Ye Chuyun actually didn't know the properties of these sixth-level items.

Now that he and the others have seen the properties of these three sixth-level items, they couldn't help but gasp.

The properties of the two sixth-level equipment are particularly amazing, so I won't mention them.

The most important thing is this glazed treasure bottle.

This item can be said to be the most valuable of all the items Ye Chuyun has exchanged.

Because it can produce spiritual liquid.

The main function of spiritual liquid is to accelerate the growth rate of spiritual plants.

This is crucial to the development of the settlement.

He has magic crystals, and springs can be seen everywhere, which are inexhaustible.

When there is a chance, he can try the power of this glazed treasure bottle.

"Damn, this sixth-level equipment is so powerful!"

"This is too powerful, but it's a pity that these two are accessories. It would be better if they were weapons."

Others looked at the two pieces of equipment and their eyes almost popped out.

Ye Chuyun smiled.

"This fifth-tier staff and two other fourth-tier weapons are also very powerful."

【Brilliant Staff: Tier 5 equipment, spell attack power +200%, spirit +300】

【Additional skill 1: Holy Light, adds a light shield to everyone within a 5-yard radius, which can resist one fatal damage, and the cooldown time is half an hour.】

【Additional skill 1: Guardian of Light, summons a guardian of light, immortal, possesses 100% of the user's combat power, can only use light spells, weak against dark spells, lasts for ten minutes, cools down for two hours】

【Wearing requirements: Level 15, Spirit 1200 and above】

【Bow of Light: Tier 4 top-grade equipment, attack power +100, agility +100, attack speed +100%】

【Additional Skill 1: No bow or arrow consumption, no bow or arrow is needed when attacking, automatically generates arrows of light, has built-in locking ability, increases damage to dark beasts by 200%】

【Additional skill 2: Ten thousand arrows piercing the heart, summoning ten thousand arrows of light in an instant, causing area damage to the enemy. After the end, the player can increase his combat power according to the damage.】

【Wearing requirements: Level 15, Agility 800 and above】

【Moon Shield: Tier 4 top-grade equipment, Defense +100, Constitution +100,】

【Additional skill 1: Moon Power. At night, defense will increase by 500 points and physical fitness will increase by 200 points.】

【Additional skill 2: Devouring the Moon. When attacking an enemy, you can devour part of the enemy's power and convert it into your own power. After attacking once, you can add a layer of moon power to yourself, increasing your overall attributes by 10 points. You can add 100 layers.】

【Wearing requirements: Level 15, Physical Fitness 800 and above. 】

These three pieces of equipment were specially selected by Ye Chuyun.

The wearing level is not too high, and both the skill effect and attribute bonus are the best among all the equipment.

This is also the equipment that Ye Chuyun specially selected for Wang Gang and others.

"Bai Hang, take this Brilliant Staff.

Ye Chuyun gave the Brilliant Staff to Bai Hang.

Bai Hang has great potential. With this fifth-level equipment, he will definitely be able to exert his maximum combat power.

"thisAlliance leader, it would be wrong to give me this glorious staff. I didn’t help much this time.

Bai Hang hesitated, thinking that he was not qualified to own this fifth-level staff.

Cai Kun on the side glared:

"Just take what the leader gives you. Now that you have the staff, I am counting on you to help me level up and fly."

"How can the leader, who is such a busy man, have the time to lead us? This is because we have high hopes for you."

"Yes, yes, you are the most qualified person to hold this staff right now, so just take it."

Ye Chuyun smiled:

"This Radiance Staff is not given to you for free. You must contribute more to our base after you get it.

Seeing that Ye Chuyun said so, Bai Hang had no reason to refuse. He nodded very seriously and took the Radiance Staff.

"Lord, don't worry."

"I will definitely try my best!"

"Haha, upgrade first. This equipment requires level 15, and you are still 3 levels away."

"Hehe, that's true."

Ye Chuyun gave the Bow of Light to Liu Qian, after all, she was the only archer here.

The Moon Shield was given to Zhuang Liang.

Now three people have obtained powerful equipment, and the overall level of the team has been improved.

The others did not feel uncomfortable, but instead urged Bai Hang and the other two to help them upgrade.

Because they know unity, no matter who improves their strength, it will benefit the whole team.

Ye Chuyun also collected the Tianlong fragment and the other two sixth-level equipment.

The Tianlong fragment requires a level of 20, and he is only level 18 now, so he is not qualified to wear it.

The other two sixth-level equipment are even more out of the question.

"Okay, now that the matter has been resolved, let's go back to the base."

Ye Chuyun said


The others also put away their excitement and nodded.

Using the one-click transmission function, everyone returned to the base in an instant.

As soon as they came back, Qian Duoduo received the news and hurried over to understand the situation.

Ye Chuyun also briefly told him the whole process that happened in the Baihe area before.

When Qian Duoduo knew that they had obtained so many high-level equipment this time, he was also very happy.

Then Ye Chuyun took out the glass treasure bottle and wanted to study it with Qian Duoduo.

"Is this the colored glaze treasure bottle?"

Qian Duoduo held the palm-sized jade bottle in his hands with an incredulous look on his face and kept observing it.

"In other words, as long as we keep putting magic crystals into this bottle, we can get spiritual liquid?"

"And this spiritual liquid can ripen spiritual plants?"

Ye Chuyun nodded:

"In addition, this spiritual liquid can also be taken orally, which can quickly restore physical strength and energy, and can also continuously gain energy points."

"Continue to gain energy points? ? ?"

Qian Duoduo suddenly found the point

"How much exactly?"

"I don't know yet, I need to research it."

"Okay, I'll get the spring water and magic crystals now!"

As soon as Qian Duoduo finished speaking, he went back and forth every five minutes, and immediately had a wooden bucket of water in his hand.

"Come on, try it!"

Looking like he can't wait any longer

"Uh, okay, let's try it now."

Ye Chuyun was stunned for a moment, opened the glass bottle, and pointed it at the wooden barrel.


The water in the wooden barrel was automatically sucked into the glass bottle, leaving no drop.

"The wooden barrel just now contained 2 kilograms of spring water."

"OK, let's put two magic crystals in and see."

Ye Chuyun put two magic crystals in, and then a prompt popped up.

【Tip: Do you want to start cultivating spiritual fluid?】

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