"It's a bit difficult!"

Ye Chuyun's face was solemn.

Then flames burst out from his body, raising the temperature around him, and the coldness in his body was immediately lifted.

""Try to see if you can entangle him!"

Thinking of this, Ye Chuyun immediately used his wood talent.

Nine black vines emerged from the ground and directly entangled the limbs of the Earth Witch Messenger, making him unable to move.

His wood talent is only E-level, and he has not learned any wood-related talent skills.

So he can only barely control this kind of vine to control the enemy.

And this is also very mentally exhausting.

But fortunately, the vines can actually control the Earth Witch Messenger.

Ye Chuyun's face showed joy when he saw this.

In this way, he can also take the opportunity to approach and give it a fatal blow.

However, the next second, something strange happened!

The Earth Witch Messenger snorted coldly, and a golden magic circle rose under his feet, completely wrapping it up and blooming a faint halo.

The nine vines instantly turned into smoke and disappeared.

And Ye Chuyun saw the golden magic circle under its feet and felt a little familiar.

This skill seems to allow the user to have an invincible effect that is immune to all control and attacks.

Then the Earth Witch Messenger attacked again.

For a time, countless fire storms, ice storms, and wild sand fields appeared, making Ye Chuyun feel a little scalp numb.

"This is too much of a cheat."

Ye Chuyun wanted to cry but had no tears.

Although the combat power of this earth witch was evaluated as 10,000, which was lower than his 12,000 combat power.

But Ye Chuyun found that its talents and skills were very abnormal.

If these were to be counted, the combat power of this earth witch was at least 13,000.

Ye Chuyun kept dodging the attacks.

At the same time, he also tried to let his clone cast [Ultra-Gold Shield】,【Frenzy】,【Strengthen] and other skills to improve combat power.

See if you can ignore the skill attacks and rush directly to the front of the Earth Witch Messenger, and do an extreme one-for-one exchange.

However, Ye Chuyun thought too much.

The clone resisted various skills and rushed to the front of the Earth Witch Messenger, then suddenly jumped, raised the rune sword in his hand high, and was about to chop it down! The

Earth Witch Messenger looked so thin, probably a thin dog wizard.

The defense and strength must be not very good.

But the next second, the Earth Witch Messenger once again used the invincible skill to resolve the clone's attack.

At the same time, it pulled out a big sword from somewhere and blew the clone away.

The clone fell heavily to the ground and was bombarded by skills again.

It died directly.

Ye Chuyun:

I saw someone who was even more stupid than him.

I don't know what to say.

"How to deal with it? ?"

In a panic, Ye Chuyun noticed something strange.

From beginning to end, the earth witch did not move at all.

Even when the clone rushed in front of it, it still did not move.

"Could it be? ?"

Ye Chuyun had a bold idea in his heart.

In order to verify his idea, he gritted his teeth, summoned the wind wings, and flew into the sky.


The Earth Witch's face also changed.

He didn't expect to be discovered by this human.

As soon as Ye Chuyun flew into the sky, he found that the lightsaber that was supposed to appear didn't react at all.

He was immediately ecstatic!

"Sure enough, the lightsaber is gone!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that Earth Witch Messenger, your weakness is actually here!"

Before, Ye Chuyun always thought that as long as he flew into the sky, those lightsabers would appear to attack him.

Even on the top of the mountain, it was the same.

This was his preconceived idea.

Unexpectedly, after reaching the top of the mountain, those lightsabers no longer appeared.

This should be the way to survive.

Once flying into the sky, all the attacks of the Earth Witch Messenger could not hit Ye Chuyun.

And he could finally launch a counterattack!

"I'll see how long you can fly. As long as you come down, it will be your death!"

The earth witch envoy stared at Ye Chuyun in the sky and snorted.

"Hahaha, then you don't have to worry about it. I can fly as long as I want."

Ye Chuyun in the sky was observing calmly.

Although he found a way to avoid the attacks of the Earth Witch Messenger.

But he knew that the Earth Witch Messenger had an invincible skill.

His attacks could not hit it.

I wonder if Titan's B-level evaluation has ever encountered this Earth Witch Messenger.

If he did, how did he defeat him?

You know, Titan's combat power is much lower than his.

If Titan can destroy this Earth Witch Messenger.

It means that this Earth Witch Messenger must have some way to easily destroy it.

While flying in the sky, Ye Chuyun began to observe the terrain of the entire mountain.

The entire mountain is completely flat.

All the scenery can be easily seen.

"Hmm? What is that?"

Suddenly, Ye Chuyun noticed that a black stone slab appeared abruptly a hundred meters away from the Earth Witch Envoy. There were also black stone slabs in other places.

These black stone slabs were engraved with strange patterns.

Apart from that, there was nothing strange.

"Could it be that there is some connection between these black slates and the Earth Witch Messenger?"

The Earth Witch Messenger also felt something was wrong at this time.

Because it found that this human actually noticed the black slate, it was suddenly shocked.

But it couldn't show panic at this time.

Otherwise, this human would immediately find out that something was wrong.

It could only remain silent.

However, when Ye Chuyun saw the Earth Witch Messenger silent, his eyes suddenly lit up.

This Earth Witch Messenger has some wisdom, but not much.

At this time, silence does not prove that there is some special connection between the black slate and it?

"You don't want to talk, right? Let's go!"

Ye Chuyun immediately flew over the black stone slab closest to the Earth Witch Messenger and chopped it down with his sword.


The Earth Witch Messenger saw this scene and his face suddenly changed. He stretched out his hand to stop it.

But he found that he couldn't move at all, and his skill attack couldn't hit Ye Chuyun. He could only watch as Ye Chuyun's Qi easily cut the black stone slab.

The black stone slab broke into several pieces.

Then the Earth Witch Messenger also broke into several pieces and let out a painful howl.

The wailing sound echoed throughout the mountain, and finally turned into starlight and dissipated.

"Hahahaha, I guessed right!"

"As long as the black slate is destroyed, the Earth Witch Messenger can be destroyed!"

After destroying the Earth Witch Messenger, a Book of Inheritance and a Sky Sin Forging Blueprint exploded.

After Ye Chuyun picked them up, he looked at the other black slates.

If he guessed correctly, there must be an Earth Witch Messenger in each black slate.

Simply destroy the black slate and solve the problem from the source.

Thinking of this, Ye Chuyun smiled, and the wind feather wings behind him kept flapping, flying towards the direction of the other black slates.

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