[Incubation Product: Black Light Fighter King Lv5]

[Health value: 5000]

【Strength: 50】

[Defense: 28]

[Stamina: 34]

【Speed: 32】

[Special abilities: 1. King’s bloodline: has the ability to deter low-level mutated creatures, reducing the target’s attributes by 30%

2. Fighter's three consecutive attacks: perform three consecutive attacks in a short period of time, causing extremely high damage to the target's defense.

3. Black light regeneration: The powerful black light virus can repair injured flesh and blood tissue in a short time.

4. Dodge: Hard skin can withstand most physical damage. (Exclusive to king-level fighters)

5. Loyalty: All incubation products obey the instructions of the host. (If the level is 2 levels higher than the host, it will not be controlled.)]

More than six hours had passed since Chen Chong devoured the intelligent biochemical weapon. After returning to Linzhou City, he was undergoing the last hour of quarantine in an isolation tent.

With the cortical officer's certificate given by He Hua, Chen Chong's isolation time was half shorter than that of ordinary people.

At this moment, the person in charge of the quarantine area was sitting in Chen Chong's tent chatting with him.

This person is the young soldier who guarded the checkpoint before.

I really admire you! In just a few days, you have been promoted to the instructor of the special operations team! That is a special operations team!

I said brother, how did you do it?

Chen Chong smiled: Hey! It's just luck! How did you get transferred from the checkpoint to the quarantine area?

The soldier raised his chin a little proudly: Don't tell me, I'm also very lucky. Three days ago, a few people who passed the checkpoint were infected with the virus under the instructions of someone who didn't know who they were!

I was changing my shift at that time, and I accidentally bumped into one of them while passing by. This collision was considered a great achievement for me.

No, all the brothers on duty that day were punished, and I was the only one who got a promotion.

Chen Chong narrowed his eyes as he listened: You mean someone brought the virus to the city? What kind of virus is it? How many people are carrying the virus?

Is it the T-Virus? I heard this from a fellow member of the laboratory later. I guess a total of five people were caught at the checkpoint gate.

Chen Chong asked hurriedly: Does each of them have the virus?

Yes! It's on every one of them.

Chen Chong took a deep look at the soldier, but in his mind he recalled what Ada said to him that day in the cabin.

Ada said that she had replaced the T-virus hidden in the city. Three days ago was the day Zhang Zhongxian was killed.

Judging from the timeline, the virus Ada replaced was transported into the city that day.

And the one carrying the virus is probably a fish that slipped through the net.

but! Ada just gave herself a dose of the virus. No one can tell how many fish escaped the net that day.

And if Umbrella wanted to implement the plan, she must have considered that she would be found to be carrying the virus. So.

Did Ada Wang lie to herself?

Chen Chong was troubled in his heart. You never know what that woman will do until the last moment. If she really lied to herself and deliberately let herself relax her vigilance.

Then when zombies attack the city tomorrow evening, Linzhou City will receive a fatal blow.

no! I have to leave quickly!

Chen Chong suddenly stood up: Brother, I have something urgent to do now, can I spare the last hour?

The young soldier was stunned for a moment, then looked around: Yes, you can, but don't say anything outside!


The soldier's eyes were dazzled. Chen Chong, who was still in the tent just now, disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Holy shit! High, high, master.

In the conference room of the barracks, He Hua and Adjutant Wu were still studying certain topics. On the table were several newly taken photos.

It is not difficult to see from the picture that the black instrument is the virus detector that Chen Chong placed at the gate of the Fuxing Meeting.

You mean Chen Chong left the city directly after coming out of here?

Yes. But he is now in the quarantine area and undergoing quarantine.

Oh. He Hua nodded slightly, then pointed to the picture on the table and said, What is this?

Adjutant Wu pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said seriously: This is what I want to report to you. Liu Xiaojie, the captain of the city defense team, reported a situation to me before. He said that there was a 'virus detector' in the Fuxing Meeting. .

At first I thought it was a bit unbelievable, so I went to see it myself.

