"It seems that I have to leave this place as soon as possible."

After figuring it out, Ye Chuyun accelerated suddenly, turned around and ran towards the direction of the mountain.

With the bonus of skills and equipment.

Ye Chuyun was like a gust of wind, shaking off many lightsaber attacks.

With the help of the extreme gold shield, he easily blocked the attacks and moved forward.

The result was just as Ye Chuyun expected.

After leaving that place, the lightsaber did not appear again.

Just when he was secretly happy, the ground in front of him suddenly cracked.

One by one, black shadows in black armor crawled out from the ground, each exuding an amazing momentum, staring at him.

Seeing this, Ye Chuyun quickly threw an [Identification] over

【Dark Messenger

【Level: 10

【[Combat Power Assessment]: 7000




【[Explosion Rate]: 1%

"Wow, six dark messengers suddenly appeared. It seems that Tiandao really wants to kill me."

"This is really one wave after another."

Ye Chuyun was slightly shocked.

He didn't know much about the specific information of this dark messenger.

But from the perspective of combat power, it would not be a big problem to deal with him.

However, judging from the current situation, he didn't know any of his skills, characteristics, and talents.

It's better to be cautious.

Let's try the level of these dark messengers first.

Ye Chuyun naturally couldn't retreat at this time.

If he retreated, the lightsabers behind him were still waiting for him eagerly.

So Ye Chuyun used the [Clone Technique] to let his clone test the strength of the dark messenger.

He could also observe the skills of the dark messenger to prevent any other traps.

After all This is an A-level Heavenly Dao assessment, and you can't be careless.

Currently, Ye Chuyun has upgraded [Clone Technique] to the highest level, with 70% of his original combat power.

Dealing with six dark messengers should not be a problem.

After summoning the clone, Ye Chuyun immediately dodged to the side.

The clone rushed towards the dark messenger with the rune sword in hand.

But before the clone got close.

The next second, the six dark messengers were immediately surrounded by black mist, and their momentum soared.

Ye Chuyun hurriedly checked again.

He found that their combat power suddenly soared to 8000!

Then the black mist continued to spread around, covering the clone.

Ye Chuyun was still dodging the black mist. Spread.

As the original body, he can naturally sense the situation of his clone.

Once his black mist touches his clone's skin, it will make the clone's body numb.

Mental and physical strength are also constantly declining.

Vision is even more affected.

At the same time, six dark messengers also pounced on the clone.

Ye Chuyun was very calm.

He knew that these six dark messengers could not kill his clone for the time being.

So he commanded the clone to defend and constantly deal with these six dark messengers, determined to grasp all their information.

After the clone had fought with the dark messengers for more than a hundred rounds, Ye Chuyun had almost understood their skills and talents.

This The talent of the Dark Messenger should be the ability to control dark matter.

Black fog is one of its skills.

Being in the range of the black fog, one will be corroded by the dark matter contained in the black fog, resulting in a decline in physical fitness.

They also have a black flame skill, which is much more powerful than ordinary flames.

In addition.

Other skills and talents are not a big problem for Ye Chuyun.

There are no other traps, and this dark messenger does not seem to have any wisdom or entanglement skills.

As long as you are not entangled by their black fog, it is easy to deal with.

The clone is still in the black fog, and the six dark messengers are constantly besieging and consuming the clone's physical strength.

"Flying fire meteor!"

"Aquaman is angry!"

"Quicksand Whirlpool!"

Ye Chuyun made a move, and directly used three group attack elemental skills.

The six dark messengers had no time to react and were torn into pieces by the skills.

After the dark messenger died, the black fog disappeared, leaving only a few pieces of gold foil paper engraved with runes.

"Huh? Something actually exploded?"

Ye Chuyun picked it up curiously and was immediately shocked.

【The fifth page of inheritance fragments: the fragments of the book of inheritance written by the gods of heaven are scattered, recording the inheritance of the gods of heaven. There are fifty pages in total. Only after collecting them can you obtain the inheritance of heaven.】

"Inheritance fragments, do I have the same assessment task as Titan?"

"But why did Titan say that I needed to collect twenty inheritance fragments, but I only needed fifty?"

"Did Titan lie, or is it because I am an A-level reviewer?"

Ye Chuyun kept thinking.

He looked at the fragments in his hand. There were three pieces in total, namely the fifth page, the seventh page, and the eleventh page.

There was not a single duplicate.

It was thanks to the 100% burst rate that he was able to collect all three pieces at once.

If it was based on the normal burst rate, his assessment would be even more difficult than Titan's.

"If the assessment content is just to collect inheritance fragments, then I can complete it quickly."

"This task is too easy for me."

Finally I know my assessment task.

Now Ye Chuyun finally has a goal.

So he began to look for the Dark Messenger everywhere.

However, the lightsaber that appeared from time to time was still a trouble for Ye Chuyun.

Fortunately, he got used to it and gradually mastered the pattern of the lightsaber's appearance, which was no longer a problem.

However, without the guidance of the map, it was still difficult to find the Dark Messenger.

Unknowingly, Ye Chuyun also obtained 20 inheritance fragments.

Looking at the watch, he specially set a timing function.

The watch showed that he had been in the Source Realm for an hour.

"Ten minutes here is equivalent to one minute in the outside world.

"So now an hour has passed, but in the outside world only six minutes have passed, right?"

"It looks like Titan spent ten hours here."

"Fortunately, this test seems to have no time limit, otherwise it would be really difficult."

Ye Chuyun looked around, the entire plain was endless, and all the dark messengers here had been eliminated by him.

At this time, he unknowingly came to the foot of the mountain.

""Hmm? What is this?"

Ye Chuyun found a pitch-black monster slowly walking down from the foot of the mountain.

This monster was much smaller than the Dark Messenger, and was also covered in pitch-black armor.

But its arms and feet were sword blades, and the armor was covered with spikes.

【Name: Blade Master

【Level: 10

【[Combat Power Assessment]: 8000




【[Explosion Rate]: 1%

"Another new messenger?"

Ye Chuyun was stunned.

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