[Shadow] itself is only a second-rate force, and it does not have the capital and strength to enter the Wandao Holy City, but [Shadow] can hug thighs.

A super force took the lead and united [Shadow] and many other forces, so it had the opportunity to enter the Wandao Holy City.

As an alchemist, Ye Chuyun also had the opportunity to follow them and entered the Wandao Holy City with them.

But he was just going for sightseeing.

Wandao Holy City was built by Tiandao and is known as the Holy Land of Cultivation.

In addition to being a holy land of cultivation, Wandao Holy Land is also a holy land for life professionals.

Because there is a better environment there, it can improve their production proficiency and success rate.

As long as you enter the Wandao Holy City, even if you are just a junior engineer, junior forger, or junior alchemist. You can quickly become a senior engineer, senior forger, or senior alchemist.

And after entering, those who are originally senior engineers, senior forgers, and senior alchemists have a certain probability of being promoted to engineering masters, forging masters, and alchemy masters.

Where can you find such an opportunity?

In addition, there is a place called Wandao Library in Wandao Holy City.

There are all kinds of opportunities there.

Various incredible design drawings also come from the Wandao Library.

So when Arnold heard that Ye Chuyun could bring it into the Wandao Holy City, he was so excited.

But you can't go to the Wandao Holy City whenever you want.

To enter the Wandao Holy City, you must have a pass.

Only large regional copies above level 30 have a chance to drop a pass.

But this probability is almost infinitely equal to 0.

Maybe only above level 50 will there be a slight chance of dropping.

According to statistics from the previous life.

This probability may be one in a thousand.

But this probability is not a problem for Ye Chuyun now.

The biggest problem is that he can't deal with ferocious beasts above level 30 at present.

So the plan to go to the Wandao Holy City will have to wait until later.

So Ye Chuyun can only paint a big pie for Arnold first, and let it continue to work hard and do a good job.

Back to the lab

"Okay, Arnold, pack up and follow me now."

Ye Chuyun urged

"By the way, can you lend me this forging equipment first?"

After saying that, he put the silver-white hammer and the strange fire on the table into the storage space.

""Okay, sir."

Arnold nodded.

It's just a forging device. If it's gone, he can make another one.

He took out a cube similar to a Rubik's Cube and put all the equipment in the institute, including his inventions, into it.

Ye Chuyun stood aside and looked at the Rubik's Cube in Arnold's hand curiously.

It seemed that the Rubik's Cube in his hand seemed to have a storage function, similar to his storage space.

After everything was packed up.

Ye Chuyun picked up the short Arnold with one hand, spread his wings and flew towards the train station.

The two took the train back to the poisonous fog swamp.

Ye Chuyun brought Arnor to the small mountain where the fire lizards lived before.

With his physique now, even without the help of the iron turtle suit, he can still withstand the scorching heat of this mountain.

What's more, he now has a fire attribute talent, which will make him more comfortable in this mountain.

"This... These are all fire copper? ?"

Arnoel ignored the scorching temperature of the mountain and looked at the fire copper all over the ground with surprise.

It had previously thought that the fire copper was very rare, but in this small mountain range, it was like cabbage, everywhere.

Seeing this, Arnoel quickly took out a machine that looked like a vacuum cleaner and began to inspect the mountain.

After waiting for a while, it put the machine away and turned to look at Ye Chuyun excitedly:

"Sir, it seems that the ground here is spiritual and has the attribute of fire element, which is why it can produce so many fire coppers."

"Even if all the fire copper here is collected, with this ground vein, fire copper will still be produced after a while."

"This mountain range is a treasure mine."

"Is that so?"

Ye Chuyun's eyes flashed.

He hadn't thought of this.

If this is the case, then this mountain is indeed a treasure mine that can produce fire copper in a continuous and stable manner. In this way, the problem of the material of the flight boots is truly solved.

The remaining problem is how to solve the problem of fuel.

After all, magic crystals are very precious, and using them as fuel for flight boots is a waste of money.

100ML of magic essence can only sustain half an hour of flight.

And one kilogram of magic crystals costs at least 500 God and Demon coins.

This is too expensive and can't be burned at all.

"Arnor, your current task is to collect as much fire copper as possible."

"After the base is built, I will assign other tasks to you."

""Okay, sir."

As soon as the voice fell, Arnold immediately took out its robot and various tools, and began to control the robot to dig for fire copper.

Seeing this, Ye Chuyun was relieved, turned around and left the poisonous swamp, and returned to area 1888.

His mission this time was to quickly obtain the stationing order and build a station.

Area 1888.

It was already night.

The night was as dark as ink, and the air in the desert was very cold.

Ye Chuyun opened the world channel and took a peek.

There was no announcement yet.

This meant that no one had issued a garrison order to build a garrison.

Ye Chuyun was relieved to see this.

After all, the reward for building the first garrison was still very generous.

He didn't want to miss it.

This area was a level 10 area, called the Loess Desert.

Each area was divided into many areas according to the level.

The entire poisonous fog swamp was also considered an area.

However, unlike the Loess Desert, the poisonous fog swamp was divided out by the Heavenly Dao for them as their novice trial site.

The beasts here were dead and could not be refreshed.

In the Loess Desert, even if the beasts died, they would continue to refresh after 24 hours.

However, treasure chests, spiritual herbs, spiritual fruits, and mineral resources would still not refresh.

But even so, it gave them the opportunity to upgrade.

There were at least 4 leaders and 1 king-level and 1 overlord-level beasts to suppress them.

Ye Chuyun's goal was to kill them and see if he could get the resident order.

Although the drop rate was 100% for him, it didn't mean they had the resident order.

If not, it would be useless even if the drop rate was 100%.

Ye Chuyun ignored the desert and spread his wind wings to leave.

More than ten minutes later, Ye Chuyun came to a mountain.

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