According to Liu Xiaojie, Chen Chong personally told him about this instrument. He also said that he made it himself, but the accuracy of the detection remains to be tested.

The more He Hua listened, the more strange he became. This virus detector was not nonsense. If Linzhou City masters this ability, the army can directly avoid the isolation period, and the station capacity that the entire city can develop can more than double.

In the past, they only dared to use half of their troops at most. The remaining half of the troops was to prevent the army from being able to effectively control the city during the isolation period.

In this regard, they have been investing a lot of manpower and material resources in research. Now that a virus detector suddenly appeared, how could He Hua not be tempted by this.

Xiao Wu, what do you think?

Adjutant Wu paused: Based on my observations of Chen Chong, I don't think he is a person who likes to brag and talk nonsense. If he dares to speak out, he will naturally have his support.

However, we do not rule out the possibility that he is talking nonsense, after all, we have just dealt with him.


He Hua patted the table gently, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes:

You go to the quarantine area and invite Chen Chong over. If this instrument is really useful, then we can go to the missile base immediately. At present, the problem of winter supplies and food in the city is already imminent.

And the monsters that appear in Elm Bay Town are also a huge hidden danger. We have to speed up!


Adjutant Wu stood at attention and saluted, and was about to turn around and go out.

Unexpectedly, a messenger has already rushed to the barracks: Report to the commander, the special operations team leader Chen Chong wants to see you!


He Hua and Adjutant Wu looked at each other, then moved away silently.

It really means Cao Cao Cao Cao has arrived.

Please come in quickly!

Adjutant Wu took the initiative to walk to the door and welcomed Chen Chong in enthusiastically.

Sir He! I have something very important to report to you!

He Hua was surprised: Oh? What is it?

I suspect someone brought the biochemical virus into the city.

He Hua immediately sat up straight and looked at Chen Chong with a serious face: Is this true? How did you find out?

Chen Chong did not speak but took out a blue spiral T virus from his pocket.

As soon as this thing appeared, everyone in the room subconsciously held their breath.

Where did you get this thing?

He Hua stared at Chen Chong with wide eyes.

Sir, can you ask the brothers outside to bring in the thing I brought?

Before entering, the virus detector Chen Chong brought had been confiscated by the soldiers guarding the door.

The anxious He Hua didn't even ask, he just said hello outside, and soon the soldiers brought in a virus detector that was exactly the same as the one in the photo.

Huh? Is this the virus detector? He Hua asked directly.


Chen Chong answered and then turned on the switch of the instrument. Suddenly, the red light on the instrument began to flash rapidly, and a piercing alarm sounded.

【alarm! alarm! Virions detected nearby. 】

The soldiers outside the house rushed in when they heard the noise, but were scolded by Adjutant Wu.

He Hua slowly stood up and walked over: This is it?

Chen Chong held the T-virus container in his hand and said, Originally, I planned to bring this virus detector here, but when I was passing by the slums, the instrument suddenly rang.

So I quickly targeted a civilian in ragged clothes. After the other person found out that he was exposed, he started running to the river, trying to throw the virus into the river. But in the end I stopped him and killed him.

Chen Chong said it calmly, but He Hua and Adjutant Wu were frightened when they heard it. If such a virus was thrown into the river, everyone in Linzhou City would be doomed.

Instructor Chen! You have done a great job! But why did you bring this instrument here? He Hua still didn't believe Chen Chong's words.

“When I was in quarantine today, I had a chat with the officer in charge of the quarantine area, and he also mentioned that someone brought the virus in.

Several viruses were also detected. Don't know if this is the case?

He Hua's face became more and more solemn, and he nodded slowly: Yes, this is indeed the case.

So, I thought about bringing the virus detection equipment I made and asking the commander to help me try it out. I didn't expect to find such a terrible thing on the way here.


He Hua punched the table. At this moment, he didn't care to ask Chen Chong about the origin of the instrument.

If someone really brings the virus into the city, then the entire Linzhou City doesn't know what the outcome will be.

