Chapter 28: Beauty Tutor Mo Sandalwood

When Tang Yurou heard Su Xiaomi’s words, her pretty face also flew bright red.

“Xiaomi, stop talking nonsense!”

“I won’t accompany you anymore, you can go shopping by yourself, next time we will go shopping.”

After saying this, Tang Yurou took Lin Moyuan’s hand and left the second floor of the mall.

Lin Moyuan was surprised. This was the first time, without any purpose, Tang Yurou took the initiative to take her own hand!

It seems that this steel pipe is not in vain!

Thinking of this, an imperceptible smile appeared on Lin Moyuan’s face.

Compared with Lin Moyuan’s ease, Tang Yurou’s mood can be said to be a mess.

Lin Moyuan put on skin for herself and stood in front of own without hesitation. At that time, Lin Moyuan was not strong, but the very tall figure was already deeply carved in her heart.

It’s just that she didn’t notice it.

If only because of this incident, Tang Yurou had fallen into love with Lin Moyuan, it was absolutely impossible.

But under subtle influence, who would know what kind of flowers this little seed would grow in Tang Yurou’s heart?

Yunhai Police Station.

Xiao Fan, who was sitting in the interrogation room, had a frown on his face.

He didn’t expect that in the end he would sit in this dark little dark room for no apparent reason!

This is no way. Although it is now advocated that everyone is equal, Lin Moyuan’s identity can be scared to death by just saying it. After all, there is no absolute evidence. Who dares to touch this young Master?

And this time, it was clearly not Lin Moyuan’s fault, and Jingan Mountain had no reason to detain Lin Moyuan!

In order to beware of the middle-aged man who told the truth, Lin Moyuan arranged for him, and Jinganshan even called out the monitoring of the mall!

But no matter from which point of view, the Young Master Lin is indeed innocent!

Quiet Mountain looked at Xiao Fan in front of him with a helpless expression.

“Young man, I’m not talking about you, just go home and sober up honestly after drinking some wine. Why do you run into the mall and make trouble?”

“What is the punishment for deliberate injury, don’t you know? That is a sentence of up to three years imprisonment or criminal detention!”

“Okay, I won’t say more. You can find someone quickly. Who can you find is what kind of person you can find. You are still a college student, so you can’t really squat in, right?”

After Jing Shan put down these few words, he turned and walked out.

Only one phone was left in the interrogation room.

Xiao Fan was also blank, and he was not Lin Moyuan, where did he come from?

But at this moment, he had a flash of light in his mind and thought of someone!

In the previous life of own, the news that Miss Mojia University in Jiangbei City ran away from home can be said to shock the entire southern region.

The Mohist’s rights in Jiangbei City are among the best. Together with the great Miss of Mohist, he is even more talented. At the age of six, he can compose seven-character poems, which is enough to see her literary talent.

But since the big Miss ran away from home, there has been no news again. It wasn’t until Xiao Fan was at own school and was about to graduate, that news came out that shocked both Yunhai City and Jiangbei City at the same time!

The Miss, who left home and didn’t see the news, actually took the post of dean in the own university.

In fact, according to the background of the Mohist University Miss, it is more than enough to be a principal, but after all, it is concealed from the family, so it should not be too high-profile.

If it wasn’t an accident at the graduation ceremony, this big Miss could continue to hide in this Yunhai University.

Coincidentally, I had submitted an investigation report before, and this young dean with a background background, after reading the report, praised myself.

The Mohist princess’s name is Mo Tanxiang, but it is time to change her surname and call herself Su Tanxiang.

In fact, according to his age, this big Miss is only twenty-three or four. It is just that because of his extraordinary intelligence, he had already obtained a Ph.D. degree at the age of twenty, and was hired by Yunhai University as the dean of teaching.

Some information about this’Su Tanxiang’ flashed through his mind quickly, and then Xiao Fan picked up the phone in his hand.

After a few short beeps, the call was connected.

On the other side of the receiver, there was a soft voice of the lark singing in the valley of hesitation.

“Hello? This is the teaching office of Yunhai University, who are you?”

Xiao Fan took a deep breath, and then said:

“Director Su, this is Xiao Fan, and I’m at the Yunhai Police Station…”

After briefly introducing own’s situation, Xiao Fan stopped and waited quietly for Su Tanxiang’s response.

Not long after, Su Tanxiang’s light voice rang again.

“Xiao Fan, it wasn’t the teacher who said you, how could you do such a thing?”

“Although this matter, it is true that Lin Moyuan, who is evil, is rarely wrong, but you can’t just do it right away, right?”

“Okay, wait for me for a while, the teacher will pass now, remember, never make such mistakes again in the future!”

What else can Xiao Fan say? Naturally, he nodded obediently and agreed.

Not long, that is, just half an hour has passed. A slim and graceful beauty who stands proudly in the lotus pond after the rain, stood at the door of the police station.

The guard standing at the door couldn’t even raise his mind when he stopped, so he let the beauty walk into the police station.

“This Miss, who are you looking for?”

This beauty of Bufan is naturally the dean of Yunhai University, Su Tanxiang.

Su Tanxiang’s eyes slowly moved in the huge hall, and after patrolling for a while, he turned his gaze to the little police officer who was standing in front of him, a little distracted.

“Hello, I’m looking for Xiao Fan. I am his teacher. This is the Xiao Fan who was brought over in Hanhai City this afternoon.”

Upon hearing this, the little police officer was able to recover, and then said:

“Xiao Fan, I’m in Interrogation Room No. 3 now.”

Nodded politely, and after expressing his gratitude, Su Tanxiang lightly lifted his jade feet and walked towards Interrogation Room No. 3.

Pushing the door of Interrogation Room No. 3, Su Tanxiang saw this student who had always had a very good impression.

Seeing Su Tanxiang pushing the door in, Xiao Fan also got up from the chair immediately.

“Teacher Su, trouble you.”

Su Tanxiang slowly sat on the chair helplessly and said:

“Xiao Fan, what you did this time is more difficult.”

Upon hearing this, Xiao Fan suddenly felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

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