Four hundred and fifty-fourth chapters: was fooled!

“Fucked? What do you mean?”

The glasses said in a deep voice:

“I’m at the train station now, and I saw Xiaoyan! That is, Lu Feng’s girlfriend! It’s safe and sound!”

Hearing the four words “An Ran and no harm”, Hong Ran already understood the meaning of glasses!

Lu Feng cheated them! Those two people were found by Lu Feng! The purpose is to take his girlfriend away from the hospital!

Instantly understood the facts, Hong Ran directly threw the phone on the wall with his hand!

On the side of the glasses, he raised his eyebrows, apparently guessing what happened, so he shrugged helplessly, waved his hands, and motioned his people to follow.

The people in the four teams are all brought out by their own glasses, so the division of labor is very clear. There are people who are in charge, some are responsible for actions, some are small team leaders, and some are responsible for making suggestions. These people have cooperated for nearly five years and have been familiar with the road. Soon after Xiaoyan came to an empty corner with no one.

These people wear casual clothes, with bags on their shoulders, and they look no different from travelers.

It was also at this time that Xiaoyan noticed something was wrong, but she couldn’t tell. She just turned around and saw an ordinary-looking young man wearing glasses.

The young man said embarrassedly:

“That… Hello Miss, I’m from a different place, and I can’t find the location of Platform 3. Do you know where it is?”

Hearing this young man’s words, Xiaoyan raised her finger in a direction. After all, Xiaoyan has lived in this city for many years, so she naturally knows everything here.

Unexpectedly, Xiaoyan just raised her hand, and the young man with glasses in front of him quickly rushed up, took a handkerchief out of his arms, and then covered Xiaoyan’s mouth!

After all, Xiaoyan is still young and can’t keep up with her reaction. If she changed to Lehua, she would turn around and leave immediately. Now all the information about the station is written on the ticket, or it’s in the phone, even if it’s true. If you can’t find it, you should ask the staff if you ask for directions!

Xiaoyan didn’t know this. The handkerchief was covered with ether. The high-purity ether could immediately cause people to enter a coma. Xiaoyan just subconsciously struggled and lost consciousness.

The moment Xiaoyan was about to fall to the ground, a man came up from behind, helped Xiaoyan, and was about to walk towards the direction outside the train station.

The man wearing glasses smiled, took off his glasses, and was about to leave, but was patted on the shoulder by someone afraid.

The man thought it was his own companion. He just turned around and saw a sharp, masculine, but very strange face!

“Friend, what is this? Do you know this girl?”

The man’s face immediately became gloomy, and he said in a deep voice:

“It doesn’t matter what your business is! Don’t worry about it!”

The young man put his hand on the man’s shoulder and said with a smile:

“I have a nickname in my hometown called the director of melancholy! I’ll take care of this today!”

This young man is naturally Lin Moyuan!

The people in the fourth team had never seen Lin Moyuan’s photo, and couldn’t recognize it. Lin Moyuan was not the focus of his action. Even if Hong Ran was frantic, he didn’t have the guts to attack Lin Moyuan! If Lin Moyuan was moved and Lin Shengtian went wild and directly imposed economic sanctions on the Hongtu Group, it would really be over!

Thinking of this, Lin Moyuan came directly to the train station without fear.

As a result, I just came to the waiting hall of the railway station and saw such a scene. Although these people are the elite of Hongtu Group, they seem to be very well-disguised, and ordinary people can’t see it at all, but Lin Moyuan has a systematic blessing!

During this period of time, Lin Moyuan turned off all the prompts that the villain value was below 100,000, because when thinking about problems, there would always be some inexplicable prompts to increase the villain value. Who should think Lin Moyuan is not pleasing to the eye, always cursing behind his back.

Lin Moyuan didn’t bother to investigate these things. After all, there are more people who have offended him. Where does he know who is cursing himself behind his back?

Even if you know it, it’s useless! Simply let the system filter out prompts below 100,000 villain values.

In this way, it is indeed a lot easier.

The biggest problem is in fact dialects, but dialects can play a very limited role in this struggle. Lin Moyuan did not see the meaning of dialects. I think it should be dialects, but this Hongtu group is not pleasing to the eyes. After all, dialects are. This kind of decent role with positive positive energy has always been abhorrent to people like Hong Ran, so it is reasonable not to interfere.

The person next to Lin Moyuan belonged to the Hongtu Group, and he could tell it with the eyes of true vision. As for Xiaoyan, of course there would be no problem. The detachment leader had already taken someone to intercept.

Seeing the appearance of these people, the detachment leader himself was actually very angry, because it meant that there was a real problem inside the police station! Naturally, it’s in anger! At that time, I promised Lin Moyuan that he would catch as many as he saw!

It’s easy to find out if they have any problems. Just check their resumes. As long as they come to the station and don’t buy train tickets, all resumes have been investigated. However, all employees of the Hongtu Group Security Company ran away. No more!

This is very embarrassing, because before they came in, no one thought that there would be a hand in checking the tickets. Suddenly ten people were locked almost immediately and more than half of them were caught!

Xiaoyan was rescued smoothly without any accidents.

After the glasses noticed something was wrong, they immediately hid in the blind spot of the surveillance and got into the ticket-checking team. Only then did they get away with it, but at this point, there was no way to continue! Almost all of the ten people brought in were folded in!

The glasses cursed inwardly, and then they came to the edge of the waiting hall, and looked up and saw the conductor’s lounge. Because the lounge was glass, it was easy to see!

The result is this one look, really let him see the goal!

Lehua is here!

At this moment, his phone rang!

“What’s the situation at the station now?”

Hearing a loud voice, the glasses said immediately:

“The four teams I brought are all discounted! But I found someone! I will try now! If you can’t get through my phone, don’t make any more calls!”

After saying this, the glasses put down the phone and walked quickly towards the lounge!

In the lounge, Wang Yan and Yan Kexiang also received a message from Lin Moyuan, saying that someone had found the station!

The two of them just stood up and pushed open the door of the lounge, and they met the glasses in front of them!

After both sides froze for a few seconds, the glasses raised their hands with a punch, slamming them into Yan Kexiang’s face!

Yan Kexiang cursed secretly, and barely avoided the punch, the atmosphere suddenly became embarrassing!

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