"Did he check the flow of his account?" Liu Yan continued. ★ First ★ Send ★ Chasing ★ Book ★ Help ★

"I checked. In the past few years, those funds haven't moved much. In recent times, there have been large accounts." Ye Lan finished and looked at Liu Ye's face.

"Okay, I know." After Liu Yan said it, Ye Lan took two steps back automatically and stood in a corner.

We have to get Weinan to find someone to do this. If Ye Lan is left to this thing, I'm afraid it's a little dangerous. It's not convenient for a girl to do such a thing.

Thinking so, Liu Yan lay on the bed and planned to take a nap.

The scent of white smoke from the bronze censer makes the woman in this room seem a bit unreal.

She knelt there with a horrified expression, afraid to look up, not to look at the medicine bowl on the round table.

The man in the black satin robe stood with his hands on his shoulders and remained silent for a long time.

"The emperor, please let the emperor let go of the child in my stomach." After the woman finished speaking, a line of tears dripped on her cheeks.

The man didn't seem to hear her asking, "Drink it."

The meaning of killing was revealed in the plain tone.

"Emperor, emperor, he is really your child, please let him go." The woman was crying.

The man in black turned abruptly, with a look of disgust.

"My child? Why, the child in the belly is mine? In the past few months, you and him have been a blind man to me and me? I have let him go, do you want me to raise his child? ?"

The woman crawled to the feet of the man crying, trying to hug the man's feet, but was kicked out by him for a long time.

The woman covered her belly involuntarily.

Due to the pain, her brow frowned, but she was still saying, "The emperor, it's not what you think," and she was interrupted before she finished speaking.

"Don't act in front of me, otherwise I will send you two on the road."

There was no expression on the face of the man in black who was domineering and cold.

He walked to the round table, picked up the medicine bowl, and walked slowly to the woman.

"Your trick is useless in front of me. Either drink the medicine obediently, or," the man said, then took out a dagger from his waist and threw it to the woman. "

The woman's eyes were no longer radiant, and she smiled bitterly, slowly crawling in front of the dagger, and reached for the dagger.

Hearing only a bang, the dagger was taken out by the man in black for a long time.

"Want to die? How could there be such an easy thing in the world!"

The man in black squatted down, one hand pinched the woman's mouth fiercely, and the other hand slammed the bowl of soup into the woman's mouth.

"I killed the child in your stomach with my own hands, but made you alive and die. This is the end of betrayal!"

Suddenly, Liu Yan felt breathless in her chest, and she sat up suddenly from the bed.

She didn't know why she had such a dream. The woman in the dream could not see her face at all, but she kept shouting to the emperor.

Nangong Yu rarely wore a black satin gown, and it was the man who often appeared in black.

"Mother, what's wrong with you? Have you been dreamed?" Zhu Yuan saw Li Youzhen's pale face, and hurriedly brought a glass of water to her.

After Liu Yan drank a cup of tea, his mind settled slowly.

What did the dream just foretell?

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