The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 205 0139. Lilith——The strength of the final product

The woman in the coffin suddenly opened her eyes, and for a moment the air seemed to freeze.

Wesker suddenly stopped his feet and stopped not far from the inner coffin, looking at the girl motionless.

Hearing the sound, the girl turned her head and looked directly at Wesker expressionlessly.

Those moist and bright black eyes were filled with mysterious whirlpools like dreamy stars, as if they were sucking people's souls into pieces.

The first moment he looked into those eyes, Wesker suddenly lost himself. He seemed to have entered a black world, with boundless darkness surrounding him, making him immersed wholeheartedly in this oppressive darkness. , he couldn't feel his own existence, and his whole person, including his soul and thoughts, began to lose control from the outside to the inside.

Come in, come in. This is the world you really want. This is your true destination.

A dreamy soft voice called softly in his ear. This soft voice was the best sound he had ever heard in his life. It was like the sound of a dolphin with high-pitched ultrasonic waves outside the human hearing range. It was soft and graceful. .

Wesker, standing in the darkness, gently raised his steps and walked towards the depths of the darkness.

He lost himself at this moment, like a puppet on strings. He only knew how to follow the prompts of the voice, wanting to search, move forward, and move toward the boundless darkness.

Just when Wesker was about to completely lose his last bit of thinking, a powerful sense of crisis emerged from the bottom of his heart.

Wesker struggled hard, trying to exit this dark world. Unfortunately, it was too late. All the struggles were insignificant in the face of the world that enveloped him.

The only change was that the beautiful murmur disappeared and turned into forced mind control.

It seems to control Wesker in this world so that he can never escape.

Under the boundless pressure, Wesker clung to the remaining bit of self-awareness, and faced the difficulties with nerves as tough as steel wires, competing against the boundless pressure.

The entire black world turned into a violent sea of ​​chaos, setting off thousands of waves, crashing down on Wesker like a capsized tsunami.

At this moment, his weak consciousness was swallowed up by the waves. Wesker, who stayed in the black world, completely lost his self-control in the huge waves.

The light in his eyes gradually became dim like the last rays of the setting sun.

However, nothing happened to Wesker in reality at this moment, and he still maintained his original posture.

Suddenly, a pursuing tyrant waved a huge iron fist and hit Wesker firmly on the back. The fist, which was half the size of a normal human body, immediately knocked Wesker away.

The powerful force prevented the blood in Wesker's body from having time to spurt out, and directly turned into blood mist, spraying out from every pore of his body.

Maybe even the Tyrant himself didn't know it, but its punch rescued Wesker, who was about to be lost forever.

The severe pain in his body suddenly stimulated his consciousness. The dark world where Wesker lived faded away like a tide in an instant, and returned to the real world in the blink of an eye.

Lying on the ground, Wesker felt the meaning of the words It's good to be alive for the first time. Looking at the tyrant's blasted back, Wesker took a deep breath and raised his hands to wipe away the cold sweat on his temples.

The powerful virus recovery ability repairs his broken body all the time.

He looked deeply at the girl sitting in the metal coffin not far away, his eyes full of fear.

It’s worthy of being called the ‘final product’!

This girl, who looks as beautiful as an angel, is a combination of N-type - strength, Y-type - parasite, and W-type - wisdom.

, H type - life, the ultimate biochemical weapon integrating the characteristics of the four types of biochemical weapons developed by Umbrella.

What he just used on himself was a W-shaped mental attack.

If the tyrant hadn't come out and interrupted him in time, maybe a few seconds later, he would have turned into a zombie-like body without self-awareness.

Wesker is not afraid of physical injuries at all, but if his self-awareness is killed, he will really die.

At this moment, Wesker looked at those tyrants and became much more pleasing to the eye, even a little moved.

If the current situation didn't allow it, he would have wanted to take Brother Tyrant back to the base and add some chicken drumsticks to it.

But those who have faced death once will never dare to face it a second time.

