The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1467 Birds and Return (19)

It was still raining lightly outside the window, and there was a cold morning mist floating over the Gotham River. The dark green leaves in the bushes beside the walkway were like the gentlemen's scarves, holding back the raindrops that lingered with them all night.

When Alfred opened the door, everyone in the living room instinctively took a breath, but what came out of the door was not cold, but a slightly damp freshness. His spirit lifted.

This manor, which has stood here for decades, has never been so lively as it is today. In front of the long dining table covered with blue striped tablecloths and silk table runners, Thomas Wayne sits at the main seat, and Bruce sits on the right In the first seat, Damian sat across from him.

All the rest of them sat opposite to their other selves, and their movements were also surprisingly consistent. The two dicks stood upright, with their hands on their laps staring at the dinner plate in front of them, but their heads were lowered, looking somewhat sleepy.

The two Jasons supported their heads with one hand, and played with the tableware in front of them with the other, looking left and right from time to time, looking at the people on the left and right, and then at the dishes on the plate.

The two Tims both held the newspapers and frowned, trying to find some useful information in the morning news.

Barbara sat at the back, holding a blank paper in her hand, writing and drawing on it with a pen, as if she was drawing a poster for a concert.

Alfred stood behind Thomas and put the goblet in front of him. Thomas picked up the spoon in his hand, tapped the edge of the goblet lightly, put down the spoon and raised the glass and said: Ladies and gentlemen, let's eat.

In silence, everyone picked up the tableware and began to eat. Alfred always cooks the breakfast in Wayne Manor. The dishes are simple but delicious. The staple food is oatmeal with honey and white bread. Black pepper duck breast and fried cod steak, vegetables are Caesar salad, and desserts are small waffles topped with maple syrup.

No matter which world Robin is in, he is familiar with these dishes. The familiar taste of food always makes people feel stable. It is very rare that no one expresses any opinions during this meal, and everyone is quietly enjoy the food.

Alfred was very satisfied with this, he was so happy that the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were unfolded, Wayne Manor hadn't been this lively for decades, or it was more lively here than it was decades ago, because there are so many The children, they are so young, green and full of vitality.

During the meal, Thomas found that Bruce was eating very slowly, and he didn't eat much. He barely finished the bowl of oatmeal in front of him, ate a little salad, and the bread and meat didn't move at all.

Although Thomas was still angry with Bruce, any father in this world would be worried about his child not eating. Thomas wiped his mouth with a napkin and asked calmly, What's wrong? No appetite?

Bruce shook his head with his head down and said, I'm tuning something in my brain, I can't get distracted.

Did you take too much medicine? Thomas looked at Bruce's slightly dilated pupils and said, Even if you need enough medicine because of mental illness, it's better not to take too much sedative medicine, otherwise you will be like those addicts. See hallucinations.

I'm fine. Bruce shook his head.

The dining table fell silent, and everyone listened to them with ears pricked up. Red Robin frowned when he heard the word mental illness. See any unexpected look on my young self.

Does this universe's Batman have a mental illness?

When this idea appeared in Red Robin's mind, he felt a little absurd, but not because of this fact, but because of his own idea. He thought to himself, which universe's Batman doesn't have mental illness?

What should surprise him is that the Batman of this universe is willing to go to the doctor, and actually take the full amount of medicine as directed by the doctor...or a little bit more?

Red Hood is also aware of this, he is more familiar with Bruce's expression, because he often sees such addicts on the street, drugs can significantly reduce people's appetite, and hallucinations can also distract people's attention, which will make them He can't even eat and sleep normally. It seems that Batman is stuck in this state.

Dick, who was sitting next to Bruce, turned his head and looked up at Bruce with concern in his eyes. Bruce tilted his head slightly, then shook his head at him, indicating that he was fine.

But in fact, he has something to do, and it's not a small thing.

Before he planned to rewrite his own underlying program, the difficulty was similar to that of an intelligent robot wanting to rewrite his own underlying protocol, and it was also similar to that of a normal human being stepping on the left foot to the sky.

In the past few days, Bruce used the most direct method to clean up the shit mountain code, but because the shit mountain is really high, when he went back to sleep last night, he had an idea and thought that he could write a new program to automatically delete those unsightly codes. required code.

If his status is normal, then this kind of program is easy to write, and only needs simple screening and deletion commands.

But the problem is that only one-third of his brain can work now, and there are still a lot of self-proliferating pollution that can't be checked out. In this case, there are three running bugs in Bruce's new program.

After his hard work all night, there are only three lines of code left without bugs.

To put it simply, if he just had hallucinations like eating poisonous mushrooms and seeing villains before, now his olfactory and taste processing systems have completely shut down. Heavy buffs.

