The border issue has just been decided, but Weinan brought bad news to Liu Ye on the Internet. ★ Look ★ Most ★ New ★ Chapter ★ Festival ★ Hundred ★ Degree ★ Search ★ Chase ★ Book ★ Help ★

"Did you see it with your own eyes?" Liu Yan asked with eyes widened.

Weinan nodded his head. "The queen mother-in-law, the subordinates saw it with her own eyes. Those who were on the job blocked a refugee to the corner, and then started punching and kicking. After they left, I found that person was out of breath. . "

Hearing this, Liu Yan's face was angry.

At the feet of the emperor, there are actually people who do this wrong, and usually the Diaomin is the only one. The assailants are actually people in the court, which has to cause people to doubt.

"Please check this matter in detail to see if someone pretends to be a government official. If it is a government official, find out who is in charge."

After explaining Weinan, Liu Ye felt that she had to tell Nan Gongyu about it, and she went to the Royal Study Room if she wanted it.

Seeing Nangong Yan and Guo Xuzhao swaying the wine, Liu Ye's heart was envious for a while, and he was just a man, so he could be so bold.

Seeing the queen maiden coming over, Guo Xuzhao hurried to salute, but was stopped by Liu Yan.

"When did we become so proficient? Guo Shenxian, you didn't look like this before. Is it because the capital of this capital is so good that you can no longer afford your inferiority?" Liu Yan said with a smile.

Guo Xuzhao glared at him angrily and said directly, "Doctor Gu, it's wrong for you to speak like this, aren't you in the capital? I haven't seen how much you have grown!"

The two asked and answered each other, and Nangong, who was cited, laughed, as if he saw Guo Xuzhao in the barracks again.

Liu Yan sat next to Nangong Yan and said softly, "I don't know you are eating. Why did you start eating so late?"

"I haven't been discussing issues with the gods for a long time, and once I talk, I forget time." Nangong said with a smile.

"You eat first, and after you finish, you have to discuss things." Liu Yan said quietly, watching them both.

Guo Xuzhao is very embarrassed by this. "Queen, Madam, your old man should rest for a while, otherwise, please come over when we are done, okay? You are sitting here, I can't eat it!"

Liu Yan did not move, but looked at him with a smile.

Guo Xuzhao knew that she was intentional, and thought, there is no way to say anything, simply, shake off the cheeks and eat.

"If I weren't watching, you two would have to eat this meal in the middle of the night." Liu Yan said with a smile after the two had finished eating.

"Say, you must have something over here so late." Nangong Yan's expression became serious. In normal times, Liu Yan would never wait for him to finish his meal.

"Wei Nan told me just now that in the south of Beijing, an official was found to have killed the refugees, and I asked him to investigate this matter in detail." After Liu Yan said it, he looked at them both.

Nangong Yu and Guo Xuzhao glanced at each other, thinking that the worry still happened.

"This matter hasn't come to fruition yet. I have to wait for news from Weinan. I'm afraid that someone deliberately dressed up as a poor official. In order to stir up trouble in the people, Weinan said that they did this thing in a corner. Somewhat strange. "Liu Yan said frowning.

The Royal Study Room was quiet.

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