Wesker left, or to be precise, escaped.

However, the tyrant's 'rescuing' move aroused the girl's dissatisfaction. In her setting, anyone who dares to force the coffin to be opened will be eliminated.

Wesker's escape made her angry, but she still had no expression on her face, just staring quietly at the tyrants walking towards her.

As a bystander, Alice didn't know what to do at this moment. She had no idea how terrifying this girl was, let alone that this seemingly beautiful and pure angel almost killed Wesker completely in just a short moment.

Seeing the tyrant and a large number of parasites surrounding the girl and herself, Alice subconsciously wanted to rescue the girl.

Suddenly a huge sound wave exploded inside Alice's skull. His whole head felt like being hit by a heavy hammer, his eyes went black, he fell limply to the ground holding his head, and rolled over.


Bang. Bang. Bang bang bang.

Dull explosions sounded one after another, with the girl as the center and the heads of the parasitic clones surrounding her exploding one by one from near to far.

In a short time, all the parasitic clones in Hushan Park had their heads exploded, and even the clones gathered at the bottom of the mountain began to explode in rows.

The eight-headed tyrant closest to the girl was holding his head and struggling in the same pain as Alice.

In the end, the tyrant could not resist this powerful sound wave. After the first head exploded, the remaining seven fell down one after another.

Alice herself has abilities such as telekinesis, and both her brainwaves and her mental power are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

But despite this, she was tortured by the sound waves and lost the ability to move, and could only struggle feebly.

After a long time, the sound waves finally subsided.

Alice shuddered and opened her eyes. Looking around, the entire ground of Hushan Park is covered in sticky plasma and brain matter.

Broken tentacles and exploding flesh and blood formed a carpet on the ground. Alice had the illusion that she was not standing on earth, but in hell.

Alice covered her mouth, her stomach churning. She wanted to vomit, but she couldn't. She could only bend over and face the ground and keep vomiting the acidic water.

At this moment, a cold left hand gently placed on Alice's back.

Alice couldn't help but tremble and turned her head sharply.

I saw the girl tilting her little head and observing Alice curiously with her amber eyes.

Although there was no danger in those eyes, Alice still felt as if she was being targeted by a demon.

She subconsciously wanted to stay away from him, but just after she came out of the pain, her body had become extremely weak.

what are you up to?

The wary look in Alice's eyes seemed to make the girl feel left out.

She carefully retracted her arm, with a look of grievance on her small face, and slowly retreated to the metal coffin.

The girl stroked the surface of the metal coffin and glanced at Alice from time to time. When she met Alice's gaze, she looked away like a thief who had been discovered, feeling guilty.

The girl's appearance made Alice a little confused. The girl didn't seem to want to hurt her. Could it be that I am overthinking it?

As soon as Alice came up with this idea, she immediately shook her head and rejected it. This girl is an extremely dangerous biological weapon!

A monster that can kill a large number of parasites just by sitting in a coffin. How could someone with such terrifying strength be so easy?

Alice just stared at the girl closely, while the girl kept looking at the metal coffin, as if only the small space in the coffin belonged to her.

Looking at the girl's appearance, Alice's heart suddenly seemed to be stabbed by something.

She saw deep loneliness in the girl's eyes, not just physical, but also spiritual loneliness.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you and the girl are not the same. They were all subjected to cruel and inhumane experiments by Umbrella, making themselves no longer like humans.

Such a beautiful girl has gone through so many cruel experiments. Maybe for her, having someone to talk to is a luxury.

Thinking of this, Alice's fear of the girl gradually faded, and instead she felt a strong sense of sympathy.

Hey! What's your name?

The girl was stunned for a moment, and her little hand stroking the coffin stopped in place. She opened her eyes wide and looked at Alice in disbelief.

When she found out that the other party was indeed talking to her, the girl's face instantly showed a look of joy.

I don't have a name, what's your name?

The girl looked at Alice expectantly.

My name is Alice.

