The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1468 Asuka and return (twenty)

When Thomas rushed down the stairs in a suit, he hurriedly took the fully dressed Damian from Afu. He took two steps back, looked at Damian's attire, and said, The shirt is still there. Not bad, but the overalls... well, it's not our time, fine, that's it, where's the car?

It's already parked in front of the door, sir...

Thomas hugged Damian, and before going out, he turned his head and glanced at Bruce who was leaning on the sofa in a daze, and said, You take care of your illness. If you are really uncomfortable, I will ask Afu to take you to the hospital.

Then he glanced at the other people on the sofa and said, Give me a good lesson, and I will come back on Friday night to check my homework.

When he left in a hurry, Red Hood spread his hands and said, I don't think he has much time to check his homework.

He and Damian are a perfect match. Red Robin commented, and then he continued: I used to think that no father in this world would accept a child like Damian. wrong.

What's more frightening is that he thinks Damian can be further trained? Ye Yi shook his head and said helplessly, I really don't know how far they have to learn to be satisfied.

But I'm sure he will ask the ballet teacher about your progress. Red Robin's words froze the smile on Ye Yi's face.

Ye Yi just wanted to ask why, but Red Robin said, In a big family, the eldest son and youngest son get the most attention. Don't think you can escape with Damian.

Nightwing, like a deflated ball, muttered, If Thomas wasn't going to meet Batman in our universe one day, I wouldn't be in some fucking ballet class.

Who isn't? said Red Hood, crossing his arms. I bet he's the kind of parent who can tell us we haven't done homework in our lives if we don't do a page of homework.

Hey, didn't any of you pay attention to Bruce's situation? Barbara sat across from Bruce, stretching her head to look into Bruce's eyes.

Logically speaking, this is already an extremely offensive social distance, but Bruce seemed a little slow to react, and it took a long time for him to lean back to avoid Barbara's gaze.

At this time, Alfred, who sent Thomas out, came back. He went to the cloakroom next to him and took out a lot of blankets, and distributed them to everyone one by one.

The outside visitors were a little puzzled. They stood there for a long time not knowing what to do, but several children had already put on blankets and walked towards the gate leading to the garden. Even the sleepy Dick didn't go upstairs immediately. Instead, he staggered out at the end of the line.

Although Red Robin didn't know what they were going to do, he put on the blanket graciously, followed the children's line and said, Where is this going, the garden? Is there any group activity going on?

It's better not to be like last night. Red Hood deliberately swung the blanket over Ye Yi's head behind him, messing up his hair, seeing Ye Yi's stiffened expression, Red Hood laughed.

When everyone came to the garden, Red Robin immediately discovered that there was something different in the garden of Wayne Manor in this universe. A separate piece of land was set aside in the southeast corner, and a small square was built with Bench benches and swings.

Several children sat on the swing, so the rest of the people could only sit on the bench next to them, looking at the remains of the bonfire in the middle of the small square, Red Robin asked curiously: Why are we sitting here?

You'll know later. Jason waved his hand impatiently and said, Don't drop your jaws in shock later.

What could make us...

Before the red hood could finish speaking, a glare of light flashed across the sky, and then the halo became bigger and bigger, until everything in front of him was illuminated in bright white, and the outlines of all objects were blurred.

This light is actually not very bright, but if compared with the weather in Gotham, it is like the first light when the universe was born, and Lucifer, the original light of the first light, was once amazed by this phenomenon, and said: Said that he was far inferior to it.

It's dawn in Gotham.

A few little birds that had traveled through the rainy night for a long time landed in a river bend full of light. The long-lost sunshine made the water droplets on their feathers shine, and the wind passing through the folded reeds dried the hair on their temples. wet.

For many years, people living in this land have always forced their hearts to beat a little stronger to pump out more warm blood to survive one cold night after another.

And when the sun first covered them with a warm coat, the superheated blood would make them hover on the verge of spontaneous combustion. The blood rushed from the heart to the brain, and then they became dizzy.

Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, and Barbara all stood up from their chairs, and looked up sillyly at the blue sky exposed in the rippling clouds, and the blue sky that came out from the hole in the dark clouds. bright sunshine.

The surging heat from inside their bodies makes them yearn for a rain. No one will fall in love with cloudy and rainy days in a city with constant rain all year round, unless they know that it will be sunny one day.

Sunshine is not scarce. Nightwing used to walk on the sunny beach for countless days in Bludhaven. At that time, he would think of the rainy night in Gotham, but he never had the luck of escaping from the rainy night to enjoy the sunshine. Only deep sorrow and longing.

They are all the same, because they all know who it is, waiting in the cold and dark city rainy night after rainy night, and every time they miss it, they understand the greatness of the Dark Knight.

Today, the sunshine of Gotham made them understand that the Dark Knight in this universe is even greater.

Ye Yi looked up at Alfred who was serving hot tea, Red Hood hugged himself and rubbed his arms, Red Robin carefully stared at the outermost circle of light in the hole in the clouds, Barbara turned her head to admire the shadow of the tree bright spots.

They are all hiding their true thoughts in the same way. In such a great light, how can they not think of the darkness that has been missed a thousand times?

The birds who landed in Guangming River Bend still feel that this is not home. They rested in the reeds for a while, letting the sun make their wet feathers fluffy and soft.

On another sunny day, they bid farewell to the bends and reeds, the soft fluffy floc-like birds hid the bright remnants in the warm fluff, and then took off again, over the mountains, lakes and seas, over the Thunderstorms, only to bring the same heat to the dark caves far away under the rain clouds.

Batman... Nightwing spat out a name, his voice full of complex emotions and obvious urgency.

He should have come here, said Red Hood, more bluntly than he, Look at this miracle.