Thomas glanced at him, but didn't say anything, he just tapped the glass wall with his fork again, and said, I don't think we have officially welcomed a few new guests, but since we are from another world, Body, then there is no need to be redundant.

Since your guardian sent you to this universe, every aspect of your life here needs to be discussed in detail. After breakfast, I will spend half an hour holding a family meeting. No one should have any objections, right?

Several children nodded. They have already adapted to this situation. Thomas holds a family meeting almost every week. arrangements and the like.

Seeing that several peers who were younger than themselves did not express any opinions, the older Robins were also embarrassed to speak up. After all, they came here as guests, and they still understand the principle that guests can do whatever they want.

Alfred was packing the cutlery at the dining table by the window, and a group of people were sitting around the coffee table in the reception area. Thomas cleared his throat first, looked at Dick who was dozing off with his pillow in his arms, and said, If you don't get enough sleep, Then cancel your evening ballet class and get your French homework done.

No, I'm going to do ballet. Dick yawned and said, I need to exercise. If I don't exercise enough, I won't be able to sleep. Otherwise, I can go for a circle over Gotham.

Then you should go to ballet. Thomas said angrily: Then change it to one French class a week and transfer it to the weekend, and then you can do French homework all day on Sunday.

That's it. Dick yawned again, then stood up with his pillow in his arms and said, I'm going back to catch up on sleep.

Wait a while. Thomas stopped him, turned to look at Ye Yi, Ye Yi suddenly had a bad feeling, and then he heard Thomas say: Tomorrow you will bring yourself from another universe Go to Teacher Sylvia for a trial lesson.

Wait a minute, I don't... Before Ye Yi finished speaking, he saw Thomas' malicious eyes, and his refusal was directly blocked back. He spread his hands helplessly and said, I'm already twenty years old. Too much, how can I learn ballet? And what is the use of learning ballet?

Then what's the use of learning fighting and rope skills?

I was...

It's not negotiable. If you don't go to class, I will report you to the Gotham City Police Department for driving in the middle of the night and disturbing the people.

Ye Yi sighed deeply, and said, How can I learn to dance at my age? Besides, it's still such a difficult classical ballet?

Didn't you learn acrobatics before? The soft foundation should be much better than others, right? Dick is not sleepy now, and he chimed in beside him: I am too late to learn ballet at my age, but the first class I went to I was praised by all the teachers, because my flexibility foundation is so good that I don’t need to practice at all.”

But after all I've...

Mr. Sylvia said that many people cannot have both softness and strength. Although children have good flexibility, they often lack a sense of strength due to insufficient muscle mass. If adults have a foundation in softness, then they It will be much better than children in the performance of the sense of strength.

Thomas immediately nodded in satisfaction, and Ye Yi covered his eyes with his hands helplessly and said, Okay, but I hope to have a private teacher, and I don't want to dance with those kids.

Tuesday and Thursday classes are tutoring. Thomas nodded and said, You don't have to go to Friday's intensive training class, but because you are so old, you should put Latin learning on the agenda...

Nightwing was one head and two big, and Red Hood and Red Robin were leaning against each other in exactly the same posture, hugging the pillow and giggling happily, but when Thomas' eyes turned to them, they immediately stopped laughing.

Although Bruce has arranged courses for you, I don't think some basic courses can be left behind, especially language skills that may come in handy at any time. You each choose three languages ​​that you don't know, Alf Red will help you connect with suitable tutors, no less than five classes a week, and I will come back every Friday night to check homework.

Both Red Robin and Red Hood wailed, but at this moment Damian raised his hand and said, What about me? What about me?

Thomas looked up and down the youngest Damian, glanced at Bruce again, and said with some embarrassment: Although I think education should start from an early age, Bruce thinks that young children should pay more attention to developing their intelligence, otherwise... You and Elsa go to sensory integration class together?

God! Damian said in shock, I am proficient in listening, speaking, reading and writing in 16 languages, and I can read Latin, oracle bone inscriptions, and seal script. Proficient in playing 28 kinds of musical instruments, jumping more than 30 kinds of folk dances, skiing, diving, stunt motorcycles, climbing the Himalayas and challenging diving records, farming, fish farming, wild survival, and read all modern books Philosophy, you told me to go to preschool??!!

Thomas' eyeballs nearly popped out.

As expected of the Wayne family. Red Hood curled his lips and said.

Thomas stood up with a bass, stared at Damian with green eyes and said, Are you born to Bruce Wayne??!!!

Yes, my mother is...

It doesn't matter who your mother is! A young and frivolous pleasure, a heartbroken mother... I understand it all!

Ah Fu! Ah Fu! You have another job to do, get rid of his background! I want to take him to the shareholders right away!

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