Chapter 133: Just want to make trouble, just play!

When Lian Huatao received a call from his mother, he just came out after the meeting in a nearby hall, so he rushed over immediately.

Although in Lian Huatao’s view, this matter is just a trivial matter, but even Hua Tao is famous for his own mother’s filial piety, and his mother has spoken out, and even Hua Tao naturally has to come and deal with it in person. