"Get lost!"

Ye Chuyun shouted.

A golden energy flew out from the rune sword, directly splitting the dune scorpion in front of him into two.

【Kill a level 10 dune scorpion and gain +1200 energy points!】

【100% explosion rate triggered, the item has been automatically placed in the storage space, please check it】


Everyone couldn't help but gasp when they saw Ye Chuyun kill a dune scorpion with 6000 combat power so easily.

Cai Kun:"Although I know that Ye Shen is very awesome, after experiencing it so directly today, I found that I still underestimated Ye Shen." Wang

Gang:"Wow, the dune scorpion with 6000 combat power is like cabbage in front of Ye Shen, and it can be cut at will."

Zhuang Liang:"The swamp king we encountered in the simple-level cemetery of the swamp king before has this combat power. Wow, this kind of combat power is just an ordinary monster in this area No. 1888?"

Liu Qian:"Mom, it's too dangerous here. I suddenly found that the poisonous swamp is more suitable for me."

Wang Yun:"Why do I feel like we have returned to the time before liberation. We were doing well in the poisonous fog swamp before, but here we have the feeling of struggling to deal with the green claw beast at the beginning."

Everyone was about to cheer when they saw the dune scorpion was dead.

Suddenly, sand pits around the desert exploded one after another, and dune scorpions jumped out one after another.

Among them, there was a green scorpion that was different from the other dune scorpions. It seemed to be a mutant dune scorpion.

【[Name]: Dune Scorpion (Variant Grade)

【Level: 10

【[Combat Power Assessment]: 7000

【Features: bloodthirsty, killing, leadership, territorial awareness

【Skills: Poison LV5, Strength Amplification LV5, Slashing LV5

【Talent: F-level agility enhancement

【[Explosion rate]: 7%

As soon as the group of dune scorpions appeared, they surrounded everyone.

This scene seemed to be back to the first time they descended into the world of gods and demons, and were surrounded by green claw beasts in the square.

Wang Gang, Cai Kun and others all took a deep breath.

""Retreat, let's retreat back to the station!"

Wang Gang and his companions' first reaction was that they couldn't handle so many sand dune scorpions, so they immediately turned around and ran towards the train station.

However, the next second...

""Ice and Fire Double Rings!"

Two halos, one red and one blue, suddenly appeared behind Ye Chuyun.

Then there was a massacre against the dune scorpions!!

Everyone stared at Ye Chuyun with his arms folded, standing in the center.

The red and blue double rings behind him were like laser cannons, constantly shooting out red and blue lasers.

The dune scorpions had no ability to resist at all, and were directly penetrated by the lasers, turning into corpses one by one.

"What the hell is this a humanoid killing machine?"

"I feel like I underestimated Ye Shen's strength again."

"I think Ye Shen was able to pass through the hell-level Swamp King Cemetery by simply forcing his way through. There was no need for any strategies or anything like that."

"I suddenly feel that these dune scorpions are not so scary, and even a little pitiful. What the hell? ?"

【Kill a level 10 dune scorpion and gain +1200 energy points!】

【Kill a level 10 dune scorpion and gain +1200 energy points!】

【Kill a level 10 dune scorpion and gain +1200 energy points!】

In less than a few minutes, all the dune scorpions were killed by Ye Chuyun's ice and fire double rings.

Ye Chuyun himself did not even move.

He just stood there, and the ice and fire double rings behind him would automatically lock onto the enemy and attack.

With the bonus of the talent [Nature's Law], the ice and fire double rings in Ye Chuyun's hands were three times more powerful than the one used by the Swamp King.

It felt like a waste of talent to use against these dune scorpions.

"Phew, that was a close call, we almost got ambushed."

After killing the dune scorpion, Ye Chuyun patted his chest in fear, as if he had become a victim.

If Wang Gang and others had not seen the dead bodies of dune scorpions all over the ground, they might not have believed it.

Wang Gang:""

Cai Kun:""

Zhuang Liang:""

Liu Qian:""

Everyone was silent.

But at the same time, they also knew that this place was even more dangerous than the poisonous fog swamp.

With their current strength, it would be very difficult to explore this place.

Not to mention that the resident order can only be obtained by killing beasts above level 10 leaders.

This is still very difficult for them at present.

The world channel was also wailing.

Most of them encountered the same situation as Wang Gang and others, and found that the beasts here were much stronger than the trial grounds they were in before.

They simply couldn't beat them.

"Ye Shen, I think we should go back to the poisonous swamp to upgrade first. With our strength, we may not be able to deal with the beasts here for the time being."

Wang Gang first expressed his thoughts.

Others also echoed, saying that they would go back to the poisonous fog swamp to improve their strength first, and then return to area 1888 to find a way to build a base after becoming stronger.

"Well, this is also good. This place is indeed not suitable for you for the time being."

Ye Chuyun nodded and agreed.

Although Wang Gang and others' current levels and combat power have exceeded those of people at the same stage by a lot, they are still not strong enough.

They still need to go back to the poisonous fog swamp for further study.

Ye Chuyun continued:

"I suggest that you go to the Temple of Destiny at level 10 to obtain the inheritance, and then return to Area 1888. This will be much easier."

When Wang Gang and others heard Ye Chuyun mention the"Temple of Destiny", their eyes lit up.

They had only heard Ye Chuyun briefly talk about the Temple of Destiny before.

They knew that as long as they reached level 10, they would receive a call from the Temple of Destiny.

They needed to enter the Temple of Destiny for evaluation, be evaluated according to the evaluation level, and obtain the inheritance.

After obtaining the inheritance, their strength will undergo a qualitative change.

It is indeed as Ye Chuyun said.

After they obtain the inheritance, it will be much easier to come to Area 1888.

Cai Kun immediately stepped forward and asked:"Ye Shen, what is this Temple of Destiny? Do we have to improve our attributes as much as possible before level 10? Is there anything special about it?"

Wang Gang:"Ye Shen, as long as I improve my strength as much as possible, can I obtain the Berserker inheritance?"

Liu Qian:"Ye Shen, look at me, I want to obtain the archer's inheritance, what attributes do you think can be improved?"

Ye Chuyun was overwhelmed by the questions one after another.

But Ye Chuyun had already been prepared.

Previously, he had used the information of the A-level evaluation in the Temple of Destiny to fleece everyone present.

It finally came in handy at this time.

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