Chapter 453: The Consciousness of Glasses!

Fuyuan. Airport!

The current situation at the airport is very tense. Passengers entering and leaving will feel an inexplicably serious atmosphere, as if the guard is more tightly guarded. No one knows the reason. There is always a group of people in black uniforms patrolling back and forth.

Most of the security guards at these airports received money from the Hongtu Group, looking for any clues about Lehua at the airport.

Up to now, no one knows who will come to meet him at the airport. Whether Lin Moyuan will show up at the airport is a matter of fact. The most prepared information that Hongtu Group can grasp is nothing more than Lehua is very likely to appear at the airport.

However, Lu Feng and glasses, as well as Hong Ran himself, said that the airport is the most likely place to have problems. Do others dare to have any doubts? Of course I dare not.

As a result, all the Hongtu Group people in the entire airport are waiting for fear of missing any detail.

“The first team and the second team go to the boarding gate on the left, remember, once you find any clues about Lehua, call it on the public channel of the intercom immediately!”

“Under normal circumstances, for internal communication, open an own private channel! Don’t occupy public channels! Do you understand?”

Everyone nodded, and the third and fourth teams naturally followed Lu Feng and the glasses.

“I said Lu Dage, is there really no problem when we look for it this way? Why do I always feel an ominous feeling?”

Lu Feng looked helplessly at the spectacle brother in front of him who was wearing glasses again, and said:

“It’s all here, we have nothing to do, we stared wide-eyed to find clues!”

The glasses held the sunglasses with their hands, and said with a smile:

“That’s all right, I’ll go to the north to take a look, I’ll leave the business to you here, call me if I have something to do!”

Lu Feng nodded, looking at the glasses a little strange, as if something was wrong, but he couldn’t tell.

It feels strange that this thing is not right for a moment, and then people will develop according to what is in front of them, but glasses are not such a person!

He has some shafts to put it plainly! The thing he felt was not right, that was he wouldn’t let it go! You must find some clues before you can rest assured!

So he took the fourth team and left the airport quietly!

The four teams are all dumbfounded. Didn’t they say to look for clues around the airport? Why did Brother Glasses run away with them? What the hell?

“I’ve followed, don’t show any movement, turn off the walkie-talkie! Don’t make a noise!”

“There may be a ghost in our team!”

When they heard the glasses, everyone looked at each other, but they all followed suit!

The status of the glasses in the company is not lower than that of Lu Feng. They are all the veterans of the Three Dynasties. They have been with Mr. Hong for a period of time. No one knows how big the glasses are.

I only know that the skill of the glasses is really not low!

When the glasses took the group of people to the train station, on the other side, Wang Yan and Yan Kexiang also took people on the road!

The safety of Lehua and Xiaoyan must be guaranteed, but there is no time to check the ticket, so it may be dangerous to go to the train station in advance. Once they are found by the train station’s eyeliner, the problem will be serious.

First of all, Hong Ran’s people were almost all over Fuyuan City. Even if the main force was cheated away by Lin Moyuan and went to the airport, the problem still existed. The passengers at some railway stations were probably all Hong Ran’s people.

You cannot go to the waiting hall, but there is one place that is safe! That is the lounge! The conductor’s lounge!

The conductor’s lounge generally does not allow other people to enter, and some conductors usually go home directly after get off work. They don’t go back to the lounge to stay. The lounge area is not large, but the most important thing is to be able to go directly from here. Go around the ticket sales channel and ticket gate and get on the train directly!

As for the question of how to get in, it is also very simple. Lin Moyuan directly bought the staff with money!

After spending more than 200,000 yuan, I found two tickets for the soft sleeper, but I bought almost all the train tickets for the entire carriage!

Wang Yan and Yan Kexiang also had to take this bus to evacuate. Although they were not the main target, Hong Ran did not have the guts to move them, but the safety of Lehua and Xiaoyan needed someone to protect them!

Wang Yan and Yan Kexiang brought Xiaoyan and Lehua to the entrance of the train station, and followed the underground passage to the vicinity of the overhaul station. From here, you can directly enter the conductor’s lounge, which is very hidden and ordinary people can’t get in at all.

All the people I met along the way took Lin Moyuan’s money and would naturally do their best. Even the problem of inconvenience for lesbians to climb in was thought out, and the ladder was prepared in advance.

After entering the conductor’s lounge, everyone was relieved. Seeing the crowds coming and going in the station hall, Xiao Yan sighed, feeling a little worried about Lu Feng.

Lu Feng returned to the Hongtu Group for her safety. I wonder if it is all right now?

In fact, just like what Lin Moyuan said before, it’s difficult to make this decision, but at a critical time, Lu Feng will definitely stand up without hesitation. Although it is dangerous, he and Yuan Dezhi It is a group of people, and of course they will do their best for the one they love.

Looking back at the people in the Hongtu Group, it is a bit of a brain to estimate that the glasses are already on the way back. Wang Yan and Yan Kexiang didn’t know it. No one expected such a situation!

After the glasses arrived at the train station, they chose to avoid the police’s sight for the first time, turned around and started looking for all suspicious places in the lobby, including the restroom.

But there was no result. Just when everyone in the fourth team thought that Brother Glasses was making a fuss, a figure attracted the attention of Glasses!

It turned out to be Lu Feng’s girlfriend, Xiaoyan!

Xiaoyan also just came out of the bathroom, because the lounge does not have a separate bathroom, so she had to go to the station hall to use the bathroom.

After seeing this scene, the glasses suddenly understood something!

This turned out to be a collusion between Lu Feng and Lin Moyuan!

A feeling of being deceived, spontaneously arises in the heart of the glasses! Suddenly the eyes of the whole person were gloomy!

“Follow me! See what tricks they are playing!”

Hearing the glasses, ten people from the fourth team nodded one after another!

These ten people surrounded Xiaoyan from different directions, but Xiaoyan didn’t even know it!

The glasses pushed their sunglasses on the bridge of the nose and took out the phone from his pocket!

“Hello? Chairman, we were fooled!”

On the other side of the phone, there was a long silence!

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