The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 204 0138. Goddess Plan—The final product appears!

Under the moonlit night, Hushan Park is twisted like a dark hell. Silver clones with hollow heads surrounded the two people standing in front of the metal coffin from all directions.

However, Wesker seemed not to notice, and kept his smile on his face.

Suddenly, a black tentacle quickly wrapped around Wesker's neck at a speed that was difficult to discern with the naked eye.

Wesker gently raised his hand and firmly grasped the black tentacle in his hand.

Feeling the strange feeling coming from his hand, a look of curiosity flashed across his face.

This tentacle looks like gold but not gold, like iron but not iron. Although it looks soft, the surface it touches is very hard.

Wesker had never seen such a magical substance before, and he pulled harder with his hand. But I saw that the tentacle had been extended again, but there was no tendency to break.

The brief distraction allowed Thevenin to find an opportunity. He shrank suddenly and used the inertia of the tentacles to pull Wess in front of him.

Unexpectedly, Wesker's whole body seemed to be displaced, and his whole body pulled out an afterimage in the night sky. Not only did he release his tentacles in time, he also dodged the attacks of two clone monsters behind him.

Thevenin frowned and stared at Wesker in front of him. Although they had been together in Umbrella for a long time, today was the first time he saw Wesker use his abilities.

The opponent's movement speed just now was simply too fast to catch. This gave Thevenin a long-lost sense of fear in his heart.

In the blink of an eye, Wesker was wandering among the parasites, constantly harvesting monsters one after another, and the terrifying speed was getting stronger and stronger.

When Wesker turned to deal with the parasite man, Thevenin's eyes lit up.

The whole person leaned down and leaped high like a cheetah. Two black tentacles struck at Wesker's back, one from the left and the other from the right.

However, Wesker, who was fighting, seemed to have back eyes. He turned his back to the two tentacles and grabbed them with his backhand.

Before Thevenin could react, he immediately used his fastest speed and ran wildly towards the distance.

All this happened so suddenly that before Thevenin could catch up, the two tentacles were torn off in an instant.


Black and red blood spilled on the ground, and Thevenin screamed in pain. Black and red blood kept pouring out, repairing the wound.

It's just that he doesn't have the pure black light flesh and blood like Chen Chong. Even if he can repair it, the speed is still slow.

At this moment, he finally discovered a problem. He was no match for Wesker. He couldn't even touch him, so how could he fight?

Finally, Thevenin began to think about quitting, but when his eyes fell on the metal coffin, an unwillingness quickly took over his heart.

No! I have planned this for so long and paid so much. So much so that I turned into a monster that drinks blood and eats flesh!

I can't give up, absolutely can't give up.

Thevenin murmured, his clear eyes gradually turning scarlet.

He silently took out a button and pressed it hard.

In an instant, in an underground parking lot in the northwest of the town, eight metal cylinders standing here slowly opened from both sides.

A tyrant wearing armor slowly walked out of it. As if they had agreed, they strode together towards the Hushan Park not far away.

The eight-headed tyrants ran at the same time, and the entire ground shook.

At the same time, groups of clones wearing tone uniforms collectively woke up from the breeding warehouse, got up and walked out of the laboratory.

Give me the metal ring and I will stop them. You go!

Duan Feng escaped with the only two remaining people in Hushan Park, two streets away.

At this moment, the clothes on his body were soaked with sweat and blood, but he still held the metal ring and hammered the clones who were approaching them.

Brother Feng, let's go! Xiao Zhou has turned into a monster, and I don't want to live anymore.

This team member stubbornly held the metal ring and stood in front of Duan Feng. However, his evolutionary ability is hidden, not combat-based.

A clone who can only rely on the evolved body's superhuman physique to fight.

At this time, a tentacle on the clone's head curled towards his neck from the blind spot of his sight.


Duan Feng roared, dragging his injured body towards this side.

Seeing that the two tentacles were about to touch each other's skin, the clone monster stopped motionless in place as if the pause button had been pressed in the next second.

Duan Feng swung the metal ring and smashed the monster's head. The three of them stood back to back and looked doubtfully at these dazed monsters.

Before they could ask any questions, these monsters all turned in the direction of Hushan Park, and then left collectively along the street as if they hadn't seen them.

Brother Feng, why are they gone?

The team members looked at Duan Feng inquiringly, but their captain was also confused.

Maybe, probably, maybe, he went back to eat.

Bar chi

A cloned monster had its head blown off by Wesker with one hand. Scarlet tentacles fell to the ground one after another, shaking constantly due to the inertia of twitching.

Wesker stepped over the monster's body, strode up to Thevenin and clapped his hands gently:

Your parasite product is outdated. Such low-level things should not be used for fun.

how did you find me?

Thevenin looked at Wesker quietly with an unwilling attitude of a loser.

It's not difficult to find you. Umbrella has obtained satellite surveillance capabilities over Daxia. And when you used these reserve resources, I already noticed you. So.


Ho ho. ho

Before Wesker could finish his words, a dagger had already pierced his neck.

Wesker struggled to turn his head, saw Alice appearing behind him, and then slowly slid to the ground.

The appearance of Alice also startled Thevenin.

He looked at the woman in front of him in surprise. This person who was listed as the highest threat by Umbrella actually appeared here.

Are you a clone?


A shoe gradually enlarged in the field of vision and kicked Thevenin hard on the head with a sound of breaking through the air.

The powerful force broke Thevenin's neck, and his neck and head actually folded into a right angle from the back.

Fine blood foam got stuck at the base of his neck and could not be sprayed out. It could only stretch Thevenin's chin wider and wider.

Seeing Thevenin's ugly posture, Alice sneered and turned towards the metal coffin.

