After finding a way to quickly eliminate the Earth Witch Messenger,

Ye Chuyun destroyed most of the black stone slabs on the entire mountain in just a few minutes!

It turned out that the Earth Witch Messenger was hiding in these black stone slabs from the beginning.

The black stone slabs are their true bodies.

As long as he finds the black stone slabs and destroys them, the Earth Witch Messenger will be a piece of fish for him to slaughter.


As the last black slate was shattered, Ye Chuyun finally reached the top of the mountain.

The last fragment of the inheritance book and the Heavenly Sin Forging Blueprint fell to the ground.

Before Ye Chuyun could pick them up, all the inheritance fragments in his storage space flew out and began to merge with the last inheritance fragment on the ground to form an ancient book.

The ancient book was suspended in the air, and golden divine texts kept appearing on the cover.

【Tip: Get the Book of Heritage】

"Finally it's done."

After seeing the book of inheritance, Ye Chuyun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"So my assessment is complete, right? ?"

Picking up the fragments of the Heavenly Sin Forging Diagram on the ground, Ye Chuyun came to the ancient book.

【Hint: Do you want to open the book of inheritance and accept the inheritance of heaven?】

""Shit, Tiandao, why are you still playing word games?"

Seeing the prompt, Ye Chuyun kept complaining in his heart.

He thought that after piecing together the complete inheritance book, he would be able to complete the task and obtain the inheritance.

But now it seems that he may have to go through a new round of tests before he can obtain the inheritance.

It seems that Titan was too naive before. He thought that he could obtain the inheritance by gathering twenty inheritance fragments and piecing together the inheritance book.

"Forget it, forget about it, just go in!"

Ye Chuyun gritted his teeth and finally opened the book of inheritance.

A flash of white light appeared, and he was instantly sucked into the ancient book.

【Hint: You have arrived at the Garden of Heaven】

"Where is this?"

Ye Chuyun looked around.

This courtyard looked very ancient and mysterious.

The architectural style was oriental and magnificent.

Although it was fascinating, there was a hint of oppression hidden in it.

"This should be the place."

Ye Chuyun saw a closed door in the courtyard and walked over quickly.

The door was made of a special white jade, and many patterns of gods were engraved on it.

At least Ye Chuyun had never seen any of them in his previous life.

After watching for a while, Ye Chuyun pushed the door open.


As soon as the door opened, a stream of white light suddenly slipped out from the crack of the door, illuminating the entire courtyard.

Then a cold air also surged out from the door.

Ye Chuyun was stunned and quickly wrapped himself with flames to resist the invasion of the cold air.

After the door was fully opened, he walked in.

Inside the door was a hall.

There were various sculptures in the hall, as many as hundreds.

There were statues with swords pointing to the sky, statues with heads down in thought, statues with fists raised high, and statues holding mirrors.

But Ye Chuyun found that these statues were located on the left and right sides.

In the middle sat a statue of a man whose face could not be seen clearly.

The other statues were standing, only he was sitting.

It was as if all the statues were surrendering to him.

"Could it be that if I choose a random statue, I will be able to obtain the inheritance?"

Just when Ye Chuyun was struggling, the prompt appeared again.

【Tip: God’s will has chosen you, do you submit to this will?】


Ye Chuyun hadn't figured out what was going on when a majestic voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Human, submit to me and I will grant you infinite power"

"Even the gods will tremble at this power. From now on, you will be the strongest in the world of gods and demons!"

"Surrender to me, and the world will be in your hands!"


Ye Chuyun covered his head in pain, shaking his head to get rid of the tempting voice.

The conditions proposed by the voice were too tempting.

He couldn't help but want to agree.

Suddenly Ye Chuyun recalled everything in his previous life.

In his previous life, he had always been in a passive state.

Passively descended into this world of gods and demons.

In order not to be wiped out by the way of heaven.

He passively killed fierce beasts, improved his strength, and completed various tasks.

After leaving the trial site, he passively surrendered to a force, and his daily task was to refine pills and work.

When the force he joined provoked a powerful enemy and was destroyed.

Because of his identity as an intermediate alchemist, he could only passively surrender to this more powerful force and continue to refine pills and work.

Constantly compromised, constantly surrendered.

In the end, as a cannon fodder, he died on the battlefield of all races.

Now he has been reborn and returned to the initial moment.

Ye Chuyun is not passive this time.

He took the initiative to kill fierce beasts in order to become stronger.

And to become stronger, he does not want to surrender to any force again!

Now, let him surrender again?

This is impossible!!!

And that voice is still tempting

"I can give you everything you want."

Ye Chuyun smiled when he heard this.

"What I want to have?"

"All I want is the right to say"no""

"Can you give it to me?"

The voice was immediately angry when it saw that it could not bewitch Ye Chuyun.

"Stupid Human"

"You will regret the choice you made!"

As soon as the words fell, the whole hall trembled.

The male statue sitting in the middle actually stood up.

He pointed at Ye Chuyun.

Ye Chuyun immediately felt that he was restrained by an extremely domineering force.


Ye Chuyun subconsciously wanted to summon his clone.

But he found that the clone technique was still in a cooldown.

Other invincible skills were also gone.

The clone didn't work. Ye Chuyun wanted to break free from this power, but he found that with his current strength, he couldn't open his eyes.

In the end, he could only watch the statue's fist about to fall.

"Could it be that I will fail?"

Ye Chuyun knew that he would not die in the Heavenly Dao Assessment.

But once he was hit by the statue, his Heavenly Dao Assessment would definitely fail.

Just as the fist was about to hit Ye Chuyun, the other statues suddenly shone brightly.

The man's statue suddenly shattered.

Just like a mirror being broken, the fragments scattered all over the ground.

But then the fragments merged back into the man's statue.

"Celestial One, stop, you are not qualified to attack the candidate"

"He refused to surrender, and had passed the test of heaven, so he deserved the inheritance."

"What you did is breaking the rules of heaven."

On the left, a statue holding a giant sword suddenly spoke.

"Humph, God of Heaven No. 5, you ruined my good deeds."

The male statue snorted coldly, sat back slowly, and then looked at Ye Chuyun coldly.

"Candidate, you are lucky this time, go away."

As soon as the voice fell,

Ye Chuyun disappeared in the hall in the blink of an eye.

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