Although Liu Wuyang had nothing to say, he looked unconvinced. Free-fee-first-delivery → [chasing] [book] [help]

"I know that telling you this is equivalent to playing the ox on a cow. People like you never know what kindness is. It seems like someone else owes you. Now I tell you that I want to let you know what it means to return. "

After Liu Yan said, he said to Chen Yihan, "Kill him, hang him at the gate of the city, and expose his body for three days. Anyone who comes to collect his body will be shot dead. I want to let those who do not know how to be grateful Take a look and let everyone know what the traitors are going to do. "

Liu Wuyang only got up at this time. He knew that the woman Liu Yan would definitely do.

Seeing Liu Wuyang's appearance, Liu Ye suddenly showed a regretful expression.

"No, I was wrong. It wasn't three days, but three months. I want people to watch his body full of bugs. That's interesting."

Liu Yan turned his head and walked to Nangong Yan.

"Emperor, can I do this?" Liu Yan looked up and asked Nangong Gong.

"No way, as long as you are happy, you can do whatever you want." After Nangong Yan said it, he looked at Liu Yan indulgently, without being affected by the dead body and insects in Liu Yan's mouth.

"Yu Yan, you slut, you must not die, I will not let you go when I am a ghost!"

Liu Yan laughed, "You can't fight me when you're a human, you're a ghost. Do you think you can do anything? Funny!"

"Liu Ying, you are a disaster star, you will kill everyone around you!"

"I Liu Wuyang swears here that I will not let you go as a ghost, I will torture you in your dreams every day, making you restless forever!"

Liu Yan rubbed his eyebrows and said to Xiaoyeye, "Papa Ye, it's too noisy, just plug his mouth. This will trouble you."

After speaking, Liu Yan held Nangong's arm and walked towards the inner hall slowly.

"It's a good day, but you have to find yourself uncomfortable. Why are you doing this? You don't know if you were betrayed." After Xiaoye finished, he picked up the stinky socks on the ground.

"Wait, what are you talking about? What was betrayed, please make it clear." Liu Wuyang asked a little bit with anxiety.

"I said, you have been betrayed by Nangong. If he doesn't say, how will the emperor know that you are about to join the army? Nangong must use you in exchange for his glory and wealth. Your ya is a stepping stone, a typical cannon fodder. If you die, understand it. "

At this moment, Liu Wuyang really collapsed. He didn't know why Nangong must do it. However, Nangong must not have appeared in all the incidents tonight. Maybe he was really betrayed by him.

"When incarnation in the next life, be a clear person, don't be so confused and let people use it, unfortunately, such a young life is gone, and such high martial arts, it is a pity." Xiao Ye said as she shook her head, revealing a sense of regret.

Liu Wuyang shouted, and suddenly fainted.

"It's all right now, and you don't need to block his mouth with stinky socks, General Chen, I will leave the rest to you."

After speaking, Xiaoye took the smelly sock, threw it heavily on Liu Wuyang's face, and turned and left.

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