Although the prefecture ’s heart was up and down, he still said to everyone: "Please rest assured, as everyone's parents, I will definitely find out this matter. Once there is news above, I will immediately inform everyone, It's getting late now, let's all get rid of it. ★ The first book-chasing gang ★ "

Seeing the sincerity said by the prefecture, the anger of the people has also disappeared, and some people in the crowd said, "Okay, let's believe in you this time. If you dare to deceive us, we will face the saint directly. ! "

The crowd gradually dispersed, Ye Lan and Wei Nan glanced at each other, and then flashed into a corner of Yemen.

It was late, and the room in the prefecture was still brightly lit.

A dull roar came from the room, apparently the governor was losing his temper.

Ye Lan and Weinan lay on the roof of the house. Weinan quietly pried open a tile, and the voice of the prefecture passed clearly.

"This group of useless wastes can't do this. The poor ghosts have to explain. How can I explain to them?" The master sitting opposite the prefecture, this master's expression of depression was obviously already suffered. Long curse.

"You tell me, what should I do about this?" Finally, the prefect asked.

"This official kills people. If this thing passes into the ears of the emperor, it will definitely not be able to eat and go. We ca n’t admit anything, and those people are ours." Master thought for a moment, then Just said.

The prefecture is obviously thinking about this question, "If they are pretended by others, they will not believe it."

"This matter, you can't stop anything from us, sir, you know, if we let loose, those Diaomin heard that the official sent him to death, and will definitely make a big noise by this matter. At that time, we If you want to hide it, you can't hide it. "

The prefecture watched Master not speak.

Master Shi is now firmly determined that he will not admit that the official sent him to death.

"All blame me. If it wasn't for the day I was drunk and impulsive, I wouldn't order them to kill that person." Speaking of this, Zhifu's face repented.

"Master, now that things have happened, we have to find a way to make up for it. If this matter is a big deal, I'm afraid we will find out that we have stolen food. That's a killer."

Hearing here, Weinan already understood the general situation. When the prefecture was drunk, when he encountered a refugee asking for food, he was furious. He ordered the man to be killed, but he did not expect it but aroused public anger.

This prefecture cannot stand the investigation, because when he put in the grain, he swallowed some grain privately, and he was anxious, so he had to discuss with the master about this matter.

"Let's start to put in normal food tomorrow. If they ask why they haven't put them in these days, let's say we need to check the roster. It's been delayed for a while, and we can't make any more of this matter." A beard at the corner of his mouth, said softly.

After the two had finalized the matter, they turned off the lights in the room. At this time, the prefect and the master left the study room at the same time.

After the two returned to the palace, they reported the situation to Nangong Yan truthfully, and Nangong Yan's face immediately gloomed.

"The court actually raised such a bunch of maggots!" Nangong Yan slammed his hand on the table fiercely.

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