The combat power of this Blade Master is 1000 higher than that of the Dark Master.

Out of caution, Ye Chuyun still let his clone go up to test it.

The clone was also much more cautious this time, using stealth to get behind the Blade Master and interrupt the sneak attack.

However, before the clone could get close, the Blade Master seemed to have eyes on his back, and directly turned into a black light and hit the clone.

"There is something here!"

Ye Chuyun was surprised.

He found that the Blade Messenger seemed to have a talent for darkness.

The Dark Messenger controls dark matter.

And this Blade Messenger seemed to be able to sense darkness.

So the clone used stealth to hide in the darkness, and was soon discovered by the Blade Messenger.

After the clone was hit, it launched a series of fierce attacks on the Blade Messenger.

But no matter from which angle the attack came, the Blade Messenger could easily block it.

And the speed was extremely fast, even if the clone used elemental skills to attack, it could dodge one by one.

"What a fast speed!"

Looking at the clone that was gradually losing its strength, Ye Chuyun was shocked.

This was the first time he felt that this Blade Master was a bit difficult to deal with.

However, after a brief shock, Ye Chuyun found that the Blade Master actually gave up attacking the clone and suddenly turned to him and rushed up directly.

"And it also has wisdom!"Ye Chuyun was shocked.

However, he did not run away, but attacked the Blade Messenger with his clone.

Although the Blade Messenger is very difficult to deal with, Ye Chuyun has already figured out its tricks.

It is not a problem to deal with it.

With the addition of the original body, the Blade Messenger also found something wrong.

They are obviously two identical people, but their combat power is obviously not at the same level.

And Ye Chuyun gradually figured out the Blade Messenger's tricks and began to attack with all his strength.

The Blade Messenger wanted to retreat.

When Ye Chuyun saw its eyes, he felt very familiar.

Good guy, this is the rhythm of wanting to escape

"Humph, how could I let you escape?"

Ye Chuyun sneered, his eyes gradually becoming darker.

"Let me try the power of mind control"


The Blade Envoy accidentally saw Ye Chuyun's eyes and immediately felt something was wrong.

But it was too late.

At this time, Ye Chuyun's spirit had already invaded the Blade Envoy's brain.

In less than ten seconds, he successfully controlled it.

After being controlled, the Blade Envoy immediately stopped attacking and stood there with his eyes blank.

Although it was extremely fast and had a powerful attack, it was not as good as Ye Chuyun in terms of mental strength.

"Oh my god, is it that easy?"

Ye Chuyun was also shocked by his own skills.

Then he tried to give orders to the Blade Envoy.

""End your own life."

After receiving the order, the Blade Master did not hesitate and plunged the two swords into his chest, ending his life.

"Is it true that mental control is the most powerful thing?"

Ye Chuyun saw a piece of paper fall beside the Blade Master after he died.

He originally thought it was a fragment of inheritance.

But when he picked it up and took a look, he was stunned and even suspected that he had seen it wrong.

【Sky Sin Forging Blueprint Fragment: The only inherited set, a total of six sets, the current number of fragments (1/20)】

"No way, can there be anything else here besides inheritance fragments? ?"

Ye Chuyun looked at the fragments of the blueprint in his hand, not quite believing his eyes.

The only set of inheritance.

He had spent ten years in the world of gods and demons in his previous life, but he had never heard of it.

And how could there be anything other than inheritance fragments here?

"Could it be that this is a hidden reward for the assessment?"

Ye Chuyun kept guessing in his heart.

After thinking about it, he realized that this was the only possibility.

This must be a hidden reward for those who took the assessment.

Maybe because the explosion rate was too low before, no one would trigger this hidden reward even if they passed the assessment.

But he had a 100% explosion rate, so he was able to discover it.

However, since it is the only inherited suit, its power must be very strong.

He can't let this opportunity go!!

For a moment, Ye Chuyun was full of motivation and rushed directly to the top of the mountain, constantly looking for the Blade Messenger.

After knowing the weakness of the Blade Messenger, it was easy to kill him.

Basically, Ye Chuyun could kill one instantly if he found one.

But the difficulty was that he needed to rely on his naked eyes to find the traces of the Blade Messenger, and there was no other special means.

Unconsciously, two hours had passed.

At this time, Ye Chuyun found a safe corner at random.

He ate barbecue and drank purified water to rest.

He had been in a state of combat for two hours and was indeed a little tired.

Especially killing the Blade Messenger used up a lot of mental energy, so he had to recover temporarily.

In these two hours, Ye Chuyun obtained 13 more inheritance fragments and 5 Heavenly Sin Forging Diagrams. He is not far from collecting the Book of Inheritance and the Heavenly Sin Set.

At this time, Ye Chuyun has only explored one-third of the entire mountain.

He feels that as long as he explores the remaining two-thirds, he will be able to collect the Book of Inheritance and the Heavenly Sin Forging Diagram.

After resting for about half an hour, his spirit and physical strength have recovered to their heyday.

Ye Chuyun continued to head to the top of the mountain.

"Huh? A new messenger appeared again?"

After walking for a while, Ye Chuyun suddenly found that a messenger in a black robe suddenly appeared on the road ahead, looking mysterious.

【[Name]: Earth Witch Messenger

【Level: 10

【[Combat Power Assessment]: 10000




【[Explosion Rate]: 1%

"Challenger, since you can come here, it means you are qualified to fight me. If you defeat me, you can continue to move forward.

I didn't expect that this earth witch messenger would actually speak.

"I'll give you three minutes to prepare."

While the Earth Witch Messenger was talking, Ye Chuyun quickly observed the surroundings.

Well, there are no traps, and there are no partners to help.

We must seize the opportunity and take action first!

So Ye Chuyun took advantage of the time when the Earth Witch Messenger hadn't finished speaking, and directly summoned his clone to attack the opponent's vital points.

At the same time, his eyes became deep, staring at the Earth Witch Messenger.

However, what surprised Ye Chuyun was that the other party was like nothing happened, without any reaction.

This shows that the other party's mental power is very strong!

This guy is a mental hack!

The Earth Witch Messenger snorted coldly, waved his hand, and set off a series of fire storms, rushing straight towards him.

""The Sea King is angry!"

Ye Chuyun was not to be outdone. One after another, water tornadoes collided with the fire storm and canceled each other out.

Then the Earth Witch Messenger waved his hand gently.

The area within a radius of ten meters became an extremely cold place, which greatly reduced the movement speed of Ye Chuyun and his clone!

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