World Channel.

This is where everyone from Region 1 to Region 10000 gathers.

The moment it opens, it is already bustling with activity.

No. 666 Qiao Shanyun:"??? I’m not the first place. Who is this Ye Chuyun? He’s actually level 11?"

No. 2333 Feng Tao:"Ye Shen, is it Ye Shen? I didn’t expect you to be level 11?"

No. 1568 Chu Yunlan:"Oh? The one upstairs, you know him? Do you know his combat power?"

No. 2333 Huang Zhize:"Not sure. We don’t know how much combat power Ye Shen has. Now it’s hidden, and we can’t guess it."

No. 526 Nakamura Tian:"Humph, how high can his combat power be? Can it be 10,000? He actually hides his combat power and pretends to be a ghost."

No. 1568 Chu Yunlan:"Oh, are you from Sakura Country? If you shout again, I will spray you to death?"

No. 888 Qian Duoduo:"Oh, this Ye Chuyun is quite wealthy. He actually has so many God and Demon Coins. I wonder if I can do business with him."

No. 1888 Ye Chuyun:"Business is OK. I buy a lot of spiritual herbs, ores, equipment, and skill books. Do you want to sell them?"

No. 888 Qian Duoduo:"Good boy, you are good. I will also buy a lot of these things. It seems that our business can't be done." No.

1888 Ye Chuyun:"No, even if the deal fails, we are still friends. Let's make friends. I will call you when I have the opportunity to make a fortune in the future."

No. 888 Qian Duoduo:"I like to hear that. Okay, add me as a friend. If there is a chance to make a fortune, take me with you. I may make money."

No. 666 Qiao Shanyun:"Brother Ye Chuyun, can you ask what your combat power is?"

No. 1888 Ye Chuyun:"My combat power is only a little higher than the 4th place."

No. 1568 Chu Yunlan:"A little bit, right? If you don't want to say it, forget it. I won't force you. But add me as your friend. I want to hang out with you, big brother."

No. 1888 Ye Chuyun:"Okay, you're welcome anytime, but don't come now. You can come after we build the base."

No. 666 Qiao Shanyun:"Oh, base? If you can build a base, I'd like to join it too. Let's add me as your friend." No. 888

Qian Duoduo:"Base? Do you already have a base order?"

No. 1888 Ye Chuyun:"Haha, that's not the case. But to survive in this world of gods and demons, you must have your own territory, otherwise where can you rest when you're tired in the future? Who knows, you can even build an auction, a chamber of commerce, or something like that. Brother Qian, don't you think so?"

No. 888 Qian Duoduo:"Oh, Brother Ye, you really hit the nail on the head. That's right, that's right"

Soon, Ye Chuyun's ten comments were over.

He exited the world chat channel, and there were three more people in his friend list.

They were Qian Duoduo, Qiao Shanyun, and Chu Yunlan.

Ye Chuyun wanted to win over all three of them.

Qian Duoduo is definitely a management talent.

If he builds a base, he believes that with Qian Duoduo, there will be no problems with the base.

The second is the combat power that can protect the base, which is the foundation of a force.

Qiao Shanyun and Chu Yunlan were both among the top 100 god-level masters in the Blue Star Domain in their previous lives. ps: This has been changed. It was originally the top ten god-level masters, but the author has now changed it to the top 100.

The top ten feels too few. After all, there are more than 7 billion people, and the top 100 has a feeling of letting a hundred flowers bloom.

The strength of these two is not inferior to Zhuang Ziqing at all.

Qiao Shanyun was the first in the world ranking list in his previous life, and his combat power was also good.

Later, he established his own force [Shanhaiyun] and became a first-class force.

Chu Yunlan, a double A-level talent owner, joined Qiao Shanyun's force in the early days of his previous life.

It is difficult for a force not to take off when it has two god-level masters.

And now, Ye Chuyun's goal is to take advantage of the two people while they are still in a confused state and win them over.

At this time, Qiao Shanyun and Chu Yunlan are the easiest to deceive.

In fact, Qiao Shanyun did not plan to build his own force at the beginning of his previous life.

He initially joined a force with the idea of joining whoever established a base first.

Later, for various reasons, Qiao Shanyun left that force.

To put it bluntly, the boss's pie was too big and he couldn't eat it.

So Qiao Shanyun simply built a force himself, which was later called [Shanhaiyun].

Ye Chuyun's plan was to fool Qiao Shanyun when he built the base.

He would not draw big pie, but would only put the real benefits in front of everyone.

And Chu Yunlan was easier to deceive.

Among the three people, Chu Yunlan was the easiest.

Because Chu Yunlan was extremely admiring of the strong.

So as long as he was stronger than Chu Yunlan, he could win him over.

Thinking of this, Ye Chuyun nodded with satisfaction.

The crowd on the side also exited the world channel and began to explore.

Now everyone was in a desert, not knowing where to go.

Suddenly, not far away, Wang Yun's ears moved slightly, as if he sensed something, and he turned his head and shouted:

"Everyone be careful!!"

As Wang Yun shouted, everyone found that a small sand dune suddenly exploded more than ten meters away from them.

With a"boom" sound, a huge black shadow jumped out of the sand pit.

It turned out to be a huge scorpion over twenty meters long.

It was as black as ink, and its shell was as hard as iron, like some kind of metal.

【Name: Dune Scorpion

【Level: 10

【[Combat Power Assessment]: 6000

【Features: bloodthirsty, murderous, territorial

【Skills]: Poison LV5, Strength Amplification LV5,

【Talent: None

【[Explosion Rate]: 5%

At this time, Cai Kun, who possessed the [Identification] skill, widened his eyes when he saw this data.

"Damn, this dune scorpion has a combat power of 6000, everyone be careful!!!"

"What the hell, this scorpion has 6000 combat power? ?"

After hearing Cai Kun's reminder, everyone except Ye Chuyun showed panic and took a few steps back involuntarily.

Ye Chuyun was closest to the dune scorpion at this time, and his back was facing it.

Seeing this, the dune scorpion showed a mocking expression in its eyes, and the next second it rushed straight towards Ye Chuyun!

Seeing this, the others couldn't help but shout:

"Ye Shen, be careful!!"

""Hmm? What's going on?"

Ye Chuyun just came to his senses and saw a huge black scorpion rushing towards him.

Just when everyone thought he was in danger.

Ye Chuyun snorted coldly, raised the rune sword in his hand, and swung it over.

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