Four hundred and fifty-fifth chapter: confrontation!

There is actually a curtain on the glass of the conductor’s lounge. After it is closed, the situation inside can not be seen, but no one noticed this detail, which gave the glasses a chance!

The glasses saw Yan Kexiang avoiding his own fist, and he was also very surprised, but he adjusted it right away, because a dagger appeared in Wang Yan’s hand! The dagger has been swung over!

The glasses immediately turned sideways, watching the dagger pass in front of Own, also in a cold sweat!

Oh shit! How could this group of people bring the dagger into the station? There seems to be a problem here!

Before the glasses were clear, Yan Kexiang had already stepped forward and grabbed the arm of the glasses and pulled him closer to the lounge!

After all, this is the station. Someone has already noticed this. Yan Kexiang and the others are not sure whether the glasses have reinforcements, so they can only use this method.

Lehua hid in the corner at this moment, the face of the glasses was a bit ugly, if you want to take Lehua away, then you must solve the two unknown people in front of you! These two people are not ordinary people, one dagger is very slippery, and one fist has some skill. Although the training time is not long, the brute force is not small!

“You are the people Lu Feng found? Tell you, Lu Feng’s current situation is not so good! Let’s discuss, this woman will let me take away, Lu Feng, let him go! How?”

Wang Yan tugged at the corner of his mouth and only said a word.

“The mud Bodhisattva crosses the river, it is hard to protect itself!”

Although Yan Kexiang usually talks a lot, he doesn’t say a word at this time, holding back a fierce energy, focusing on the key points!

The glasses frowned, but they were still very sensitive, avoiding a straight punch from Yan Kexiang. The current situation is obviously not good for him! If this stalemate continues, I am afraid there will be major problems! After all, Lin Moyuan was on the scene!

I heard Lu Feng said that Lin Moyuan’s combat effectiveness is not bad! I’ve watched a video before, it was a video of Lin Moyuan and Ye Feng fighting in the bar of Wang’s house in Gangdong City!

Although the glasses were negative, but after seeing Ye Feng’s skill, he had no choice but to bow down! Ye Feng’s hands are all killer moves!

However, Lin Moyuan was able to fight Ye Feng with one and a half catties, which shocked the glasses!

If Lin Moyuan also appeared in this lounge, there would really be no chance at all!

The spectacles face grimly dealt with the attack of the two men. They found a chance, and a whip kick knocked Yan Kexiang down. Then Wang Yan also appeared a flaw, let the spectacles catch the opportunity, and threw the dagger away! Seeing that you can come to Lehua right away, as long as you can hijack Lehua, you can go out by yourself!

At this moment, a strong force came from behind, and the glasses only felt dim and dim, barely cheering up and a harrier turned over, only to find that Lin Moyuan was standing in front of own!

Just now it was Lin Moyuan’s stubborn and domineering shoulder fall! But Lin Moyuan’s expression was also very suspicious. He didn’t expect that this man with glasses could adjust it by himself before it fell to the ground!

For the first time, Lin Moyuan realized that this was a master about the same height as Lu Feng.

“Unexpectedly, the chairman of the Lin Group has such a skill, it really makes me ashamed!”

Lin Moyuan sneered. As soon as he was about to step forward, his glasses quickly rushed out of the lounge with his eyesight and hands. When Lin Moyuan opened the door, he couldn’t find a figure.

“This is a big fish! You can let this kid run away!”

Wang Yan sighed, took the own dagger from the table and put it into own waist.

Yan Kexiang clutched his chest and stood up, coughed twice, and cursed in a low voice:

“What did this guy do before? Can you fight like this?”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said, “Don’t you exercise every day? Why? Do you know the gap now? Isn’t it okay?”

Yan Kexiang waved his hand helplessly and said:

“It’s okay, it’s just a little tight in the chest. It seems that I have to practice more when I go back!”

Lin Moyuan came to Lehua’s side and asked in a deep voice:

“Are you okay?”

Lehua shook his head subconsciously, and then asked:

“Where is Xiaoyan? Xiaoyan went out just now, I’m afraid…”

Lin Moyuan immediately smiled and said:

“It’s okay, Xiaoyan is now on the side of the detachment leader. It’s very safe. There’s still an hour to start, so don’t go out yet!”

Lehua breathed a sigh of relief. Xiaoyan is a nice girl, and that Lu Feng is also a ruthless person. Like Yuan Dezhi, this made her and Xiaoyan feel a little bit of pity for the same disease, so she is actually younger than herself at this age. Girls who are nowhere are very concerned.

Lin Moyuan tidyed up his clothes and called Lu Feng directly.

“Hello? What’s the situation?”

Lin Moyuan took a sip of water, and then said in a deep voice:

“You are exposed. Someone wearing sunglasses touched the train station. There should be a leak at the airport. Get out immediately!”

After Lu Feng was silent for a while, he subconsciously asked:

“Where is Xiaoyan? Xiaoyan…”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“It was a bit unexpected, but it was a false alarm. I am now waiting for you to come over!”

Lu Feng was relieved and said:

“Okay! Then I find a chance to go over immediately!”

Lin Moyuan nodded, then put the phone in his arms and sighed.

All this is finally coming to an end, it’s a pity that Yuan Dezhi is this person! If you bring him to your side, it will definitely play a considerable role! This person is so calm! Well-founded, clear-cut, well-organized, well-organized, and understand a lot of business matters. Think about it, if Hongtu Group can take the second-in-command position with its own strength, if this becomes one of the own leaders, Lin’s The rise of the group is here!

While thinking about it, Lin Moyuan suddenly thought of a good way! But let’s leave Fuyuan City first, and then make plans!

After solving the Hongtu Group, it’s time to make a difference with Xing Chuanhe dialect!

We can’t let the dialects be so arrogant anymore. They are now on the line with the Hongtu Group. Fortunately, Yuan Dezhi was here and gave the Hongtu Group a fatal blow internally. It’s hard to do on the side!

Now the Zhang family in Gangdong City doesn’t know what the situation is. It seems to be on the sidelines. With Zhao Duan’s checks and balances within a short period of time, there shouldn’t be any problems.

But I heard that the Zhang family also has a great backer, which is a troublesome thing!

This year, it is not easy to have money in your hands. Only if you have money and backers, can you get along!

Looking at the bustling station, Lin Moyuan tidied his clothes and walked out of the lounge.

Lu Feng is definitely not so easy to get away. Lin Moyuan looked at Lu Feng very pleasingly, so naturally he couldn’t stand idly by!

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