There are sand pits everywhere around the desert, and there is at least one dune scorpion lurking in each of them.

They silently wait for the arrival of humans and give them a fatal blow.

Ye Chuyun just glanced at it, and the wind-feather wings spread out, slowly taking him into the air.

At the same time, red and blue double rings began to slowly rise behind him.

Ice and fire double rings!

This time he is going to do a carpet cleanup directly here!

Bang bang bang!

Ye Chuyun was in the sky, and the ice and fire double rings behind him kept shooting out red and blue lasers.

Suddenly, a sand pit in front of him was instantly blasted by countless lasers! The dune scorpions hidden in it didn't even have time to react, and were directly blown into ashes and scattered in the wind, deader than dead. They had been depressed for too long in Jiulong Lake and Taiyin Temple.

At this time, Ye Chuyun also regained the pleasure of crushing, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Hehehe, prepare to die, little monsters!"

【Kill a level 10 dune scorpion and gain +1200 energy points!】

【Kill a level 10 dune scorpion and gain +1200 energy points!】

【Kill a level 10 dune scorpion and gain +1200 energy points!】

【Kill a level 10 mutant dune scorpion and gain +1500 energy points!】

【100% explosion rate triggered, the item has been automatically placed in the storage space, please check it】

In an instant, the army of dune scorpions suffered heavy losses.

The dune scorpions that had not been affected took the initiative to drill out of the pit and fled in all directions!

Ye Chuyun would naturally not let them go.

While the ice and fire rings were attacking automatically, he also used other skills to hunt them down!

For a while, these dune scorpions were in dire straits, and their lives were worse than death.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The prompt sounded continuously, and Ye Chuyun's energy points were also soaring wildly.

Originally, his level progress was still at level 11 (285820/300000)

, but after the first round of slaughter, his upgrade progress was rising rapidly, and it didn't take long for him to upgrade.

【Congratulations, you have reached level 12】

【Tip: Due to the existence of Heaven's Blessing, your attributes will be greatly improved!】

【Your strength increases by 100 points!】

【Your agility increases by 100 points!】

【Your physical fitness increases by 100 points!】

【Your spirit increases by 100 points!】

【You get 50 points of free attributes!

After reaching level 12, Ye Chuyun's level progress reached level 12 (6000/500000). After upgrading, each attribute increased by 100 points.

The combat power also increased again, reaching 24622.

There are still 50 points of free attributes, and Ye Chuyun has no time to allocate them for the time being. He is still chasing the dune scorpions frantically.

Just now, there was a big cleanup, and at least more than 500 dune scorpions ran out of the sand pit.

Ye Chuyun directly used the skill [Quicksand Vortex], and more than 50 dune scorpions died immediately.

The energy points rose again crazily!

"It seems that it won't take long before I can upgrade again and reach level 13!"

Ye Chuyun was secretly excited.

But at this moment, something strange happened!

The desert exploded, and several huge figures emerged from the ground, blocking Ye Chuyun directly, as if to stop him from continuing to kill.

First, there were four huge dune scorpions with a volume of more than 20 meters.

It seemed to be the leader.

In addition, there was a larger red dune scorpion with a volume of more than 30 meters.

There is no need to guess, it must be the king-level dune scorpion.

What's more terrifying is that in addition to this red dune scorpion with a volume of more than 30 meters, there is an even more terrifying beast.

It is more than 40 meters in size and looks more like a giant earthworm. Its whole body is very smooth, with only a mouth full of sharp teeth on its face.

As they appeared, Ye Chuyun cast [Identification] on them respectively.】

【[Name]: Dune Scorpion General (Leader Level)

【Level: 11

【[Combat Power Assessment]: 9000

【Features: bloodthirsty, murderous, territorial

【Skills: Bite LV5, Poison LV5, Strength Amplification LV5

【Talent: F-level physical enhancement

【[Explosion Rate]: 10%

【[Name]: Dune Scorpion King (King Level)

【Level: 12

【[Combat Power Assessment]: 12000

【Features: bloodthirsty, killing, command consciousness

【Skills: Roaring Earth (exclusive skill), Earth Curse LV5,

【Talent: E-level earth control, E-level super strength

【[Explosion Rate]: 15%

【[Name]: Dune Mother (Overlord Level)

【Level: 13

【[Combat Power Assessment]: 18000

【Features: bloodthirsty, killing, domain protection

【Skills: Earth Blessing LV5 (exclusive skill), Violent Cyclone LV5

【Talent: D-level earth fusion, D-level wind fusion, D-level physical enhancement

【[Explosion Rate]: 20%

"Tiny human, dare to trespass into my territory, prepare to die!"

The Dune Mother roared, and the entire loess desert was suddenly filled with dust.

"Oh, I'm afraid of you."

At this time, Ye Chuyun was still in the sky, looking down at them.

"If you have the guts, just fly up and hit me."

He knew that neither the Dune Scorpion General, the Dune Scorpion King, nor the Dune Earth Mother had the ability to fly.

This was the most fatal.

Now they were just sitting ducks in front of him.


The Dune Mother naturally knew this.

"Damn human beings, I will not let you go after I am resurrected!"

"That's great!"

Ye Chuyun laughed, and the ice and fire rings behind him began to attack.!

【Tianwei] is activated, actively reducing their various attributes


The Dune Mother roared and used her skills.

One after another, khaki shields protected it and other beasts.

The ice and fire lasers bombarded the khaki shields, causing ripples.


Ye Chuyun was slightly stunned, then smiled.

Even if it was blocked, so what.

It was just blocking the attack of the ice and fire double rings.

But this does not mean that he has no other means!

"Fire Meteor���"

"Quicksand vortex!"

"Aquaman is angry!"

"Flying feather attack!"

With strong mental support, Ye Chuyun used all the skills he could.

Under the continuous bombardment of so many attacks, the khaki cover could not even hold out for a second and turned into foam and melted.



Accompanied by numerous loud noises, a series of shrill screams rang out.

The ferocious beasts such as the Dune Scorpion General, the Dune Scorpion King, and the Dune Earth Mother had almost no power to resist. They exploded and turned into sparks all over the sky.

【Kill the level 11 Dune Scorpion General and gain +8000 energy points!】

【Kill the level 12 Dune Scorpion King and gain +12000 energy points!】

【Kill the level 13 Dune Mother and gain +50,000 energy points! 】

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