But when she turned her head, she discovered that Wesker, who had been killed by her with a dagger, had disappeared.

Alice's eyes widened in disbelief, and the next second an arm holding a dagger was already on her neck.

It's so perfect! I have found both the final product of the Goddess Project and the experimental products. I can't believe it.

Wesker controlled Alice with excitement. Today was simply his lucky day.

The loss of the King of Destruction's heart is definitely a huge loss to the Goddess Project.

Without the heart, a vehicle that continuously transforms energy, the final biochemical weapon will become something that cannot continue to grow.

However, what he didn't expect was that Alice, who he longed for, would also appear here.

Compared to destroying the king's heart, Alice's ability to become stronger all the time is truly part of the goddess's plan.

When Alice was first captured in Raccoon City, Umbrella's top management was already preparing to cultivate Alice to become part of the final product.

Unexpectedly, in a twist of events, Alice, who was originally out of control, appeared again.

This feeling of joy after loss made Wesker eager to return to Wuchao Base immediately.

If you can fuse Alice into the final product, then you can control the most powerful biochemical weapon that keeps getting stronger every moment!

That will be the most powerful weapon in the world!


A powerful thought force emanated from Alice's body and spread on the ground. The bluestone floor two fingers thick was shattered in an instant, and then was lifted into the air with the soil below. Wesker, who was slightly distracted, was struck by this. The sudden blow sent him flying.

His body was caught between the soil and gravel, and he flew backwards for more than 20 meters uncontrollably. He didn't stop until he broke three stone pillars in succession.

Alice touched her neck where the skin was broken by the dagger, and a drop of blood slipped from her thumb. Her blue eyes flashed with a dangerous luster, full of murderous intent towards Wesker!

Dong Dong Dong Dong

Dong Dong Dong Dong

At this time, a dull sound sounded from a distance. The entire ground trembled slightly.

The direction where Alice's confused voice came from was eight tall tyrants running towards the top of Hushan Park.

Looking around, following the eight-headed tyrant were a swarm of silver clones. The parasites in their bodies had fully taken effect.

Some had their mouths split open, and four mouthparts with sharp teeth sprouted out. Some have snail-like heads, swinging the tentacles on their heads to gather in the park.

Alice subconsciously looked at Thevenin's body and saw countless fine black and red blood threads, slowly repairing the wounds on the body like small snakes.

The broken neck also began to correct itself bit by bit.

Alice shook her head in disbelief. It didn't matter if she didn't die with a knife stuck in her neck. How could this person survive after being kicked in the neck and deformed?

Wesker, who flew backwards, was indeed not dead. He slowly stood up and shook off the debris from his body.

The iconic sunglasses stuck on the bridge of his nose were nowhere to be found, and his scarlet eyes were like a volcano about to erupt.

Click, click, click

Wesker twisted his neck and made a few crisp noises. He stared straight at Alice not far away, and was about to rush away if he moved.

Suddenly, a thick tree was uprooted and then spun towards where Wesker was.

Wesker's expression changed, his entire figure flashed, and he had avoided the falling tree in a matter of milliseconds.

Turning his head to look, he saw a five-meter-tall tall guy running toward him with a clear purpose.


Wesker said in surprise, and subconsciously took a few steps back.

The first time I saw this thing, it was in a war report from DSLF. This monster is no less powerful than an H-type 'slayer', and is even stronger than the killer in terms of strength.

Thevenin actually got something like this.

Wesker put away his contemptuous thoughts and became serious.

Whether it's Alice, whose abilities have been doubled, or these tyrants, he can't easily deal with them.

Although he has subsonic speed, his strength and defense are not very high.

He paid close attention to the surrounding tyrants, and then deliberately approached Alice, hoping to divert trouble to the east.

When she looked back, Alice was already standing in front of the metal coffin, throwing the quick-explosion grenades carried by a dozen clones into the pit of the coffin.

Stop! Don't touch it!

Wesker yelled, trying to stop Alice as fast as he could.


Along with a dazzling fire, a large amount of floating soil flew out.

The entire metal coffin rolled twice with huge destructive force and stood vertically on the ground.

Alice was dumbfounded.

I don’t know what kind of metal the coffin is made of, but several quick-explosion grenades did not cause any damage to it.

When Wesker saw this scene, he stared at the coffin nervously, and even saw fine beads of sweat on his temples.

It’s over! Out of control!

In order to prevent the final product of the plan from being destroyed, this metal coffin will wake up early if it is affected by external forces.

It’s really hard to imagine what a final product without a control chip would look like!

Boom, boom, boom, boom~

The metal coffin made a mechanical clicking sound, and a white stream spurted out from around the lid of the coffin, and then slowly opened.

The coffin that Alice was staring at nervously had powerful telepathy gathered around her body, always ready to destroy the terrible thing inside at the first opportunity.

However, when the coffin was completely opened and the product inside was revealed, Alice was stunned.

Golden hair, cheeks as white as warm jade, and long eyelashes tightly closed. The blush, pink neck, and even the collarbone of the neck seem to be carefully carved.

A cut-out black body-shaping garment as smooth as water clings tightly to the girl's skin. The proud bust and slender waist are enough to make any woman jealous.

Alice looked at the girl quietly, and at some point she took the initiative to dissipate her telekinesis.

beautiful! She is so beautiful! It's so beautiful that you can't even think of cruelty.

Wesker on the side couldn't care less about admiring the girl's beauty. He was annoyed by the pursuit of the eight-headed tyrant.

He gave up the idea of ​​taking Alice away and simply targeted the girl in the coffin. As long as he takes away the end product, his plan is not a failure.

But when he was about to approach the coffin, the girl lying inside slowly opened her eyes.

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