Now Ye Chuyun knew everyone, and he was more and more impressed.

He didn't expect that in just a few days, his base would develop into this state.

Is this the benefit of the early bird catching the worm?

The faster it develops, the easier it is to take off.

""Sorry, leader, I'm still busy here, please wait for a moment."

Qian Duoduo said apologetically.

"It's okay."

Ye Chuyun sat next to him with a smile on his face.

"It's just right, I'll see if I can recruit some good talents this time."

Qian Duoduo smiled and said,"That's good, it just so happens that you are also a forger, your vision should be sharper than mine."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Ye Chuyun waved his hand. Qian Duoduo nodded and sat down again.

Niu Dali on the side immediately shouted:


After saying that, a thin young man walked in immediately.

When he saw so many people appear in front of him, a trace of panic flashed across the young man's face. He lowered his head subconsciously and said:

"eachHello, examiners.My name is Yan Song.

Although his voice was very low, everyone present still heard what he said with their extraordinary hearing.

""Yan Song?"

Ye Chuyun looked at the thin young man thoughtfully, as if he had thought of something but was not sure.

Qian Duoduo, who was standing beside him, had no expression on his face. He nodded and asked:

"Yan Song, right? Tell me what kind of job you want to apply for this time."

"II want to apply for the position of forger."

Yan Song still lowered his head and said in a low voice.

"A blacksmith?

Qian Duoduo was not surprised at all.

Recently, due to the emergence of the Holy Plate Armor, many people have discovered that blacksmiths can make so much money, and have developed a strong interest in blacksmiths.

This recruitment is also the case.

Basically, eight out of ten people want to become blacksmiths.

It is no longer surprising.

Qian Duoduo looked at Niu Dali, and then at Ye Chuyun.

At this time, Ye Chuyun was staring at Yan Song closely, looking thoughtful.

Qian Duoduo thought that Niu Dali was responsible for setting questions to test the interviewees before.

This time, why not let Ye Chuyun also test him.

Thinking of this, he patted Ye Chuyun on the shoulder.

""Hmm?" Ye Chuyun also came back to his senses and looked over with a puzzled look.

Qian Duoduo looked at him with a smile:

"Leader Ye, your chance to show off is here."

"Yan Song said he wanted to apply for the position of blacksmith, and your major happens to be suitable, so why not take a test?"


Ye Chuyun pointed at himself.


Qian Duoduo nodded.

Niu Dali also looked forward to it.

He wanted to see how Ye Chuyun would assess him and whether he could learn anything from it.


Ye Chuyun nodded indifferently.

In his previous life, he had come into contact with many blacksmiths in the past ten years. These people would share their forging experience in the forum when they were free.

Ye Chuyun saw a lot, so he naturally became more proficient with practice.

As for forging talent, he did not have it.

But in terms of experience, he could be said to be the most experienced person present.

So he asked a few questions that were not too difficult.

Anyone who had a little knowledge of forging basically knew the answers.

But Ye Chuyun asked in a very tricky direction.

Even if you know the answer, you may fall into the trap.

Niu Dali heard the question and tried to answer it in his heart, and soon came up with the answer.

But he soon realized that he seemed to have fallen into a trap.

Soon the answer was... was changed.

Then Niu Dali found something wrong again, and this answer was also wrong.

After changing it three or four times in a row, Niu Dali finally got the final answer.

Now Niu Dali admires Ye Chuyun even more.

Such a simple question can have so many changes, which makes him more and more clearly understand the profession of blacksmith.

Then something happened that surprised Niu Dali even more.

Yan Song answered it very quickly, and all of them were correct answers!

This surprised not only Niu Dali, but also Ye Chuyun.

The inner guess became more and more certain.

Yan Song looked at everyone cautiously, and seeing that they didn't speak, he thought he had failed, so he lowered his head and turned to leave, muttering to himself:

"Oops, failed again, where to go next?"

"Am I really not suitable for learning forging? Do I really have to go hunting ferocious beasts with others? But I’m an idiot in sports. I can fall flat on the ground after taking a few steps. It’s good enough if I don’t get swallowed by the ferocious beast, right?"

"Hey, wait a minute!"

Seeing this, Ye Chuyun quickly stood up


Yan Song quickly turned around again, still lowering his head and not daring to look at Ye Chuyun.

"Leader Ye, is there anything else?"

"You are accepted"

"Oh, okay, I'll go right away.Wait!!"

Yan Song raised his head suddenly:"I was accepted?"

Ye Chuyun smiled and nodded:"Yes."

If he was not mistaken, Yan Song was a genius blacksmith who was known as one of the top ten blacksmith masters in the Blue Star Domain in his previous life.

I didn't expect him to appear here.

Fortunately, he appeared here today.

Otherwise, with Yan Song's previous performance, it is very likely that he will be eliminated by Qian Duoduo.

If this really happens, he will cry with Qian Duoduo in the future.

Although Qian Duoduo was surprised that Ye Chuyun was so decisive in accepting Yan Song, he still took out a Heavenly Dao Contract and placed it in front of Yan Song.

"From today on, you will officially become a member of the Life Union. This is the Heavenly Dao Contract. If you have no problem, please sign it."

After reading the Heavenly Dao Contract, Yan Song found that Qian Duoduo's treatment was really good, and he was very tempted.

Not only did he provide wireless materials and design drawings, but he also got a 20% commission for the equipment he made, and a guaranteed salary of 5,000 God and Demon coins.

The most important thing is that once he becomes a Life Professional, there will be special combatants to help him upgrade.

This is what makes him happiest.

Without any hesitation, Yan Song signed the Heavenly Dao Contract.

"Well, since you have signed the Heavenly Dao Contract, you only need to be promoted to a forger."

Ye Chuyun said with a smile.

Now they have two future forging masters in their base, and the future of the Living Union makes him look forward to it even more.

After recruiting Yan Song, many people came for interviews one after another.

Ye Chuyun was responsible for interviewing the forgers and alchemists in person. Qian Duoduo and the other three interviewed the others.

Niu Dali and Wang Yun were idle.

After rounds of interviews, only five people including Yan Song were admitted from more than 200 people.

Now Ye Chuyun does not need quantity, but quality.

The requirements for the assessment must naturally be higher.

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