Or we'll watch for him, Red Robin continued.

My God, we should go back and tell him! Who of you has a camera? Let me take a picture! Barbara yelled, Anyway, I'm going to send this picture now Go back! Give my dad one more, they will be very happy.

Not a single one of them longed for the warmth of the sun, but they all turned and walked back, looking for something to record the scene and bring it to Batman, preferably as soon as possible, maybe even see it on his face. To the surprised expression.

But at this moment, Dick exclaimed from the bench next to him: Bruce...Bruce! What's wrong with you?!

Several people looked back and found that Bruce had collapsed beside the bench. Red Robin, who was closest to Bruce, rushed over to help Bruce up, but Bruce stood up grabbing the armrest of the bench.

He rubbed his forehead and shook his head and said: I'm fine, the logic of the action conflicts, it's all over.

You don't look like you're okay! exclaimed the Red Hood. I know Batman isn't going to the hospital, but you passed out!

I just adjust... Bruce said a little stiffly, but the next second his arm seemed to lose strength suddenly, and he fell down next to the bench again.

Now that several people rushed to help him, Ye Yi said worriedly: Should we call the ambulance? This looks a bit like a cerebral infarction...

Didn't Thomas say that he has a mental illness? Could it be neurological epilepsy? Red Robin with a medical education background speculated, and then he frowned and said: If this is the case, we can't help it, we should hurry up Take him to the hospital.

But Batman probably won't...

He's not the Batman we know! Red Robin let go of Bruce's hand, and walked towards the gate of the manor. Alfred was already standing by the telephone, and Red Robin walked over to have a look. , the phone numbers of hospitals and private doctors are all ready.

After hesitating for a while, Red Robin decided to call the hospital. Mental problems are very troublesome to deal with, and sometimes sedatives may be needed, and private doctors can't solve this kind of problem.

After a while, the ambulance from New Arkham Psychiatric Hospital arrived. Several Robins hesitated before getting into the ambulance. Red Hood looked at Red Robin and said, What do you think? Send Batman to Acre Mu Lunatic Asylum?!

In this universe, Batman is not Batman, and Arkham Asylum is not Arkham Asylum. Red Robin sighed and said, Otherwise, do you have a solution?

Red Hood glanced at Bruce who was being carried on a stretcher, and sighed deeply. At this time, Nightwing had already stepped into the ambulance, and waved to the two of them, Anyway, he helped our The Batman of the world, so we should help him too, that's the creed of the Bat-family.

Of course I know. Red Robin got into the ambulance, looked at Bruce's pale face and said, He hasn't had time to have his own Bat Family, so this is naturally our responsibility.

Red Hood also came up, and said: Even if someone fainted on the street, I would take him to the hospital... Barbara, don't come up, stay at Wayne Manor, watch them and the Batcave!

The ambulance door closed soon, and the three followed the ambulance from the New Arkham Psychiatric Hospital to the hospital's consulting room. Dr. Brand checked Bruce's condition and made a diagnosis.

It may be a limb disorder caused by insanity. Brand frowned and said, What did he do to his brain? Why doesn't he even have a simple limb reflex?

The expressions of the three immediately became tense, but soon Brand said again: People will have a certain degree of physical abnormalities when they are nervous, and they can usually recover through relaxation and recuperation. Since he did not show aggressiveness, Then you don’t need sedatives, just rest for a few days.”

Red Robin heard what he meant, so he asked tentatively, Is it mental tension caused by fatigue?

Probably. Brand only gave a vague answer, but the three Robins looked at each other, Ye Yi sighed deeply and said, Do you remember the sunny day just now?

Standing by the bed, Red Robin folded his arms and stared into Bruce's face. It's hard to imagine what a Batman would have to do to bring Gotham back to light.

I just said that Batman shouldn't have sent us here! Red Hood yelled very dissatisfied: What now? Let's make him mess up!

The three of them fell silent. In their impression, the Batman they knew could already be called the scariest workaholic in the world, but he still didn't let Gotham have a sunny day.

And now that the Gotham of this universe actually sees the sun, how tired is the Batman of this universe to achieve such an achievement?

Maybe he was already at the end of his strength, but in the end, a few of his own people came over and made him flustered. Under the heavy pressure, the mental problems were reflected on the body, which led to the current situation.

Guilt spread in the silence. The thing Robin hated most was being a drag on Batman. The stronger Batman was, the more they hated themselves for being a weakness.

At this moment, Bruce woke up suddenly. He swallowed hard and said intermittently, Come me...

What are you doing? The three immediately gathered around, even the most impatient Red Hood pricked up his ears.

I have something... help me...

Bruce repeated a few words vaguely. Neither Nightwing nor Red Hood quite understood what he meant. Red Robin looked at the other two as if he suddenly realized, and said, Do you remember, he told Damian that he What are you going to do next?

Oh, meeting devil clients, going to hell weddings, giving cats and dogs, and getting things from Diana? He wants us to help him with these things?

Bruce nodded vigorously, then passed out again, and the three of them looked at each other for an instant, and they all saw the firmness in each other's eyes.

Red Hood patted his chest and said, Leave it to me, which Batman is not helping?

And the moment Red Hood and Yeyi looked at each other, they both found surprise in each other's eyes.

Isn't it the deepest affirmation and the most special appreciation that a great Batman who brought Gotham back to light chose them when he needed help?

Let's go back to Wayne Manor and hold a combat meeting!

Ye Yi took the lead and led the other two out of the room. After they left, Bruce on the hospital bed slowly opened his eyes, sat up without hindrance, and walked steadily to the window.

Through the window, Bruce watched the smug backs of the three youths disappear outside the gate of the New Arkham Psychiatric Hospital, showing a slight smile.

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