Ye Chuyun also told Wang Gang and others what he knew.

The content of each level evaluation.

And some conditions required to obtain inheritance.

The conditions for obtaining low-level inheritance were not a secret to Tan Mo and others.

If they could use this insignificant information to exchange for the A-level evaluation information in Ye Chuyun's hand.

Tan Mo and others would be more than happy to do so.

Wang Gang and others also benefited a lot from learning so much information from Ye Chuyun.

They also understood the twists and turns in it.

"It turns out that as long as the strength reaches 100 and the physique reaches more than 100 points, it is possible to obtain the warrior inheritance?"

"If you have one of the five elements talents, plus your spirit is over 100 points, then you may be able to obtain a mage inheritance?"

"If a certain attribute reaches more than 300, it is more likely to obtain advanced inheritance?"

The conditions for obtaining inheritance are varied, and Ye Chuyun cannot guarantee it 100%, so he can only explain it roughly.

When Wang Gang and others knew that Ye Chuyun used his own evaluation information in exchange for this information, they were even more moved.

And Ye Chuyun did this just to hope that others could become stronger.

After all, his own strength is useless in the battlefield of all races.

What he needs is that everyone in Dragon Country and even the entire Blue Star can become stronger. It is inevitable to be lost alone, and walking together is the journey!

But he is not a saint, and he can't help everyone.

So he tries his best to help those who are willing to follow him and trust him.

"Okay, that's all the information I have. You can figure out which direction to go."

"I have somewhere else to go. Since Area 1888 cannot be explored, you should take the train back to the Poison Swamp first."

Ye Chuyun stood up, patted the sand, and then walked towards the train station.

The others also stood up and followed him.

They walked out of the train station in a mighty procession, and walked back in a mighty procession.

When they arrived at the station, Ye Chuyun pointed to the ticket office that seemed to be empty.

"Go there and buy a ticket back to the Poison Swamp."

"Tickets? ?" Wang Gang and others looked at the empty ticket office.

They had no idea that they could buy tickets there.

But since there were three big words"Ticket Office" written on the platform, it must be a place where tickets could be sold, right?

Ye Chuyun came to the ticket office first and said to the empty window:

"Give me a ticket to area 884"

【The ticket to area No. 884 is priced at 20 God and Demon Coins. Do you want to buy it?】

"Buy it!"

Ye Chuyun did not hesitate at all, and immediately took out 20 God and Demon coins and placed them on the window sill.

A white light flashed, and the 20 God and Demon coins disappeared, replaced by a green ticket with"No. 884" written on it.

"Everyone, I'll go first. If you have anything to say, we can talk privately!"

Ye Chuyun picked up the ticket, smiled at the others, and walked onto the train.

Under everyone's gaze, the train drove away with a"whoosh".

Then another black train appeared, waiting for the others.

""Um, Captain, where is Ye Shen going?" Cai Kun asked in confusion.

Wang Gang had no idea and rolled his eyes at him.

"How would I know? Don't meddle in God's affairs."

"We hurried back to the Poison Swamp to continue leveling."

"By the way, share the information that Ye Shen told us with other brothers"

"My attributes have all exceeded 300 points. I wonder if I have a chance to obtain a powerful inheritance."

Sitting on the train to Area 884, Ye Chuyun opened the storage space.

He had just killed so many dune scorpions, and he hadn't checked the spoils yet.

【Dune Scorpion Essence: After taking it, physical fitness +15, poison resistance +10】

【Dune Blade: Attack +30, Strength +20, attacks with poison, paralyzes the enemy for 10 seconds, first-class equipment, equipment requirements: level 10, strength 100 or above】

【The tail of the sand dune scorpion: contains toxins that can be used as medicine】

"Level 10 beasts are different. Although the equipment they exploded is only level 1, its attributes are much better than those of the lower level level equipment!"

Ye Chuyun muttered, took out the essence of the sand dune scorpion, and ate ten of them. His physical fitness increased by 150 points, reaching 3394 points.

Physical fitness has become the highest attribute among his four-dimensional attributes.

This is really unexpected. His combat power also jumped to 23422.

After reading the panel, Ye Chuyun opened the trading house.

Now the trading house has been connected to the 1888th area, and there are more things to buy.

At the same time, the equipment, skill books, essences, etc. that Ye Chuyun had previously hung in the trading house have long been sold out.

The magic he deposited at the acquisition office The magic coins were completely consumed and exchanged for a large number of spiritual herbs, ores and other materials.

Ye Chuyun looked at the current price of first-level equipment.

Before, Ye Chuyun was the only one in Area 118 who could sell a large amount of equipment.

Now that the trading house connects the regions, there are more choices.

But Ye Chuyun looked at the price and his eyes widened.

My goodness, a random piece of rubbish first-level equipment is priced at 1888 God and Demon coins.

The cheapest one is also 888.

How can this guy afford it? It’s just the third day since he came to the world of gods and demons. Who has so many 888 on him

? Compare him The price of the equipment on the shelves, no wonder his equipment was sold out all of a sudden.

Ye Chuyun thought about it and decided to give the equipment to their brothers in District 118 first.

Fortunately, the trading house can specify sales.

Ye Chuyun put all the essences and equipment of the dune scorpion on the shelves, and designated that only people in District 118 could buy them.

Then he deposited 100,000 God and Demon coins in the acquisition area and added some items to be purchased.

Although he didn't know if he could receive it, it wouldn't hurt to give it a try.

Then he continued to search in the trading house to see if he could find any bargains and get some forging drawings. Fang and the like.

Unfortunately, it is the early stage of the world of gods and demons, and there are not so many chances for him to pick up, so he had to give up.

After closing the trading house, Ye Chuyun took out a few jade cards from the storage space.

These jade cards are Tan Mo, Mo Hu, and Titan, as well as some people he likes.

These are their name cards. As long as you use them, you can add them as friends across regions.

It’s just that there was no open world channel before, so you couldn’t add them.

Now you can add them.

So Ye Chuyun put the jade cards on his forehead one by one, let his mental power connect to the jade cards, and added them as friends one by one.

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