Waves have not settled and waves have risen again. https://www.NovelMTL.com/

Just days after Ontario's days, someone reported to the court that a plague had occurred in Linchuan County.

As soon as I heard that there was a plague, the people in the entire chapel became nervous.

The doctors from Tai Hospital gathered together to discuss ways to treat the plague.

After Liu Ye knew this, the first thought in her mind was to go to Linchuan County.

"No, do you know how severe the plague is? It will be dead if you hit it. How can I rest assured that you will go there for adventure?" Nangong Ai resolutely disagreed.

But the thought of those who are on the verge of life and death, Liu Yan's heart can't let go.

Even when two people ate together, Liu Ye looked a little absent-minded.

"I know you are still thinking about Linchuan. Now when the country is really turbulent, as a queen of a country, how dangerous is it to go out, do you know?"

After waiting for Nangong Yan to finish speaking, Liu Yan immediately said, "Is there Weinan, and Ye Lan?"

Nangong Yu was angry, this was the first time he lost his temper at Liu Ye.

"Every time I say you are in danger, you take Ye Lan and Weinan as shields. They are also people and there are things that can't be solved. As long as you are not with me, no matter who you are around, I am not at ease Do n’t say this, I wo n’t agree with you! ”

Seeing the emperor having such a big temper, the little leaves beside him were frightened and snored.

Nangong Nang walked to the Imperial Study Room and kicked at the round stool, which turned into two halves in an instant.

"Emperor, don't be angry, beware of being angry!"

Nangong Aya didn't speak, but just sat sulking.

How could I know that Qi had not disappeared yet, Liu Yan followed the Royal Study again.

Little leaves anxiously stomped her feet aside, thinking that the queen's queen had a bad temper too, and the emperor's anger was still there. Why was she here again? If these two people really want to make trouble, who can they help?

"I know you are worried about me, but do you know how dangerous those people who are now producing art and literature are, at a quarter of an hour, there may be a lot of people dying there. Now it ’s not a dangerous or dangerous thing, but it is trying to kill time "Liu Yan said with a serious face.

Seeing that Nangong Yu didn't speak, Liu Ye continued to say, "I am your queen and a doctor. Do you know what people are most afraid of when the plague is epidemic? It's not the torture of illness, but the slow wait Death, that desperate state of mind drives people crazy. "

Nangong sighed and said, "Why don't I know you're in a hurry, do you remember when the flood occurred in Tianniu Village, you are busy day and night. Although I can't help you a lot, I After all, by your side, but how can I go in this situation? "

Liu Ye walked to the opposite side of Nangong Yu gently. "In the beginning of the plague, the emperor was relatively simple to treat, but once the plague spreads, even the drugs are not used at this time, so we really have no time Then, if a village has a plague, it will be transmitted to a county seat. What if the existing plague cannot be controlled? "

Nangong Ai didn't think about this problem, he looked at Liu Ai with a worried look.

"Emperor, please believe me, I can take care of myself, and I will return as soon as the epidemic is under control."

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