After the interview, Yan Song and his five companions were taken away by Niu Dali and others for training.

Ye Chuyun and Qian Duoduo came to the meeting room.

As soon as they sat down, Ye Chuyun asked:

"It's almost the seventh day. How is the training going?"

The person he was talking about was naturally the one who made the primary whetstone.

Qian Duoduo nodded and said,"I have almost trained the three primary whetstones you gave me. I have already made a batch. Take a look."

After saying that, Qian Duoduo took out a rectangular crystal block and placed it on the table.

Ye Chuyun picked it up and checked it, then nodded:

"Good quality, qualified"

"Give me 100 copies first, I'll keep them with me as a backup."


"Just work hard tonight and make as many primary whetstones as you can. Whether you can make a name for yourself will depend on tomorrow."

"Leave it to me!!"

The seventh day came quickly.

Ye Chuyun, Qian Duoduo and many others were sitting in the conference room with serious faces.

Today was very important to them.

Ye Chuyun stared at the world channel closely.

If he remembered correctly, someone would pop up soon.

After more than ten minutes, someone suddenly exclaimed:

"Here it comes!"

Ye Chuyun looked carefully.

Sure enough, some people have started to complain on the world channel.

Wang Ke from Region 888:"Fuck, big guys, I was just hunting a ferocious beast, and was about to kill it, but suddenly it prompted that my weapon was scrapped and the durability was reduced to zero. What should I do?" Jin

Caizhi from Region 2437:"Shit, me too. Suddenly it prompted that all my equipment was scrapped and the durability was reduced to zero. I didn't care about it at first, but now I feel like I'm running naked even if I wear the equipment."

Li Qiang from Region 633:"Fuck, I spent 2,000 God and Demon Coins to buy this equipment. Now that it's scrapped, you can't let me buy a new one, right? ?"

More and more people came out and complained that their equipment was suddenly scrapped.

They didn't know how to restore the durability.

Seeing this, Ye Chuyun knew that the opportunity had come.

He turned his head and looked at Qian Duoduo:"Deputy Alliance Leader, it depends on your operation from now on."

Qian Duoduo grinned:"Just watch"

"Actors on stage!"

World Channel..

Region 1888 Liu Qian:"My third-tier weapon is scrapped, what should I do? I spent all my money to buy it, and I can't buy third-tier weapons in the trading house now."

No. 526 Nakamura Tian:"The person above, we don't have third-tier weapons. Do you want second-tier weapons? I'll sell them to you cheaply, only 10,000 God and Demon Coins will be enough. In addition to second-tier weapons, I also have a lot of first-tier and second-tier equipment. What do you think? Do you need them?"

Seeing this, Ye Chuyun and Qian Duoduo frowned.

Ye Chuyun gritted his teeth and said:

"This conspicuous bag, why is it everywhere?"

Qian Duoduo also looked disgusted:

"Wang Gang, act quickly, don't let him disrupt our plan."

Wang Gang:"Okay."

Area 1888 Wang Gang:"Ah, Nakamura, you are robbing me. You sell a second-level weapon for 10,000 God and Demon coins? Have you lost your conscience?"

"Everyone, don’t worry. Didn’t the prompt say that if you want to restore durability, you only need to use the primary whetstone."

Wang Ke from Area 888:"Oh, yes, I was too flustered just now and didn’t look carefully. The prompt did tell me to use the primary whetstone to restore durability, but where can I buy this primary whetstone?"

Liu Qian from Area 1888:"Family, I just went to the trading house and saw someone selling primary whetstones. One piece is only ten God and Demon coins, which is only ten thousand. Go grab it!"

Jin Caizhi from Area 2437:"Wow, where is it???"

"Yes, but the price is not right, why is it 50 God and Demon Coins? They say I am a pickle person, and the price is increased five times?"

"Ah Xi, are you discriminating? ?"

No. 526 Nakamura:"Damn, why is my purchase more expensive than that Korean guy's? 100 God and Demon coins each, why don't you just go and rob him?"

No. 888 Wang Ke:"Everyone hurry up and buy it, this primary whetstone can really restore durability, but the scrapped equipment needs to spend twice as many primary whetstones to restore durability."

No. 633 Li Qiang:"Double is fine, twice as many primary whetstones are only a few dozen God and Demon coins, it's better than me directly changing to a piece of equipment that costs 2000 God and Demon coins."

No. 2437 Jin Caizhi:"Shit, fifty is fifty, this weapon of mine cost me 5000 God and Demon coins, it's my lifeblood."

No. 526 Nakamura:"Hurry up, one hundred is one hundred."

No. 526 Nakamura:"Wait, why are they all sold out? Is there any more?"

"Hahahaha, 10,000 primary whetstones were all sold out in one minute!"

Qian Duoduo stood up suddenly, laughing excitedly.

"This time, I made at least 100,000 God and Demon coins. The supply is in short supply."

Ye Chuyun was also very satisfied.

Ten thousand coins is just a small amount. It can't meet the needs of billions of people.

Now I just regret that I don't have enough time to make more primary whetstones.

"Well, now that the market response is so enthusiastic, let's strike while the iron is hot and make primary whetstones as soon as possible."


Qian Duoduo nodded quickly.

Ye Chuyun thought about it. Three primary whetstone blueprints can't solve such a huge market demand at present.

Three primary whetstone blueprints can only be used by three people to learn.

Now these three people can make ten primary whetstones per minute.

Even if these three people work frantically for 24 hours, they can only make 43,200 pieces at most. It is far from enough for the market to digest.

If you want to take over this market, you need more primary whetstone blueprints.

The Red Moon Church can produce whetstone blueprints, but it can only be obtained once a week.

Ye Chuyun has already been there.

In addition, there are several places to get it.

Ye Chuyun pulled Qian Duoduo out and came to the next room.

"What's wrong?"

Qian Duoduo looked at him puzzled.

"Wang Gang and the others should be fine now, right?"

"no, what happened?"

"You should also know that three primary grindstone blueprints are not enough for the market to absorb, so we must find a way to get more."

Qian Duoduo nodded when he heard this:"That's true."

"But didn't you, the leader, obtain these three primary grindstone blueprints in the Red Moon Church?"

"Now you shouldn't be able to enter again?"

"Yes, but I know another place where I can get the basic grindstone blueprint."

"So I need you to arrange a group of people to go to that place to get more basic grindstone blueprints."

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