As soon as the prompt appeared, Ye Chuyun clicked to agree

【Tip: The glass vase begins to cultivate the spirit liquid. Please wait for two minutes.】

"Does it take one minute to transform one kilogram of spring water?"

Ye Chuyun murmured to himself.

"This time is not bad, it is quite fast."

2 minutes passed quickly.

【Tip: The spiritual liquid has been cultivated!】


Ye Chuyun opened the glass bottle and poured all the spiritual liquid into the wooden barrel.

The spiritual liquid in the wooden barrel was fiery red and exuded an alluring fragrance.

"Try it?"

Ye Chuyun looked at Qian Duoduo and took out a cup.

Qian Duoduo swallowed his saliva.

"This shouldn't be poisonous, right? You won't die if you try it, right?"

"You think too much"

""Okay, let's try it!"

The two of them picked up the cup and filled a cup of spiritual liquid from the wooden barrel at the same time.

Ye Chuyun looked at the spiritual liquid in the cup that was as red as blood, and moved closer to steady it.

Hmm, it smells good, but I don't know what it tastes like.

Ye Chuyun drank it all in one gulp.

Hmm? It tastes quite good, and tastes like lemon black tea.

Then, Ye Chuyun felt a warm current flowing into his body, constantly wandering in his body.

Ye Chuyun immediately felt that all his fatigue was eliminated, and his brain became clear.

Qian Duoduo also looked unsatisfied.

"This spiritual liquid is quite effective. It even restores energy faster than the hotel."

"That's right."

Ye Chuyun nodded.

Although the hotel can also restore physical strength and energy, it also takes a certain amount of time.

And this spiritual liquid can restore physical strength and energy immediately in less than a second after drinking it.

"The next step is to see how this spiritual fluid continues to gain energy points."

The two of them waited silently for another minute, and soon a prompt popped up again.

【Tip: You have obtained 100 energy points】

"Hmm? Can I really get energy points?"Qian Duoduo's eyes lit up.

"100 energy points per minute, but I don't know how long it will last."

The two waited for another half an hour.

Almost every minute, a prompt popped up.

After half an hour, the prompt did not appear again.

"3000 energy points in 30 minutes"

"Is this a lot or a little?

Qian Duoduo thought.

"Of course that's a lot. You can get 3,000 energy points in 30 minutes without doing anything. Where can you find such a good thing?"

Ye Chuyun asked back.

He filled another cup of spiritual liquid from the wooden barrel and drank it.

"And as long as you continue to drink this spiritual liquid, you can continue to gain energy points"

"If you continue to drink it, you can calculate how many energy points you can get in 24 hours a day."

After being enlightened by this, Qian Duoduo suddenly understood:

"Yes, how could I have forgotten this? If this spiritual liquid can continuously and repeatedly gain energy points, it will be 6,000 energy points in an hour, and 144,000 energy points in 24 hours!"

"Players below level 10 can directly upgrade to the next level!"

"And there is no need to go through the hardship of hunting ferocious beasts."

Ye Chuyun added with a smile on his face.

"This spiritual liquid can be used by the logistics personnel. They work hard every day to maintain the operation of the base, but they don't have much time to hunt beasts."

"This spiritual fluid can be provided to them, thus saving the time of other combatants."

"That's right. Qian Duoduo agreed.

"If there is any extra spiritual fluid, we can also package it and make it into our own special product for sale."

"I believe this will definitely become another hit product after the primary whetstone!"

Seeing Qian Duoduo so high-spirited, Ye Chuyun was a little worried whether the glass bottle in his hand could bear his ambition.

But he agreed with Qian Duoduo's words.

This spiritual liquid does have a lot of room for development.

Now just being able to continuously obtain energy points is enough to be superb.

In addition, the spiritual liquid can also accelerate the growth rate of spiritual plants, which is even more amazing.

If it is really like Qian Duoduo said, the spiritual liquid is packaged and made into a commodity for sale.

Ye Chuyun thinks this will definitely be more popular than the primary whetstone.

After all, the primary whetstone is in short supply now because of the sudden large-scale equipment scrapping, causing billions of people to start scrambling.

But after the durability of the equipment is restored, it can at least last for another six or seven days.

Moreover, the drawings of the primary whetstone can also be obtained in other garrisons. In the future, the primary whetstone will gradually become popular and will no longer be a thing in their garrisons. The only one who has it is Ye Chuyun.

But this spiritual liquid is different.

It is cultivated in the Glazed Treasure Bottle.

And the Glazed Treasure Bottle is only owned by Ye Chuyun. Unlike the primary whetstone blueprint, it is absolutely impossible to copy.

The fact that energy points can be obtained continuously guarantees the ability of the spiritual liquid to be purchased repeatedly, which is absolutely top-notch.

In addition, the spiritual liquid has the ability to accelerate the growth rate of spiritual plants, which is even more amazing.

However, the disadvantage is that magic crystals are needed to cultivate this spiritual liquid.

This is a big problem.

Magic crystals are still a rare item. Even if Ye Chuyun now owns a magic crystal mine and a large amount of magic crystals are received every day, it is not enough to consume.

Arnor needs the help of magic crystals to study magic devices. The help of magic crystals is also needed to maintain the operation of the Tower of Elements. Now with the addition of spiritual liquid, it is a big user of magic crystals.

In the future, most of the magic crystals will be provided to it.

"It seems that we should hurry up and put the strategy of conquering the Golden Flame Mountains on the agenda."

Ye Chuyun thought to himself.

Qian Duoduo was still excited.

"The settlement just happened to be upgraded to level 2, and there were many new items in the mansion exchange mall, including the seeds of first- and second-level spiritual herbs and fruits."

"The members below have also handed in a lot of seeds, and now is a good time to try out the spiritual liquid's ability to ripen them."

Ye Chuyun nodded.

"Then you go and try it first, I have something else to do here."

After saying that, he handed him the glass vase.

"From now on, this glazed treasure bottle will be handed over to you, you can do whatever you want."

The function of this glazed treasure bottle is to benefit the development of the garrison, but it is not of much help to Ye Chuyun personally. Qian

Duoduo stays in the garrison all day, so it is more convenient to give it to him.

""Okay, leave it to me."

Qian Duoduo took the glass vase and left quickly with the wooden barrel.

"This is really full of energy."

Ye Chuyun looked at Qian Duoduo's back with a look of emotion.

After Qian Duoduo left, he took out a red and blue flame from the storage space.

This flame was like a fire spirit, jumping and dancing in Ye Chuyun's palm, and at the same time emitting a scorching heat, which made the temperature of the whole room rise rapidly.

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