The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1466 Bird and return (eighteen)

When Bruce returned to Wayne Manor with the three Robins, Thomas was arguing with Nightwing.

The way it happened, Thomas and Nightwing apparently didn't have enough time to get Dick to finish his French homework, so when Thomas went up to check his homework, he was miserable.

In fact, it’s not that Dick didn’t write at all, it’s just that the point that he wrote was written blindly when he was too sleepy. This is more fatal than not writing, because it very well reflects his French level——Dick successfully let France and the Empire on which the sun never sets prosper again at the end of the twentieth century.

Thomas was furious after reading it. He himself felt that he had tried his best to suppress his anger and talk to Dick, but Ye Yi felt that he was too demanding, and Dick couldn't open his sleepy eyes. The most important thing now was to let Dick He sleeps, otherwise it would be downright abusive, so the two get into an argument.

Off topic is an indispensable part of the quarrel. After arguing, the two of them quarreled on the topic of the relationship between ballet and French.

Ye Yi felt that learning ballet and learning French were not necessarily related, so there was no need to learn together. Even if he wanted to learn French, he didn't have to learn ballet. Thomas' thinking was, You don't know ballet yet? Let's learn together. Let's go.

In fact, there is no reason to talk to a patriarch like Thomas. Anyway, in the end, all logic will return to the eternal argument of you are the father or I am the father. Of course, it is impossible for Ye Yi to feel that he can As Batman's father's father, he can't quarrel with Thomas at all.

And when Bruce came back, he was turning his head to talk to Red Robin.

...Since you have the foundation of surgical techniques, I think you only need to add two extra classes to take the second round of anatomy classes with Harley...

I can give you extra lessons, but I'll be busy later, so you can go with Harley to help the unknown lady. She has recently achieved significant research results in skin regeneration, and she has published three articles in a short period of time. District, if you can get a first-class work on this subject, it will not be difficult to get an offer from the Metropolitan University School of Medicine...

Then, he turned to the other side and said to Red Hood: I don't think you are interested in medicine. I can contact Bain and Deathstroke who are still staying at the Mercenary Union Hotel on the island and ask if he can be Your partner.

I don't know if Bane in your universe uses chemical agents to strengthen himself, but if you want to fight against him, it's better to learn about chemistry. Zatanna is studying with Professor Klein now, and I can give you extra You add a week of extra lessons, and then you can catch up...

Thomas stopped arguing with Nightwing and listened carefully. He heard the kid in the red hood mumble a few words, but finally said: Fighting with Bane and Deathstroke is not just about solving chemistry problems. Just about everything...

It doesn't matter, even if you are cut in half, the puppeteer can sew you back up again.

Instead of looking at the pursed red hood, Bruce paused again, waited for Damian behind him, and then put his hand on his back and said, I never expected that you are the most comprehensive learner in the Bat family. , but I don’t think you have much chance to practice business, so I think I can hand over the villain island to you for a while...

Damian was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lit up. He quickly followed Bruce and asked, Can I run the entire island? Really?

Yes, but you still have a lot to learn. Tomorrow, I will take you to meet the two magicians introduced by Constantine and their contracted demons. They are our future customers.

Three days later, we will go to hell to attend the wedding of Beelzebub's 32nd daughter. He specially invited me to be the witness of the wedding. Then we will go to the dream world to pick up Clark's dog and send him to Mexico. We will be reunited, and we will accompany Diana back to her brother on Mount Olympus to pick up a custom-made item there and send it to the space station where she is working...

When he reached the stairs, Bruce held on to the handrail and said, Okay, remember to arrange everything, and go back to sleep.

The three obediently returned to their room without saying a word. Thomas and Yeyi stood in the living room and stared at Bruce together. Thomas frowned first and asked, What ecstasy soup did you pour into them? ?”

Why is my bank card frozen? Bruce remembered another thing.

Are you still ashamed to ask?! Thomas blew his beard and stared. He said very dissatisfied: The Wayne Group's economy has finally improved a bit. You spend 1.5 billion dollars a month. You know what the consequences will be. ?

Of course, the financial situation of the Wayne Group will become precarious. Bruce stood behind the back of the sofa, folded his arms and said, Then we can borrow money from the banks and the state, and they have to lend us, because they don't Could bring the Wayne Group down, and if there isn't enough money, print it.

Thomas was speechless. He looked at Bruce and said, Is the money obtained from overdrafting the country's finances spent for you?

But I do need money.

Do you think I will subsidize you without restraint?

Of course you will.


Because if you don't, I'll report you as a communist.

Thomas froze.

Bruce walked up to Thomas slowly, looked him in the eyes and said, Sixteen of the 32 newly registered companies in the last month must have the largest payments to countries other than Mexico, right?

Thomas slowly narrowed his eyes, and he said in a dangerous tone: ...are you checking my account?

I don't have one, but I have my own way. Bruce spread his arms again and said, I'll share half of the military expenses, so I just pretend I don't know.

You want to threaten me?

Of course not, it's just a coincidence.

...a third, tell me what's wrong.

