Chapter Twenty Six: Digging a Hole for Xiao Fan

On the second floor of Hanhai City, the atmosphere in front of the Chanel store became more solemn.

In the eyes of the onlookers, it was obviously Xiao Fan’s first move to push down a weak girl who seemed to be likable.

When some passers-by were filled with righteous indignation and wanted to help out of righteousness, a wealthy young man who was dressed in luxurious clothes and was born in the family of Zhongming Dingshi, but rushed ahead of them and shot.

And the son of a wealthy man even knew this man who had beaten the girl!

After a conversation between two people, they realized that the young man who had committed assholes turned out to be a student of Yunhai University!

All of a sudden, the people on the second floor are all pointing.

“Unexpectedly, a young man who looks very easy-going is actually such a stuff!”

“Yes, this kid is still a student of Yunhai University! It seems that Yunhai University is not a good place!”

“Hey, how can you say that? You see, this young man who has just made his move is so rich and polite. Isn’t he also from Yunhai University? How can he be general…”

Listening to these discussions around, Xiao Fan almost burst his lungs with anger!

He never thought that the situation would develop into this!

On Lin Moyuan’s side, although he looked upright and awe-inspiring, he had murderous intent in his heart!

Boy, Tang Yurou girl, it’s too late for me to take care of it carefully, you bastard dare to do it!

Had it not been for the restriction of this dog/shit system, I would have sunk you tonight!

At this moment, the voice of the system suddenly sounded.

【drop! Your behavior has changed the way passer-by Li Chunxiang thinks about son of luck! Meet the status of villain! villain value +999! 】

【drop! Your road is uneven and won the favor of passer-by Liang Jingyi! Compliant with villain! villain value +999! 】

【drop! Your righteous action won the admiration of Su Xiaomi! Meet the status of villain! villain value +9999! 】

Hearing the prompt from the system, Lin Moyuan was stunned for a moment.

It seems that in the eyes of passers-by, he should be much more open and upright than this Xiao Fan!

Being a villain, has become a positive character?

I have to say that this is a wonderful thing that cannot be explained.

But why are the added villain values ​​different in these few prompts?

But after thinking about it, Lin Moyuan found it clear.

It seems that this person named Su Xiaomi, who brought him nearly 10,000 villain at a time, should be Tang Yurou’s friend!

Her opinion, it will definitely affect the plot direction!

And this is why she can bring so much villain value to herself.

At this time, Xiao Fan, who was standing opposite Lin Moyuan, was already furious!

It was obviously Tang Yurou who left herself first, abandoned herself, and went to find Lin Moyuan!

Obviously Lin Moyuan defiled Tang Yurou first!

Why did you become the one you spurned?

This is not right!

Thinking of this, Xiao Fan looked at Lin Moyuan and Tang Yurou as if he wanted to breathe fire!

On the ground of the second floor of the shopping mall, there was a pile of steel pipes that were left after the decoration was completed. Xiao Fan was anxious and stopped thinking about it. He directly pulled one out of the pile of steel pipes and rushed towards Lin Moyuan. !

“Lin Moyuan! I killed you!”

Lin Moyuan subconsciously turned to one side, and the steel pipe hit the ground, causing a burst of sparks.

Lin Moyuan wanted to say something more, only to find that Xiao Fan, who was about to lose his mind, rushed towards Tang Yurou, who had just been helped by a friend and was wearing her own clothes!

The muscles all over immediately tightened, and Lin Moyuan rushed forward!

On Xiao Fan’s side, the steel pipe that was just about to swing towards Tang Yurou directly hit Lin Moyuan who arrived in time!

Fortunately, Lin Moyuan’s body has been transformed, and it is much stronger than before.

Therefore, the steel pipe was basically just a piece of green on the skin, and there was no serious injury.

Xiao Fan was also a little more awake at this time, and when he recalled what he had done before, his face suddenly became even more ugly!

In Tang Yurou’s eyes, he saw a look of horror! This time it was not because of others, but because of myself!

Tang Yurou also realized that Xiao Fan might have acted like this because he drank too much, so the initial panic was reduced.

Tang Yurou and Xiao Fan were two people, it can be said that they grew up together since childhood, so Tang Yurou walked in front of Xiao Fan, shielded Lin Moyuan behind him, and whispered:

“Xiao Fan, let this matter go here, let’s go, I won’t see you again!”

Before Xiao Fan spoke, the collar was grabbed by someone. It was the bodyguard who followed Lin Moyuan, Li Quan!

“Little bastard, you want to run after hitting my Young Master? How can there be such a good thing?”

“Apologize to my Young Master!”

Although Xiao Fan was caught by the collar, he still had a disdainful smile on his face.

“Let me apologize to Lin Moyuan? I pooh!”

“What qualifications does he have? Why?”

Tang Yurou naturally didn’t want to see this scene, but when she just stepped forward and wanted to dissuade Xiao Fan, she saw Xiao Fan’s gaze!

It has never appeared before, a look at strangers!

“I know what you are going to say, and you want to persuade me to be soft, right?”

“Hahahaha, you people are all the same! When you see rich people, you want to go and hug your thighs!”

At this time, the crowd of onlookers gave way, and then a few uniformed police officers came to the middle of the crowd.

Under Lin Moyuan’s gaze, Li Quan released the hand that was holding Xiao Fan and retreated behind Lin Moyuan.

The police headed by him is an old acquaintance of Lin Moyuan, and it is the quiet mountain from the crime squad!

Jinganshan looked at the mess on the second floor of the mall, and his face immediately became gloomy.

Especially when his gaze fell on Lin Moyuan, it was even more gloomy!

“Lin Moyuan! You’re doing something again! Someone reported a fight here!”

“Where your kid goes, wherever you go, you will be uneasy! Come with me!”

While talking, Jing Jingshan waved his hand, and two police officers stepped forward to take Lin Moyuan away.

But at this time, the crowds onlookers were unwilling.

“Hey, what’s the matter with your police? How can you arrest people?”

“Yeah, it was the kid over there who was beating people. This kid was acting bravely. What do you mean?”

“Look at the current police, they have become like this? It’s indiscriminate!”

Quiet Mountain heard the words of these onlookers, suddenly full of question marks!

What’s happening here?

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