Nangong Yan gently embraced Liu Yan in his arms and said gratefully, "I really don't know, you did these things for me, you worked hard. Started"

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door. Nangong Xiong did not need to look back, but also knew that a man and a woman were walking outside.

After the two had walked for a while, the pace stopped.

In this Fengzao Palace, as a person accompanying the master, you can see some things, and you can't see some things, they understand.

"Come in, it's cold outside, it's warm in the room." Liu Ye broke away from Nangong Yan's arms and said to the two people standing outside.

Then the two dared to walk into the room.

Ye Lan came into the room very casually, but Weinan took a look, and then slowly walked into the room. His look and body were somewhat restrained. These Nangong magpies were all in his eyes.

"See the emperor, see the mother, this is the cost of putting the porridge today."

After speaking, Weinan put a piece of paper in her arms on the table, and then Shen Sheng said, "Emperor, if there is nothing else, Weinan will step down."

Liu Ye looked at the paper on the table and looked at the wet shoes in Weinan, and then said, "Go back and change to a pair of shoes where you live, and see that your shoes are soaked. "

Wei Nan didn't speak, and after a bowed gesture, he exited the room.

Nangong Yan looked at Ye Lan. "How long have these beggars been here and have they been here? No one has placed them in the place, have they?"

Ye Lan gave a courtesy before saying: "They have been here for four or five days, and they have not been placed in the place."

At this time, Nangong Yan's brow frowned.

"Emperor, you have so many things to keep busy, let this matter be dealt with by the courtiers. Rest assured, I will definitely handle it."

After Liu Yan said it, he looked at Nangong Yan with a smile. Nangong Yan still admired Liu Yan's ability, and agreed immediately.

Liu Ye asked Ye Lan to change clothes, and spoke to Nangong Yu for a while, and then went to lunch with Nangong Yu.

When Liu Ye saw Ye Lan again, he had already eaten lunch.

"How's it going? Are I browsing about the things I asked you to check?"

Ye Lan glanced at Liu Yan, and said softly, "Madam, you really are right. The money under the hands of the granddaughter of the Liu family is really a lot.

With Ye Lan's sentence, Liu Yan thought it was enough, and her brows frowned for a while before slowly spreading out.

Letting Weinan and Ye Lan deliver meals to the refugees is actually a cover, the purpose is to let them check Liu Wuyang's account together.

Liu Wuyang can be promoted to this position in such a short period of time, which makes Liu Ye look and feel a little suspicion at the same time.

This man either made trouble from it or had a strong belief in his heart.

If he wanted to enlarge the door of the Liu family, he would have done so long ago. Why did he choose this time? That only shows that there is a bit of resentment in his heart, it is the kind of unwillingness that supports him to keep climbing up.

Liu Ye clearly realized that such a dangerous person beside Nangong Yu was not a wise choice.

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