[100% explosion rate triggered, the item has been automatically placed in the storage space, please check it. ]

With the death of the Sand Dune Scorpion General, the Sand Dune Scorpion King, and the Sand Dune Earth Mother, the remaining Sand Dune Scorpions immediately became a mess and scattered to continue to escape.

At this time, Ye Chuyun's attention was all focused on the spoils, and he had no time to take care of the fleeing Sand Dune Scorpions.

He could only summon two clones and let the clones hunt down the remaining Sand Dune Scorpions for him.

And he himself immediately began to check the spoils!

""Resident Order, Resident Order, you must have a Resident Order!"

Ye Chuyun looked at the storage space nervously.

He looked through the grids one by one, just wanting to find the silver-white token in his memory.

It is not difficult to obtain a Resident Order. Generally, it is possible to get it from any beast above the leader level.

The main problem is that the drop rate is too low, which is why people in the previous life thought that it was difficult to get a Resident Order.

For Ye Chuyun, he thought that he only needed to kill a few leader-level beasts to get it.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank, and his eyes were fixed on one of the grids in the second to last row.

He saw a silver-white token lying there quietly.

"It broke out!!"

【Station Order: Use this order to establish your own station in any area of Region 1888 and start your journey to dominate the world of gods and demons.】


Ye Chuyun couldn't help laughing.

With the resident order, it means that he has roots in the world of gods and demons from now on, and is no longer an endless stream of water.

With roots, branches and leaves can sprout, gradually absorb nutrients, and become towering trees.

Someone in the previous life made such a joke.

A team without a resident is like a mountain bandit, who can only wander around.

A team with a resident is a local lord, who can be king and dominate.

Because once a resident is established, many benefits can be improved one by one.

【Dining room】,【bar】,【hostel】,【Chamber of Commerce】,【Mansion】,【Shops], etc.

Various facilities will bring them various benefits.

【【Mansion】Even tasks are issued every day.

And people in the station can rely on these tasks to earn contribution points and various rewards.

As long as the level of the station is high enough, there are endless tasks every day. There are even tasks in the mansion that reward high-level equipment, skill books, talent imprints, etc.

Relying on these benefits, whether it is the improvement of level or combat power, it is much faster than simply hunting fierce beasts. The combat power gap between people with and without a station will only get bigger and bigger.

And the location of the station is also particularly important.

This is related to the number of tasks in the mansion.

The more fierce beasts there are around and the more resources there are, the more tasks there are.

When more tasks are solved, the popularity of the station will also increase relatively, and there will be more tasks.

There will even be tasks from other regions.

Just like a rolling ball, it can't be stopped.

In the previous life, some people built a station in a deserted place for safety.

Who knew that after the station was established, there was no task in the mansion, and they were dumbfounded.

Thinking of this, Ye Chuyun suddenly shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Since it is to establish a garrison, it is inevitable to spend money.

With the garrison order, the first thing is to choose a site.

After choosing, spend the corresponding God and Demon Coins according to the size of the area.

For this kind of thing, Tiandao did not give a task prompt.

However, earning God and Demon Coins is not a difficult thing for Ye Chuyun.

The main thing is to choose an address.

Thinking of this, Ye Chuyun immediately took out the garrison order and used it!

【Tip: Please select the address to establish the base in area 1888. 】

As soon as the voice fell, a huge map appeared in front of Ye Chuyun.

This map was more detailed than the topographic map he obtained using the [Identification] skill.

"Red Moon Hill."

Ye Chuyun looked in the southwest direction of the map and directly locked onto an area called"Red Moon Hill".

Red Moon Hill is a level 50-70 area. It is said that there is an extremely terrifying demon god living there.

Normally, this area is just an ordinary leveling map.

But this place was fought over by major forces in the past life.

There are three reasons.

The first is that there are two high-level resource areas near Red Moon Hill.

One is the Taiyi Secret Realm of level 60-75, which produces various high-level spiritual herbs, spiritual fruits, and even spiritual objects of heaven and earth.

The other is the Huangtian Tower of level 80-100, which is a The Shura-level large-scale alien space copy contains many great opportunities. If you get any one of them, you can take off on the spot.

The second reason is the secret of Red Moon Hill itself.

This secret was not discovered until everyone reached level 100.

In an instant, all major forces wanted to establish a base in Red Moon Hill, trying to get a piece of the pie.

However, at that time, Red Moon Hill had been occupied by a super power and had been developing for a long time.

Other forces had no chance at all.

It is said that there is a demon god living in Red Moon Hill.

This rumor is not wrong at all.

Later, someone discovered that there is really a demon god living in Red Moon Hill.

In the world of gods and demons , it is difficult to get high- quality, high-level and powerful equipment above level 50.

So that strange tower has become a hot commodity.

The number of people gathered in Red Moon Hill every day is terrifying.

And if he established his own territory there, the hotel fees alone would be a huge fortune.

The last reason is for Ye Chu This is also the most important reason for Yun.

In the opposite direction of the Red Moon Hill, there is a regional map called the Golden Flame Mountains.

The Golden Flame Mountains do not require high levels, and you only need to be above level 30 to explore.

After the secret of the Golden Flame Mountains in the previous life was discovered, it caused a fight among all forces in the entire 1888 region.

It was the first time that a regional war was started.

Whether it was third-rate, second-rate, first-rate or even super forces, all joined this war.

Hundreds of forces fought in a melee, trying to occupy the Golden Flame Mountains and divide the benefits.

That battle caused all forces in the entire 1888 region to suffer heavy losses.

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