In the next morning, Nangong Yu did not go to the early morning. ★ Look ★ Most ★ New ★ Chapter ★ Festival ★ Hundred ★ Degree ★ Search ★ Chase ★ Book ★ Help ★

Another day later, he appeared on the hall. The bruises on his eyes had disappeared, but if one looked at it, he could clearly feel that his eyes had been injured and there were still some bruises around him.

Seeing what Nangong Yan looked like, the ministers in North Korea all speculated what happened to the emperor.

"I am the emperor, and the guards in the palace have to change the batch. The emperor must be inadequate to protect them. Those who lead the Royal Army should beheaded."

As soon as his voice fell, a whispered voice rang out below.

"The emperor hasn't said anything. It's nosy, maybe the emperor's injury was not caused by the assassin. How could there be assassins in the palace?"

"Let the emperor decide."

Nan Gongxi coughed awkwardly and said, "Zhong Aiqing was more attentive. My eye injury was accidentally made. There were no assassins. The guards of the Yulin Army were dutiful and very satisfied."

When the emperor said so, everyone was relieved, and those whispers stopped.

After returning to Fengzao Palace, Nangong Yan and Liu Yan laughed when they talked about it.

"Fortunately, the ministers showed mercy under their mouths. They only said that the emperor would replace the guards of the Royal Forest Army. They did not say that the emperor would abandon my useless queen. The officials present may be thinking that it was the queen and the emperor who had an argument That's how the emperor would look like this, maybe. "

Nangong Yu didn't say anything. The thing Liu Yan said was definitely in the hearts of those people.

Fortunately, they mentioned replacing the guards of the Yulin Army. When they thought of the guards, Nangong Su suddenly thought of Weinan.

"When I came to Fengzao Palace today, I didn't seem to see Weinan among the guards outside?"

"Not only did the emperor not see Weinan, in your Fengzao Palace, have you seen Ye Lan?" Liu Yanjiao asked with a smile, a smile on his face.

Nan Gongyu's eyes dimmed at the moment. When mentioning Weinan, Liu Ye was full of joy, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

Liu Ye pretended not to see his emotions, and said softly, "These days, Ye Lan and Weinan are really hard. They come out early and return home late every day, and it is distressing to watch."

"How do you say that?" Nangong's eyebrows raised at this point.

"It's bad weather today and it's been snowing. Some beggars appeared on that street in the southeast of Beijing. They didn't say anything because they couldn't eat anything, and all of them were starved to death."

When speaking of this, Liu Yan's tone was a bit slow.

"How do you know, why didn't anyone tell me this in the early days?" Nangong Ai asked with some disbelief.

"This kind of thing can't be concealed, why can't I report it to you? Those who are in charge of law and order in these places, hope that the wife's wife is peaceful. Nothing happened."

Nangong Nun no longer spoke. He believed that all that Liu Ye said was true. Even if the entire court lied to him, Liu Ye would not lie to him.

"So during this time, Weinan and Ye Lan will regularly go to the city gate to put porridge every day. It's really hard. After they return, the emperor must give them a good reward."

After Liu Yan spoke, he looked in the direction of the palace door.

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