When Chen Yihan tied Liu Wuyang to the emperor and the emperor, Liu Ye only said a little, "Go to the main hall, I'm afraid I can't see General Liu's face. Free-fee-first-posting → [Chasing] [Book] 【help】"

Liu Wuyang spit Liu Yan severely, and said, "Liu Ying, the king defeated, why didn't you kill me?"

"Oh, look at General Liu's look like this, so fierce, come on, find something to cover his mouth."

After Xiao Ye finished speaking, he winked at a **** around him. The little **** took off his socks from his feet and stuffed it into Liu Wuyang's mouth. Liu Wuyang was desperately struggling. No, he could almost spit out the smell of the socks.

"General Liu, you're going to be a little bit. Normally, they can't smell it." The little **** laughed after finishing talking.

Fire can be seen in Liu Wuyang's eyes. This is because the phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken, and it is usually put on the shelf. How dare they say such arrogant words!

This is the end of the matter, and he is powerless to return to the sky. In Liu Wuyang's heart, he just wanted Liu Yan to be happy in the past.

Without further thinking, he had been pushed to the hall.

"I'm not kneeling yet!" Xiao Ye looked at Liu Wuyang and slammed into his lap.

Liu Wuyang still had an arrow on his calf that wasn't pulled out. Xiaoye pinpointed his wound before he went down. So, without much effort, Liu Wuyang knelt down.

At this moment, Liu Yan and Nangong Yan are sitting upright on the hall.

"Let him speak."

When Liu Ye said this, the little **** drew the socks in Liu Wuyang's mouth all at once, and Liu Wuyang felt nauseous and spit out several saliva again and again.

"General Liu, it's not fun to count others." Liu Yan said softly, no anger in his face.

Liu Wuyang snorted, didn't speak, and thought, now that I'm defeated in front of you, and I want to kill you and follow you, why say some ruthless words.

Although I thought so, I still had a bit of resentment.

"Liu Ying, you woman like a viper, your mother is right, you really are the father and mother, you will kill anyone around you!" After speaking, Liu Wuyang looked at Nangong Yan.

Nangong Yan was unmoved.

"General Liu is right. Maybe I'm really bad for your parents, but it's not them that should be considered right now, do you think?" After Liu Yan said it, he laughed.

"Your father, Liu Zheng, always counts on the recipes in my hand and wants to take it for granted. Your mother is afraid that I will take her daughter's aura and suppress it everywhere. Your younger sister Liu Zhuo is foolish Li, you make trouble for me everywhere, and Liu Yan, you are colluding, using me to make huge profits, General Liu, are you saying that I am right? "

After speaking, Liu Ye looked at Liu Wuyang coldly.

Liu Wuyang couldn't say a word.

"You say aloud I am sorry to the Liu family, where can I be sorry for you? When your father fainted me and wanted to be sent to the palace, or when he was poisoning the palace?"

Liu Yan approached Liu Wuyang step by step, and slowly said to him, "Even if I die, I will let you understand!"

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