The wind at night was blowing on people, making people unconsciously want to shrink their necks. ★ The first book chase gang ★

When Xiaoye returned to Fengzao Palace, Nangong and Liu Yan did not fall asleep.

"Return to the emperor, queen maiden, the criminal has fallen into law." Xiaoye said seriously.

"Very well, did he say anything before he left?" Liu Ying's face was a little fuzzy under the reflection of the police station.

Xiao Ye bowed and said, "After returning to the queen's mother, the slave told him that thing, he was like crazy, yelling until he hit the road, he didn't say a complete word." Xiao Ye said After that, he dared not look at Liu Ye's face again.

He knew that some things didn't have to be so clear. The queen mother naturally knew something, but Liu Wuyang's situation was indeed a bit tragic. When he thought of it, even he couldn't bear a goose bump.

When Liu Wuyang knew that Nangongjue had betrayed him, he began to yell constantly. Since his hands were tied, he began to use his head to stop the cold floor, and finally passed out.

That look makes people feel a little shocked.

When a person is most hopeless, it must be like this.

Seeing that the little leaves were in a bun, Liu Ye naturally knew what had happened, and that was what she had to do.

"and then?"

"The slave has ordered someone to tie the sinner's body to the gate of the city, and has written a notice. Everyone will know about it early tomorrow morning."

Liu Min breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Xiao Ye Zi, "Let's take a rest, there are still things to do tomorrow."

Little leaves bowed and retreated.

In the next morning, when I could see the body hanging at the gate of the city, I was a little curious. After reading the notice, I realized that this person was General Liu.

"I really don't know what he is trying to figure out. He is already rich and expensive. Why is he so contented that he doesn't want to be an emperor?"

"Since ancient times, people haven't swallowed elephants. It's really greedy. Such people deserve to expose him to the streets."

"The queen maiden has severed his relationship with his family, but the queen maiden is not such a cruel man, and he will take care of them for anything. Why should he do this? It is incredible."

"This is life. Some people live a rich and rich life, but they have to find their own way and deserve it."

The voice of the discussion was endless, but the two soldiers guarding the notice had no expression on their faces.

In the corner of the street, a figure flickered, and then hidden in the crowd.

When Linglong's brow frowned, when she told Nangong the matter, Nangong said nothing, but Linglong found that the tea cup in Nangong's hand had been broken into several petals.

"Confused." It was a long time before Nangong uttered these two words from his mouth.

"Master, General Liu is not that kind of person. Presumably something happened midway and was used."

Linglong expressed her opinion.

Regardless of the truth of the facts, Liu Wuyang's clue was broken.

Nangong Yan, I really underestimated you. Is this the thing you designed or Liu Yan?

Nangong was thinking there, Linglong didn't know, but she knew that Nangong would definitely not let Liu Wuyang collect corpses.

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