Chapter 452: This wave of me is in the atmosphere!

In the flower shop, a young man’s words successfully attracted the attention of the proprietress.

The lady boss said with a smile:

“It’s just a small flower, there’s no need to bargain like this on the line, right? A small business, twenty-six yuan!”

Twenty-six yuan?

Upon hearing these words, the young man sighed helplessly and said:

“What about the roses? How much are the roses? Are there any nice ones?”

The proprietress was relieved and looked around the door. After making sure that no one was paying attention, she said:

“Come on, all the good-looking ones are in the room, come with me!”

The two young men looked at each other before they followed the boss’s wife in.

The two of them are naturally Wang Yan and Yan Kexiang. The reason why they had such a conversation before was to dispel the suspicion of the proprietress. In fact, this is a secret sign, which was discussed by Yuan Dezhi and the proprietress.

Yuan Dezhi used to be a life-saving kindness to this proprietress. The proprietress has liked Yuan Dezhi for a year or two. Although Yuan Dezhi knew about this, she had never pierced this layer of window paper.

At that time, Yuan Dezhi and Lehua had already confirmed the relationship. The lady boss knew this, so she said directly.

Originally, Yuan Dezhi didn’t have this idea, but when he heard the boss’s words and recalled what Hongtu Group had done before, he guessed that Hongtu Group would cross the river and demolish the bridge one day, so he immediately agreed and said that when he was in trouble, he would come back and ask her for help. Please help at that time.

The boss’s wife’s feelings for Yuan Dezhi are unimaginable, so even if she died, she would not betray Yuan Dezhi. This is one of the reasons why Yuan Dezhi would safely hand over Lehua to the boss’s wife.

Almost everyone in the group didn’t know about this matter, otherwise the boss’s flower shop would be the first target of the search!

Wang Yan and Yan Kexiang followed behind the proprietress and walked a long distance, only to discover that this flower shop is really big and all-encompassing, just like a small botanical garden.

On the second floor of the flower shop, Wang Yan finally saw Lehua’s figure, which was similar to the photo, but his gentle temperament was even better than the photo. It’s no wonder that people like Yuan Dezhi would be attracted until they fell. Love river.

“Madame, is it safe here?”

The lady boss nodded and said with a smile:

“Except for Yuan Dezhi, Lehua and me, you are one of the few who can come to the second floor. Even thieves don’t even want to come in from the second floor!”

The environment here is very beautiful, and the decoration style is also very comfortable, all with warm colors, and the most important point is that it is very private and quiet.

“Lady boss, our plan may have some twists and turns later, and you may be required to take action at that time!”

The lady boss put down the wine glass she was holding and said with a smile:

“No problem, you only need to protect Lehua’s safety. I have never seen Yuan Dezhi have such a deep affection for a girl. Lehua is his life!”

Lehua had just heard the movement from the room, and as soon as he walked out, he heard the words of the boss’s wife. He blushed and said:

“Sister Jiao! Don’t say that, these two are…”

The moment he saw Wang Yan and Yan Kexiang, Lehua’s body shrank back. Although it was not intentional and subconscious, Wang Yan’s eyes still narrowed slightly.

It seems that Lehua has experienced a lot during this period. The first reaction to seeing a face is to protect herself first. This is enough to prove the calmness of this woman!

Such a woman hardly needs to worry about anything else, which can also make Wang Yan and the others easier. After all, if Lehua screams loudly whenever he encounters any danger, it is almost a proper burden.

Wang Yan is a very calm person. In these years of fighting against the Xing family, Wang Yan and Xing Chuan have often had some discussions.

In fact, in the final analysis, Xing Chuan is the most calm, calm almost not like a person! But Wang Yan is not bad, it’s just that Wang Yan’s calmness is to take care of the overall situation, but on this basis, Wang Yan will not ignore his own people!

Like today’s situation, if Xing Chuan is replaced by Xing Chuan to take Lehua away, then in the critical moment, Xing Chuan’s plan can abandon Lehua, which means that Lehua’s life and death Don’t care! As long as you are safe!

But Wang Yan didn’t have this idea, because it was entrusted by others, and it was bound to be loyal to others!

“Miss Lehua, you can trust us. We are entrusted by Yuan Dezhi. We have a video in hand. I believe you will believe us after watching it!”

While talking, Wang Yan took out a mobile phone from his arms, clicked on a video, and pressed the play button in the direction of Lehua.

This video is a scene of a man and a woman embracing each other in a room, followed by a passage from Yuan Dezhi.

“I’m sorry, Lehua, I can’t walk with you. In fact, I have lived for such a long time. It seems to have been thirty years, but until today, I have never really been myself once!”

“But I don’t regret it. At least you and your child can leave Fuyuan City safely. This is the situation I am most satisfied with! Hongtu Group must be destroyed! Otherwise, you will not be stable for the rest of your life! If you can’t find me, Don’t look for me anymore. If I can come out and see you again, I, Yuan Dezhi, will find you to death!”

“These two are Wang Yan Wang’s Patriarch, and Yan Kexiang brothers. They are Lin Moyuan’s people. Just believe Lin Moyuan, this person is worthy of trust!”

The video is very short, about three minutes, but Lehua has watched it over and over again nearly ten times!

The determination revealed in Yuan Dezhi’s words made her understand that there is absolutely no room for change in this matter!

It is precisely because of this that Lehua was in grief!

When Wang Yan and Yan Kexiang saw this scene, they didn’t bother to disturb them. Instead, they stood quietly and watched Lehua’s tears falling drop by drop on the phone screen. Silence is better than sound.

No one thought of Lin Moyuan’s plan, that is to let Lehua go from the train station! That’s right, the airport is just a cover, and Lin Moyuan has deceived everyone almost perfectly! Even the leader of the detachment didn’t know that Lehua would walk from the train station!

Wang Yan and Yan Kexiang just got the news. It was Lu Feng who knew the news first. Now Lu Feng and his glasses have rushed to the airport with more than one hundred people!

Hong Ran and others were all kept in the dark, and basically even Xing Chuan was deceived.

With this move, Lin Moyuan is in the atmosphere!

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