier to sleep? Tomorrow, I will have to travel a long distance."

Nangong Yi glanced at her, still not talking.

"Hey go with you."

When Nangong Yu spoke, it was like giving Liu Yan a bomb, Liu Ye suddenly stood up from the stool.

"Can't you be kidding? The current situation is so turbulent. If you leave, do you know what will happen? I said, I will come back for a while, and I won't stay there often."

No wonder he was so quiet these two days, everything came by himself. It turned out that he had his own plans in his heart.

Immediately after the words were spoken, Nangong Yan hugged her.

Liu Ye thought that he would say something that he was reluctant to leave or complain about her, but he did not expect that Nangong Yu said nothing.

He gently embraced Liu Yan to the bed, and quilted her again.

"Sleep well, I won't bother you, keep your spirits up, or you will have trouble sleeping along the way."

After speaking, he lay down beside Liu Yan.

Liu Ye's heart moved for a while, and she felt emotion for a while.

The next day, before dawn, two carriages set out from the palace.

Nangong Nun stared at the direction the carriage was leaving until the carriage turned into a black spot before returning to the Imperial Study Room.

No one in the palace knew where the queen and queen had gone, and no one dared to ask questions.

For them, it was the happiest thing to see the queen maiden leaving.

Now, what they are concerned about is not the plague discussed outside, but how to make the emperor look at himself.

The queen mother is not here, but this is a golden opportunity, and no one wants to miss this opportunity easily.

Although Nangong Yu has been worried, he is too busy to listen to the reports of county officials. In the places where the victims gathered, a force has formed.

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