Half, don't bargain.

Thomas stared at Bruce in silence for a long time, then took a step back after a while, looked him from head to toe as if he knew him again, and then he took a deep breath and said.

Deal, tell me how you found out.

And Bruce had already walked back to the door of his room along the stairs. He stood in front of the upstairs patio and looked back down, and then only left a sentence before entering the door.

Within the United States, there is nothing wrong with it.

The door of the room was closed with a bang, Thomas retracted his upward gaze, and for a moment he showed a shocked expression as if he had thought of something.

Afu! Afu!!! Thomas said as he walked towards the cloakroom: Get ready for the car, I'm going out! Hurry up!

After Alfred answered, Thomas cursed in a low voice from the cloakroom.

Why is this damned prodigal so bold?! How can he guarantee that he will not be discovered... Ah Fu! Ah Fu! Get me the phone book, I have to contact the people over there to make sure he is not on the contact list... and With the CIA...

The voice of Thomas, who had already run out, disappeared into the night sky. Ye Yi in the living room didn't understand what they were arguing about, but only remembered words like Mexico, Maximum Money, and CIA.

He looked down at his watch, it was already early in the morning, and it would be dawn in a while. After tossing around for most of the night, Ye Yi felt a little tired, so he walked back to the room slowly, and threw himself on the soft bed I want to have a good sleep on the big bed.

Ye Yi thought he would not be able to sleep. He often fell into deep fatigue after a hectic day, but he could not fall asleep at all, but there were some exceptions today. He slept well until Alfred knocked on the door and called He ate breakfast, and he still couldn't wake up in a daze.

Sleepy-eyed Ye Yi stepped out of the door, looked down the patio, and saw that other people had already gathered on the sofa waiting for breakfast.

Barbara Gordon rushed into Wayne Manor in a hurry. She took a few sips from the water glass on the coffee table, spread her hands and said, You all don't know how crazy I was last night!

What's the matter? Red Robin asked, holding a glass of water.

Barbara gasped for breath first, and then said: Last night, a group of gang bosses rushed to James' house, that is, the damn Gordon Manor, and insisted on discussing the rap contest held in Gotham with him! They settled the bill for half the night!

A rap contest? Red Hood's facial features were wrinkled.

Barbara looked at his expression and suddenly realized: Oh, you don't know, do you? There is a rapper in Gotham who is very popular recently. He has been in the top ten of the Billboard list for a week. He just entered the front last night. Three, tomorrow may be the number one hit.

His nickname is 'Gotham Kid'. A rap album has become popular all over the world. I heard that it is a strong contender for this year's Grammy Awards. Gotham has also become popular. The mayor wants to use this to boost tourism.

Damn it! Red Hood scolded, Gotham develops tourism? Who wouldn't want to come to Gotham for tourism?

Barbara sat on the sofa, sitting on the right side of Bruce. She took another sip of water and said calmly, Don't tell me, Gotham is so hot right now, it's become a gangsta rap scene. Hometown, many people are very curious about this place.”

It's ridiculous, Red Robin commented.

There are even more absurd ones. Barbara glanced at Bruce next to her and said, What do you think is the name of the hit album of that red-and-purple Gotham kid?

What's your name? Red Hood asked curiously while picking up a water glass to drink.

'King of Gotham'!


The red hood spit out a sip of water, and then coughed, the three Robins looked at Bruce who was fiddling with the computer at the same time.

Bruce's expression didn't fluctuate. He was fiddling with a very bulky box-like computer with a hard drive connected to it.

Barbara instinctively followed the eyes of the three Robins to look towards Bruce, and then found that Bruce's computer screen was the backstage of a certain bank.

What a weird Batman in this world, Barbara thought, who wouldn't mind someone calling himself King of Gotham?

Wait, bank back office? ? ?

Barbara looked at the computer screen in bewilderment, and then carefully looked at the distribution of patterns on the interface, and then cried out in shock.

Batman! What are you doing?!! Barbara yelled.

Bruce turned his head and glanced at her calmly, then turned back to continue fiddling with the computer, watching Bruce enter a number longer than the phone number into the input box, Barbara rushed forward and stopped him from clicking OK. Hand, repeated in horror.

Batman!! What are you doing?!!

Bruce fiddled with the card in his hand and said, My bank card is frozen, I have to do something.

Then why did you hack into the backstage of the Fed?!

I'm going to borrow some money.

Barbara froze in place, she stared at Bruce in disbelief, Bruce looked into her eyes quite sincerely and said.

What my teacher friend taught me - systemic borrowing in macroeconomics.


Borrow macroscopically and repay systematically.

Barbara was ripped apart, and even more ripped than she was by Nightwing, who had gone to the breakfast table to pick up the newspaper.

Ye Yi, who hadn't fully woken up from his sleep, was woken up by a line of big characters on the front page of the newspaper, and broke out in a cold sweat.

CIA Director James Woolsey stated that in the past month, several large and unknown sums of money have flowed into Mexico, or the Soviet Union secretly funded the communist movement!

Knowledge has been learned

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