There was no other way. This matter even attracted the attention of other regional forces.

At this time, all the forces in Region 1888 temporarily gave up their internal fighting and formed the [Golden Flame Alliance] to share the benefits of the Golden Flame Mountains.

In the future, if people from other regions want to enter, they need to sign a Heavenly Dao Contract with the [Golden Flame Alliance].

After coming out, they must hand in 20% of the spoils harvested in the Golden Flame Mountains.

In addition, they must hand in a certain amount of God and Demon Coins before they are allowed to enter.

And these profits will be distributed to other major forces through the [Golden Flame Alliance].

The reason why the Golden Flame Mountains are so popular is that the fierce beasts there can explode a large number of magic crystals.

This secret was discovered a long time ago.

Just brush there for half an hour, you can harvest more than ten magic crystals.

The demand for magic crystals is very wide and can be used almost everywhere.

For example, magic guides, magic teleportation arrays, making equipment, making magic buildings, etc.

All require magic crystals.

In the later period of the God and Demon World, magic crystals even replaced God and Demon Coins and had currency attributes.

Moreover, the beasts in the Golden Flame Mountains refresh very quickly, and they can refresh once every six hours. These places where every inch of land is worth a lot of money are now all concentrated together.

How could Ye Chuyun let it go?

Not to mention that the area he chose is surrounded by high-level maps.

With the current strength of him and others, they are not able to set foot in it for the time being.

But in addition to the Red Moon Hills and the Golden Flame Mountains, there are also many low-level maps around, and there are many sufficient resources.

In any case, choosing this place is definitely a hundred benefits and no harm.

When Ye Chuyun chose the location, a prompt popped up instantly.

【Tip: Using the resident order to initially establish a resident will cost 100,000 God and Demon coins. Do you agree?

Although Ye Chuyun was prepared, his heart still beat fast after seeing the prompt.

My goodness, they have only been in the world of gods and demons for three days.

In three days, how many people can have 100,000 God and Demon coins?

100,000 God and Demon coins are a huge sum of money for other people.

You can easily buy equipment with these 100,000 God and Demon coins.

But here it is just the cost of initially establishing a resident.

Not to mention that these 100,000 God and Demon coins are only the cost of initially establishing a resident.

Developing the resident, building various resident buildings, recruiting people.

All of these require God and Demon coins.

By that time.

God and Demon coins are not God and Demon coins, they are straw paper


Ye Chuyun nodded helplessly.

This money must be spent, it cannot be saved.

Anyway, he has many ways to earn God and Demon Coins.

If it is gone, he can still earn more.

He had deposited 100,000 God and Demon Coins in the trading place before, and there were not many left.

Now because of killing a large number of sand dune scorpions, he has obtained nearly 100,000 God and Demon Coins.

Together with the remaining before, it is enough to build a station.

In just a blink of an eye, 100,000 God and Demon Coins were missing from his storage space.

On the world wealth list, his name disappeared directly from the top 100, which attracted the attention of many people.

Back to the pre-liberation era again

【Tip: 100,000 God and Demon Coins have been deducted, and the settlement is being generated. Please wait for 30 minutes.】

【Tip: Before the station is generated, please name your station. The name is exclusive to you. Others will not be allowed to use the name when they establish a station later. 】

Ye Chuyun's eyes lit up when he heard this.


The name of the station is like a business card.

The more famous it is, the more valuable this business card is.

Think about this name carefully.

Something more domineering, like Pojun?

Forget it, it's a bit vulgar.


Uh, it's still not good.

"What's the name?"

Ye Chuyun thought for a long time.

Suddenly, he had an idea.

"Let’s call it Weiyang!"

Weiyang" means"unfinished".",""Bu Jin" means there is no end.

It can also be considered as [Wu Yao], which means no disease or disaster, safe and healthy.

Isn't this consistent with his goal?

His goal is to gain eternal life.

Life will never end, and there will always be no disease or disaster, and be healthy.

Wei Yang, Wei Yang, this name is good!

【Tip: After the station is officially created, the name of the station will be changed to"Weiyang"】

Ye Chuyun looked at the time.

It takes thirty minutes to create a garrison.

Only eight minutes have passed.

There is still twenty-two minutes to wait.

At this time, Ye Chuyun is not in a hurry.

He looked down at the loess desert.

The two clones are still chasing the remaining dune scorpions.

After this massacre, his level progress has reached level 12 (436,000/500,000).

He is only a few tens of thousands away from upgrading to level 13.

At this time, Qiao Shanyun, who is in second place, is still at level 9.

The gap is widening!

The remaining dune scorpions have become frightened birds, hiding as far as they can.

The two clones have only killed more than fifty dune scorpions after searching for a long time.

At this time, Ye Chuyun has no intention of chasing the dune scorpions.

After recalling the clones, he returned to the train station to continue checking the spoils.

In addition to the city garrison order, the dune scorpion general, the dune scorpion king, and the dune earth mother all dropped a lot of spoils.

Adding the dune scorpions.

Ye Chuyun's storage space is full again.

In addition to the essence of the sand dune scorpion, skill stones, strengthening stones, and a large number of first- and second-level equipment, only a small part of the spoils caught Ye Chuyun's attention.

【[Spirit of the Dune Mother: Strength +50, Constitution +50, Hearing +10 after taking it] *10

When Ye Chuyun saw this spirit, he was slightly stunned.

This spirit of the Dune Mother was different from the one he had obtained before.

It could actually increase hearing.

This is rare.

Hearing is one of the five senses.

The five senses are: vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.

These five attributes are hidden attributes and cannot be seen on the panel.

If any of the five senses can be improved to a certain level, a qualitative change will occur.

For example, the attribute of hearing.

If it is improved to a certain level, a new talent can be activated.

It is called [Clairaudience].

It can detect various sounds within a radius of 100 miles.

Vision can also evolve into a new talent, called [Hundred Miles Eyes], with a vision that can detect anything within a radius of 100 miles.

The talent evolved from smell is [Smell Analysis].

It can analyze the composition of various substances based on smell.

Taste is [Food Analysis].

The function is similar to [Smell Analysis].

The last sense of touch evolved into a talent called [Danger Sense].

With this talent, the body will sense various dangers before the brain does and issue warnings.

It must be said that these five five senses are very practical.

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