He grabbed Chen Chong's arm tightly and looked at Chen Chong as if he were a savior: What is the detection range of such an instrument? How many can you take out?

The detection range is one hundred meters, but this is the amount.

One thousand tons! I will give you a thousand tons of food for every one I take out! As long as I, He Hua, are here, no one will dare to touch your revival meeting. And I can approve you to enter the 'Virus Research Institute'. This But it’s the highest-level security unit in the city!”

He Hua's reward shocked Chen Chong. In fact, Chen Chong just took a look at the remaining hatching energy.

Originally, he wanted to donate a few instruments to Bai Bai, and then use He Hua's support to get the position of director of the new district.

But the word 'Virus Research Institute' deeply attracted Chen Chong's curiosity.

Chen Chong stretched out a fist: Ten units! This is my ultimate ability. As for the reward, I only need half of it, and I will donate the remaining five units voluntarily.


He Hua clapped his hands excitedly, Without further ado, Adjutant Wu!


Bring someone with you and accompany Instructor Chen to get the instrument. In addition, issue a city-wide announcement in my name, ordering the district chiefs of the seven residential areas, units at all levels, and the army to cooperate with the army to seal off the entire street, and then each area will be equipped with a Detectors, check one by one!

In particular, drinking water and rivers in the city must be inspected!


Under He Hua's thunderous actions, Linzhou City, which had just been unblocked, once again entered a tense situation. The military came out almost in full force and blocked all street intersections.

The virus detector that Chen Chong took out became the absolute protagonist of this operation.

Instruments were strapped to the car, scanning every inch of the land like radar.

Under Chen Chong's deliberate guidance, slum areas have become the focus of this exploration. In fact, Chen Chong did not find anyone carrying the virus in the slums.

The T-virus he took out was also obtained from Ada last time.

It's just that compared to several other areas, the slums with chaos, death, and hunger are more likely to hide some suspicious people.

Everyone, stay where you are. Get checked!

Repeat! Everyone, stand still! Get checked!

Dozens of troop carriers immediately surrounded the entire main street, and a large number of soldiers poured into the street like a tide to control the people crowded on both sides of the road.

The military truck carrying the virus detector walked slowly in the center of the street. The detection range is up to 100 meters, enough to cover everyone on both sides of the road.

The strange behavior of the military aroused everyone's curiosity. A few green-skinned young men hiding behind the crowd secretly observed, and then quietly slipped into the alley from behind while the guarding soldiers were not paying attention.

When it comes to who is the number one civil force in the slums, the ‘Nantai Society’ is the well-deserved number one overlord.

At this moment, in the headquarters building where Nantai Club is located, the boss Guo Feng is holding the phone and speaking with a flattering look on his face.

Hello? Brother Cheng! I have settled the matter of the project funds. Du Biao is busy selling his things and waiting to break up. By then, his engineering team will be able to take over without spending a few dollars.

Ang, yes yes yes.

Gu Qingfang? Haha, that little girl stopped doing it a long time ago. Now it seems to have been merged with a force called the Revival Society.

Yes, yes, yes, don’t worry, our Nantai will have a share in the project!

Okay, okay, I'll listen to you. I'll take someone there tomorrow.

Oops! Brother! Something happened!

Guo Feng stared at the younger brother who rushed in hastily, and then slowly hung up the phone:

I'm so anxious! What big thing could happen?

The green-skinned boy pointed to the street outside: Boss, there are many soldiers on the street. They have sealed off the entire slum area, and they also got some equipment to check on the street.

Guo Feng rolled his eyes at the other party, saying, Are you afraid of being inspected? We are good legal citizens.

No, boss, I'm afraid of our cellar. Uh-huh.

Guo Feng pulled his younger brother in front of him and covered his mouth with his hand.

A hint of murderous intent flashed through those sinister eyes: I'm warning you, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will kill you!

Uh-huh. Uh-huh. The green-skinned boy's face turned red from holding back, and he nodded desperately.

Guo Feng pushed his younger brother to the ground, and his heart was also beating.

What are these soldiers doing here? Did they really discover the things in the cellar?

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