Alice? The girl put her index finger on her chin and thought for a moment. Her big eyes instantly curved into a crescent shape: What a nice name. I also want a name. Can you help me choose it?

Alice was stunned when she heard the girl's question.

It seems that I don’t even know where the name ‘Alice’ comes from.

The memory of the past seems to be fragmented, without any impression.

Uh Li. Is the name 'Lilith' okay?

Lilith, Lilith. The girl whispered a few times, then jumped up happily, It sounds good, it sounds good, I like it very much.

Seeing the girl's happy expression, Alice also smiled.

At this moment, the two products of the ‘Goddess Project’ came together.

[HRT City]

Under the moonlit night, a man stood on the top of a tall building, looking towards the south with a solemn face.

The man was none other than Chen Chong, who entered HRT City in search of the last intelligent biochemical weapon. A feeling of uneasiness arose from the bottom of his heart, and Nanfang, who Chen Chong was watching silently, murmured to himself:

That seems to be the direction of Gutao Town! What happened there?

HRT City is a prefecture-level city located thirty kilometers southwest of Yushuwan Town. After meeting people like Ada and Chris, Chen Chong gave up the idea of ​​using thousands of tentacles to kill Goliath.

At present, he has devoured six intelligent biochemical weapons, and only the last one is left to unlock the king-level fighter.

[Hatchable sample: Black Light Fighter King Lv5 (14/15)]


Chen Chong let out a breath, raised the watch on his wrist, and tapped the screen gently.

Soon a red dot flashed on the screen, which was the location of Roshan.

Between the buildings, Chen Chong's figure moved quickly at the top of the building. When he came to the edge of the building, he glared hard, black and red blood streaks instantly broke away from the roof, and dark red mist spurted out from his limbs.

Chen Chong was like a free-flying bird, gliding towards the entrance of the lake in the distance.

The fierce wind roared in the ears, and the scenery on the ground continued to move backward and shrink. A huge pink mountain of meat appeared in Chen Chong's sight.

found it!

Chen Zhongzhong lowered his figure and accelerated his descent.

Not long after, they arrived in front of Roshan.

Several obese zombies were created, and they walked into the nearby corpses without complaint and sacrificed themselves.

The muffled sound of bang bang was heard for a long time.

Chen Chong clicked on the biochemical weapon's information, which showed that it was also a level four monster.

With the controller given by Ada Wang, these zombies seemed to have not seen Chen Chong and let him walk past them.

The last day! According to the plan mentioned by Ada Wang. Tomorrow evening, they will use the remaining 10 intelligent weapons to control the evolved zombie army and attack Linzhou City.

Although Chen Chong could completely stop it, he felt it was not necessary. Whether it was from Mo Qingning's mouth or his own observations.

The interior of Linzhou City is not harmonious, on the contrary, it is very chaotic. The attack of the evolved zombies is an external force that can be relied upon. Only with enough pressure can the senior officials of Linzhou City be forced to unite.

After coming out of Yushuwan Town, Chen Chong had a bad feeling. The blacklight virus may have spread. If Linzhou City does not unite now, there will be absolutely no chance of survival when facing a powerful black light creature one day in the future.

Come on! If it can't be avoided, I'd rather it come sooner.

Swallow activates!

Eight thick chains penetrated directly through Roshan's skin.

A large amount of virus tissue is turned into flesh and blood by the phagocytosis ability and absorbed into the body. This controlled biochemical weapon showed no resistance even though it was extremely painful.

The pink meat mountain shrank rapidly at an extremely fast speed.

After devouring half of the meat mountain in a row, Chen Chong finally felt like he was full. The energy storage organs in the body have also reached 100%.

Can’t wait to open the hatching bar:

[Hatchable sample: Black Light Fighter King Lv5 (hatching conditions have been met)]

[Estimated incubation time is 6 hours]

[Hatch finished product: Black Light Fighter King Lv5 (Quantity 1)]

It's done! A king-level thug, hehe.

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