Chapter 27: Detention and Disposal!

Looking at the righteous and indignant people around, the eyes of Jinganshan gradually became confused.

“Wait! Don’t move yet!”

Hearing what the quiet mountain said, the two police officers who had already pulled out their handcuffs stopped their movements.

Quiet Mountain turned around, looked at the excited crowd around him, and asked:

“Can anyone stand up and explain what happened?”

A middle-aged man wearing a tie came out of the crowd and said with a serious expression:

“Let me speak, I am the foreman of a shop in this mall, and I have witnessed the whole process!”

Quiet Mountain looked at the middle-aged man carefully, and then said:

“Yes, tell us in detail what happened!”

The middle-aged man nodded, and then uttered what he had seen.

In just a few minutes, Quiet Mountain has already understood the ins and outs of the matter.

But precisely because of this, the look in Jinganshan’s eyes towards Lin Moyuan was even more incredible!

This Young Master of the Lin Family, the first dude known to everyone in Yunhai City, didn’t even mean to fight back after being knocked on a steel pipe by Xiao Fan?

Is the one standing in front of him really Lin Moyuan himself?

Lin Moyuan kept waiting quietly. After the middle-aged man had finished speaking, he sneered and then said:

“What? Officer Ann, are you surprised to know the facts?”

“Do you want to catch me now? I, Lin Moyuan, is standing here, not going anywhere, come on?”

While talking, Lin Moyuan stretched out his own hands and handed them to the front of Quiet Mountain.

Although Quiet Mountain’s face is a bit ugly, the facts are before him after all!

Lin Da Young Master, not only did nothing wrong, but also wore a name that was brave enough to do justice!

It is Xiao Fan who really should be taken away!

Lin Moyuan saw that Quiet Mountain was silent, so he stopped being aggressive, but slowly lowered his hands and said in a serious voice:

“Officer Security, since it has been determined that this Young Master did not do anything, then you can take away the real culprit over there!”

“Although someone I Lin doesn’t understand any legal provisions, I still know exactly how to deal with intentional injuries!”

After quiet mountain stared at Lin Moyuan gloomily for a while, he waved his hand and motioned to take Xiao Fan away.

Xiao Fan’s face was also very ugly at this time, and the eyes that looked at Lin Moyuan were full of anger.

Lin Moyuan didn’t care, he could look at what he liked, if he could kill with his eyes alone, Young Master, didn’t I have been slashed a long time ago?

“Lin Moyuan! Wait for me! This matter is not over yet!”

Lin Moyuan looked indifferent when he heard Xiao Fan’s words.

Who wouldn’t talk harshly? If just a mouth can scare people to death, then Young Master Lin Da does not mind letting this hapless child see what an executioner is!

Walking slowly to Tang Yurou’s side, Lin Moyuan lifted up the clothes draped over the girl’s shoulders, but found that there was a faint trace of bruise on the girl’s shoulders, which was as white as jade, obviously caused by Xiao Fan’s tearing!

Lin Moyuan’s eyes were cold again.

He didn’t ask Tang Yurou the question of whether it hurts or not, but directly called Li Quan.

“Take Yurou to the hospital for a checkup. You must check it carefully!”

Li Quan nodded solemnly, and then looked at Tang Yurou.

Tang Yurou’s gaze was always on Lin Moyuan’s body.

Why is this man so good to himself?

There is also Xiao Fan, Big Brother, why did he become so irritable today? This is nothing like the Xiao Fan he knew!

Although the little girl was a little puzzled at this time, it was indeed Lin Moyuan who stood in front of Own at a critical juncture, and this was true!

And wanting to hurt his own person, he turned out to be the Big Brother Xiao Fan that he originally admired the most!

This is simply incredible!

After hearing Lin Moyuan’s words to take herself to the hospital, the poor girl just recovered. Then she stretched out her hand and gently touched the place where Lin Moyuan was hit by the steel pipe, and asked softly:

“Sorry, I didn’t expect it to be like this… I didn’t want Xiao Fan to…”

Lin Moyuan’s expression immediately became serious when he heard these three words.

“Silly girl, remember it to me, don’t just say anything like I’m sorry in the future!”

“You are not wrong, nor am I wrong, it is Xiao Fan who is wrong!”

Hearing Lin Moyuan’s words, not only Tang Yurou, but also the onlookers who hadn’t dispersed around, cheered loudly!

“Young man! Well said! This is the man!”

“Yes! This sentence makes sense!”

“The young man has a future! Your girlfriend followed you, it’s not bad!”

Lin Moyuan didn’t care when he heard this. Instead, he came to this Chanel store and asked loudly:

“Who is the owner? Come out!”

A bald middle-aged man stood up with embarrassed expression upon hearing this.

Although the dress worn on Tang Yurou is not expensive, it is more than five thousand yuan in the end.

Originally, according to reason, Xiao Fan, who had beaten someone, should pay compensation, but now Xiao Fan has been taken away by the police. If he can’t find this person, then his own money is considered to be a waste of money.

Lin Moyuan saw the boss’s face and naturally understood what he was thinking. Then he patted the bald shopkeeper on the shoulder and said:

“I bought this dress, just say how much it costs.”

“In addition, find me another one that is exactly the same, and I will pay together.”

Upon hearing Lin Moyuan’s words, these onlookers suddenly became calm!

Thousands of dollars was thrown out without even thinking about it?

At this time, it was a sharp-eyed person who recognized Lin Moyuan’s identity!

“Damn! This, this… isn’t this the Young Master of the Lin Group, Lin Moyuan?”

“That’s not what you said…”

“That’s right! It’s the dude of the number one Tianzi in Yunhai City!”

As soon as this sentence was said, everyone’s gaze at Lin Moyuan changed!

This…this big Young Master…when did he become so upright?

Lin Moyuan didn’t bother with the eyes of these people. After paying the bill, he planned to follow Li Quan to send Tang Yurou to the hospital for examination.

At this time, the girl named’Xiaomi’ who stood up first to speak for Tang Yurou quietly stood in front of Lin Moyuan and gave him a thumbs up!

“Good job! Su Xiaomi admires you!”

“Rourou follow you, I’m relieved!”

Lin Moyuan looked at the girl who was half a head shorter than him with a helpless expression.

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