By the morning of the next day, the court had heard that there was a riot in the south of the city. First

"Weinan, Ye Lan, you two are in the crowd and see what is going on."

After listening to Liu Yan, the two went out of the palace.

They first went to a common people's house, changed into civilian clothes, and then asked about the location of the trouble.

Many refugees gathered at the gate of Yamen, with sticks in their hands and anger on their faces.

"Give us a statement, we need to be fair!"

"The chastity killed people for no apparent reason. What was the reason for not giving us food and forcing people to death? We have to say!"

"Yes, we have to say!"

Ye Lan squeezed into the crowd and asked a person with a good-looking face, "Brother, what's going on here? So many people gathered at the gate of Yemen, is the government going to put food?"

"Girl, you're new here. At first glance you don't know what's going on here. We went to the door of the gate, but we didn't bring food." The man looked at the front while talking to Ye Lan. .

Looking back at Ye Lan's doubts, he said to Ye Lan, "Yesterday someone saw a few officials of photovoltaic and killed a refugee. If we don't provide us with food, why not kill people? People are burning in their hearts now, asking the government to say something. "

After listening to Weinan, I knew that what happened yesterday.

"Brother, is it really the official difference that killed someone?" Weinan said, attracting many people's eyes.

"How can you, my brother, speak like this? People have seen it with their own eyes. Is that the official who killed him? Is there anyone else who pretends to be an official?" Someone said with a stare.

"That is, what's the point of pretending to be a poor official? There is no food. People come here for another reason. There is no food in the government for a few days. There are old and young people in the family. . "

At this time, I don't know who shouted, "Master Zhifu is here."

The crowd fell silent immediately.

"Everyone listens to me. We can solve anything. Your attitude can only worsen the incident. Everyone will go back. After two days, I will give you a statement." Lieutenant.

Weinan's brow frowned. He said that he could only aggravate the anger in people's hearts. He couldn't solve any problems at all. He wanted to perfuse everyone when he heard it.

Sure enough, some people in the crowd shouted, "You don't want to perfuse us. He said why don't put food, and why kill people!"

"Yes, why not put food?"

People shouted, their voices were louder than waves.

There were many people who saw trouble in the prefecture. The officers and men in the Yamen couldn't suppress it at all, so his attitude softened. He said to everyone, "Everyone listens to me, even the court must have time. The matter you said, I already have the bottom of my heart, that is, some people saw that the official messenger killed someone, and the other is the problem of food, right, I will reflect it to the top, once I have a letter, I will I will tell you immediately, please be calm and impatient. "

"Okay, let's trust you once. If you don't give us a reply within three days, we will face the holy!"

Hearing the prefecture here, scared a cold sweat.

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