Hearing the question, someone quickly stood up and answered:

"Oh, the deputy leader is planning to recruit a large number of life professions. If you are selected, you can enjoy very good benefits. Not only can you enjoy the guidance of famous teachers, but also unlimited supply of materials."

"If you perform well, you can be promoted to a mentor and build your own team."

"My goodness, is Qian Duoduo so good at playing?"

Ye Chuyun widened his eyes and sighed.

The man pointed to the front and said,"The deputy leader is interviewing in that office."

Ye Chuyun looked over and immediately saw a young woman walking out of the office with a disappointed look on her face.

Seeing this, the expressions of the others also became a little depressed.

"Wow, this is the nth person to be eliminated in a row?"

"It seems that there are more than 20 of them. The difficulty of review has increased. It has never been so difficult before."

"Oh my god, this is so difficult, I wonder what the chances are when it’s my turn?"

As they talked, everyone started to get anxious.

"Qian Duoduo is really strict"Ye Chuyun couldn't help but secretly gasp.

Following the crowd into the office, he saw Qian Duoduo, who had an expressionless face, and five people sitting next to him.

Ye Chuyun knew three of these five people.

They were Arnold, Niu Dali, and Wang Yun.


Arnold quickly stood up and looked at Ye Chuyun respectfully.

Niu Dali, Wang Yun and the other four also looked at him nervously.

"Leader, let me introduce him to you."

Qian Duoduo pointed at Niu Dali with a smile on his face.

"Niu Dali, who I told you before, is now the chief forger of our station."

Ye Chuyun looked over and nodded to him in a friendly manner.

Niu Dali is tall and strong, with a simple and honest appearance.

""I've met the leader." Niu Dali smiled naively. Qian

Duoduo said with a smile,"Dali, it's rare to meet the leader, you must seize this opportunity."

"Opportunity?" Niu Dali and others looked puzzled.

Qian Duoduo looked at Ye Chuyun and said,"Oh, I forgot to tell you that the leader is also a blacksmith."

"The Holy Plate Armor was invented by the leader"


"Leader Ye is actually a forger? ?"

"The Holy Plate Armor was actually invented by the leader?"

Niu Dali and the others were confused.

They knew Ye Chuyun.

But they didn't know that Ye Chuyun was actually a blacksmith.

And the Holy Plate Armor that caused a sensation recently was actually invented by Ye Chuyun.

That was the origin of their blacksmiths' status suddenly soaring and becoming the most popular profession.

Looking at Niu Dali's excited eyes, Ye Chuyun shifted his gaze very uncomfortably and looked at Wang Yun

"Ahem, Wang Yun, long time no see."

"Didn't expect you to become an alchemist?"

Wang Yun had completely changed at this time, wearing a fireproof robe unique to alchemists, with a hood. He was completely different from the little nurse he had been wearing before.

Suddenly being called by Ye Chuyun, Wang Yun was also very moved.

"Thanks to the cultivation of the leader and deputy leader, I have the opportunity to become an alchemist.

Qian Duoduo smiled and said:

"Hahaha, you are too modest. If you hadn't worked hard, then it would be useless for Alliance Leader Ye and I to train you."

After saying that, he changed the subject:

"But I forgot to mention one more thing. In addition to being a blacksmith, Alliance Leader Ye is also an alchemist. Wang Yun, if you don't know anything, you should ask Alliance Leader Ye for advice."

After hearing this, Wang Yun was also dumbfounded, looking at Ye Chuyun as if he were a monster.

Oh my god, what kind of amazing person is this. He is both a blacksmith and an alchemist.

This is really a comparison that makes people angry.

"Ahem, alright, alright, Qian Duoduo, please introduce the other brothers to me."

Ye Chuyun was embarrassed and quickly changed the subject.

"Oh, OK.

Qian Duoduo continued to introduce the other three people to him.

The first one was Wei Yun, who had the greatest hope of becoming an engineer. He was a graduate student in mechanical engineering at Lanxing and had some basic knowledge in engineering.

The second one was Zhuang Qun, a formal potion master.

Potion masters are a bit like alchemists, but they are different.

Alchemists use various spiritual herbs and fruits to refine pills with various strange effects. The same is true for potion masters, who also refine potions with various strange effects.

However, potion masters do not use spiritual herbs and fruits to refine.

Instead, they use the body parts of various fierce beasts and various metal substances to refine. This is a bit like alchemy. In terms of the difficulty of refining, alchemists are more difficult to refine.

The difficulty of making a potion master's recipe is higher than that of a potion master.

Ye Chuyun did not expect that their base could train a potion master so quickly.

The potion master's recipe is even rarer than the alchemist's recipe.

However, the potion master can use the body parts of various ferocious beasts and various metals for research to create his own recipe.

Moreover, the difficulty of a potion master's self-created recipe is considered to be lower among all life professions.

Other life professions need to pay attention to various conditions and have the right time, place and people if they want to create their own recipes. It is very troublesome.

But potion masters do not need that much trouble.

They just need to make various combinations.

For example, the combination of golden hamster teeth and magic crystals can be used to refine... What kind of potion.

It may have no effect, or a special chemical reaction may occur.

Just keep trying and making mistakes.

Sometimes, if you are lucky, the potion master can research multiple prescriptions.

Zhuang Qun has only researched a prescription called strength potion.

After taking this potion, the strength can be increased by 50 points and last for half an hour.

Ye Chuyun was also very surprised by this.

This strength potion is very useful. If it is sold, it can also generate a lot of profit for the station.

The last one also surprised Ye Chuyun. It turned out to be a spiritual plant master named Liu Nong.

According to Qian Duoduo, Liu Nong is a farmer on Blue Star and has very rich planting experience.

He didn't know where he got it. Qian Duoduo gave him seeds of first-level spiritual herbs and asked him to try to plant them.

In the end, he succeeded and received a hint from the Heavenly Dao, becoming a spiritual plant master.

To put it simply, a spiritual plant master is a profession that grows spiritual herbs and fruits.

If there are seeds, they can be cultivated.

In the past, many settlements had many spiritual plant masters, who were responsible for planting various spiritual herbs and fruits, so that the settlements could be self-sufficient.

Now is only the early stage of development, and the resources of spiritual herbs and fruits are still sufficient.

But ten years later, the spiritual herbs and fruits in the entire region have been almost plundered.

In the end, they can only rely on spiritual plant masters to continue to cultivate.

Therefore, the importance of spiritual plant masters is self-evident.

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