"How to choose?"

Ye Chuyun's eyes moved back and forth in front of the many items, very hesitant.

The fisherman just smiled when he saw this. Seeing Ye Chuyun's distress, he was very happy in his heart.

Ye Chuyun fell into deep thought.

Originally, his original purpose was to exchange for the fragments of Tianlong.

Now there are two thousand more golden fish, which is far beyond his expectations.

So should he use these two thousand golden fish to exchange for the three sixth-level items, or for fourth-level and fifth-level equipment.

If he exchanges for three sixth-level items, then the two thousand golden fish will be almost used up.

But if he exchanges for fourth-level and fifth-level equipment, he can at least exchange for at least twenty pieces, which can greatly improve the overall strength.

""Leader, what's wrong?" Wang Gang asked curiously when he saw that Ye Chuyun had not made a decision yet.

"It just so happens that I want to ask for your opinions. Now, in addition to the seventh-level equipment, there are two thousand more golden fish."

"These two thousand golden fish can be exchanged for three sixth-level items, but if they are exchanged for fourth-level equipment, at least forty items can be exchanged, and for fifth-level equipment, twenty items can be exchanged, which is enough to arm yourself to the teeth."

"Forty pieces of fourth-tier equipment and twenty pieces of fifth-tier equipment?"

Wang Gang was very excited just by hearing this.

Now, just having one piece of fourth-tier equipment was already a big deal.

Not to mention forty pieces.

Others were also very moved by the words.

Who could resist such temptation?

""What do you think?" Ye Chuyun asked.

Now the others also fell into deep thought.

This is a very difficult question to decide.

After all, the equipment requirements for the sixth-level equipment must be very high, and even if it is exchanged for a while, it will not be possible to equip it.

But the fourth and fifth-level equipment may be equipped with effort.

Ye Chuyun waited for everyone's choice.

After all, they were able to give all the golden fish to him because they trusted him.

So in this choice, he still had to listen to everyone's opinions.

In addition to the seventh-level equipment, the sixth-level equipment is relatively not so important.

So he still took everyone's opinions into consideration, after all, these were the golden fish that everyone worked hard to get.

After everyone thought for a while, Bai Hang suddenly said:

"Alliance leader, my suggestion is to exchange these two thousand golden fish for three sixth-level items."

"Although exchanging for 40 pieces of Tier 4 equipment or 20 pieces of Tier 5 equipment is very cool, it is not impossible to get Tier 4 and Tier 5 equipment in the future."

"The higher the level of equipment, the harder it is to obtain. I understand this principle."

Xu Meng, who had been silent all this time, also spoke up.

"Moreover, although the fourth and fifth level equipment can improve the combat power of most people, the sixth level equipment can improve the personal combat power more."

"You can strengthen yourself first, and then you can feed back to everyone."

"A strong individual can easily get tier 4 or tier 5 equipment. On the other hand, a group of people wearing tier 4 or tier 5 equipment may not be able to get a tier 6 equipment."

"Considering the future, the fourth and fifth level equipment will be eliminated sooner or later, but the sixth level equipment is different, it can bring more lasting benefits."

After listening to Bai Hang and Xu Meng's words, the others suddenly understood.

"I agree. For the improvement of the entire garrison, one sixth-tier equipment is definitely not as effective as forty fourth-tier equipment and twenty fifth-tier equipment."

"But if Vice Alliance Leader Qian had to choose, he would rather exchange these level 4 and level 5 equipment for a level 6 equipment."

"Alliance leader, you should exchange these level 3 and level 6 equipment."

Everyone expressed their views to Ye Chuyun seriously.

They thought that after Ye Chuyun became stronger with these equipment, he would definitely get a lot of good equipment.

How could he do such a stupid thing of killing the chicken to get the eggs now?

In the end, Ye Chuyun made a decision.

Exchange the fragment of Tianlong and the other three level 6 equipment.

It was just as Bai Hang and Xu Meng said.

With the improvement of level and combat power, there will be many ways to obtain level 4 and level 5 equipment in the future.

But level 6 and level 7 equipment are not so easy to obtain.

This requires a certain amount of opportunity.

The fragment of Tianlong and three level 6 items used up three thousand golden fish.

There are still 151 golden fish left.

At most, one level 5 equipment, one level 4 equipment, or three level 4 equipment can be exchanged.

There are only three level 6 items, and now they are all locked by Ye Chuyun.

But there are more choices for level 4 and level 5 equipment.

After thinking about it, Ye Chuyun finally chose a level 5 staff, a level 4 longbow, and a level 4 large shield.

"Old man, this is 3150 gold fish, I want to exchange these things"

"Little guy, believe in your choice, you will definitely not lose."

The fisherman smiled, accepted the golden fish, and handed all the exchange items to Ye Chuyun.

Then he disappeared in front of Ye Chuyun.

"Is this it?"

Ye Chuyun said in a daze.

"Alliance leader, please take a look at the attributes of the sixth-level equipment."

Everyone was very curious.

""Okay, I'll open your eyes."

Ye Chuyun shared all the equipment information.

When everyone saw the attributes of the equipment, they all took a breath of cold air involuntarily.

Everyone already knew the attributes of Tianlong's fragments.

The remaining three or six pieces of equipment.

The first one was a necklace.

【Guardian Star: Tier 6 equipment, all attributes +200 after equipped, all spell damage increased by 50%】

【Additional skill 1: Star of Light, causes damage equal to combat power*2 to a 10-yard radius, and then the damage decreases by 15% every second, lasting 15 seconds, with a cooldown of one hour.】

【Additional skill 2: Star Power, can shorten the cooldown time of all skills by 15%】

【Equipment wearing requirements: Level 20, Spirit 3000 and above, and possessing E-level Spiritual Super Talent. 】

The second item is earrings

【Holy Earrings: Tier 6 equipment, after equipping, spirit +800, light spell power increased by 200%】

【Additional skill 1: Light Gun. After attacking, there is a certain chance to fire a light gun at the target, causing an additional 100% damage.】

【Additional skill 2: Guardian of Light, which can make the target immune to all spell damage, reduce physical damage by 80%, last for 20 seconds, and cool down for half an hour.

The third item is a rare item in the world.

【Glazed Treasure Bottle: A sixth-level wonder, with a huge spiritual space inside, which can hold a gourd to swallow the sea, and can also cultivate spiritual liquid】

【How to cultivate spiritual fluid: One magic crystal can produce one pound of spiritual fluid】

【Spiritual fluid: can accelerate the growth of spiritual plants, can also be drunk directly to restore physical strength and energy, and may continue to increase energy points. 】

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