Chapter 132: This damn shit luck!

“Boy, I didn’t expect you to be able to do such a thing at a young age!”

“Hurry up and return the phone to me! Then you follow me to the police station to make a theory!”

Hearing this aunt’s voice, Ye Feng suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth helplessly, and said:

“Auntie, listen to me, this is not the case, I didn’t take your phone!”

“I was framed by someone!”

When the auntie heard this, her face became more mocking.

“Look at everyone, this is the young man now! It’s really unqualified!”

“My phone is in this young man’s pocket now! He has to deny it!”

As soon as the aunt’s voice fell, the passengers on the surrounding buses began to talk about it.

“This young man, who is it? So uneducated!”

“Yes, seeing that he is white and pure, I didn’t expect to be able to do such a thing!”

“I just saw this young man give up his seat to that old lady. I didn’t expect it to be such a person! That old lady, can you see if your things are not lost?”

At this time, in Lin Moyuan’s mind, a system prompt sounded!

【drop! The host successfully framed son of luck! The behavior conforms to villain’s settings! villain value +9999!】

Ye Feng’s face was very ugly.

He is only reacting now, the person who just bumped into himself must have a problem!

Most likely that kid is the real pickpocket!

But why should he frame himself?

Is someone instructing behind this?

The answers to these questions can only be answered by catching the pickpocket just now!

But when Ye Feng started to turn around looking for a pickpocket on the bus, the lady had already snatched the phone from Ye Feng’s hand!

And even called the police!

Ye Feng’s face suddenly became very ugly, and this time he was properly cheated!

And I just can’t go, once I go, the trouble will be big!

The police will definitely treat themselves as a real thief!

So Ye Feng said calmly:

“This lady, I did not get the things, I can guarantee that.”

“I won’t leave either. When the police arrive, there will naturally be an answer.”

Ye Feng felt a little anxious, because the people from Shengtang Company were about to come to Yunhai City!

It was so embarrassing that something like this happened at this time!

When you find the real pickpocket, you must cross-examine him carefully, who is the one who instigated him behind his back!

But at this moment, the old lady sitting on the seat frowned. Ye Feng had just been chatting with her, and there was no other suspicious movement at all!

Obviously, this young man was framed!

“Young man, just talked for a long time, don’t know what your name is?”

Ye Feng’s mood was very messy at this time, but after hearing the old lady’s words, he still replied:

“Grandma, my name is Ye Feng, I’m sorry, I have encountered such a thing, I will disturb you…”

The old lady smiled and shook her head, then took out her own phone and broadcasted a number.

Standing in the crowd, Lin Moyuan was full of gloat. After seeing this old lady’s actions, a somewhat ominous premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

Is there a turning point in things unexpectedly?

The more Lin Moyuan thought about it, the more he realized that this possibility was not small!

After all, Ye Feng is the son of luck!

At this time, the phone in the hands of the old lady was also connected. Lin Moyuan did not hear the specific content of the conversation, but could vaguely judge that the old lady should be speaking for Ye Feng.

Sure enough, after a while, the bus slowly stopped on the side of the road, and in front of the bus, there was a row of red flag cars!

Lin Moyuan cursed secretly in his heart, and he could roughly guess the direction of the follow-up plot!

This old lady must be someone in the government, and her level is not low!

Let them prove Ye Feng’s innocence, wouldn’t it be easy?

There is an official as the backstage to protect Ye Feng, even if this aunt is tough, what can he do?

This matter can only be forgotten in the end!

Even if you can’t find a pickpocket, you can find the problem by checking the monitoring!

Lin Moyuan wanted to scold the sky!

Why is the luck of son of luck so good?

Seeing that there was an immediate chance to solve Xiao Fan, Cheng Yaojin was killed halfway, and another son of luck Ye Feng appeared!

These two sons of luck actually reached an alliance with each other, and in turn, worked hand in hand against themselves!

This time, finally, there was a chance to cause some trouble to Ye Feng, but in a blink of an eye, another help appeared next to him!

And even when I got a seat on the bus, I ran into an old lady with a not-so-simple background!

Seeing the red flag car in front of the bus, several figures in suits came down, Lin Moyuan sighed helplessly, turned around and left the bus under the cover of the crowd.

This is not the time to blame others. The most important thing at the moment is to rush to the airport and find the people from Shengtang Company. As long as they can get ahead of Ye Feng, all the efforts are not in vain.

At this time, all the passengers on the bus were attracted by the Hongqi car. They were also very curious about who was in the bus, even Ye Feng, so no one noticed that Lin Moyuan’s figure disappeared on the bus. .

Lin Moyuan had already reached the corner of the street at this time, intercepted a taxi conveniently, and after speaking to the airport, he began to think about the next strategy.

Lin Moyuan guessed the background of the old lady, because Lin Moyuan recognized the figure sitting in the red flag sedan.

That is the second in command of Yunhai City, the deputy mayor of Yunhai City, Lian Huatao!

Of course Lin Moyuan had no contact with Lian Huatao, but Lin Moyuan knew that there was indeed an old mother in Lian Huatao’s home!

Lin Moyuan’s father, Lin Shengtian, as the chairman of the leading enterprise in Yunhai City, certainly had friendships with the political party, but he was very uncomfortable with the faction of Lian Guotao!

Because Lian Huatao has a son and a daughter, Lian Guotao’s son married a wife and belongs to the Qin family!

In other words, Lian Huatao should have something to do with the Qin family!

The more Lin Moyuan thought about it, the more irritable he became, and now it was regarded as a bargain by Ye Feng!

Although his plan this time played its due role and did stop Ye Feng’s footsteps, Ye Feng’s damn shit luck continued this opportunity and gave him a chance to meet Lian Huatao!

The atmosphere on the bus is also very hot.

The passengers on the bus did not expect that the deputy mayor would appear on the bus!

The citizens of Yunhai City, for the name Lian Huatao, it can be said that it has reached the level of household name.

Now that they can see real people, they are naturally very excited.

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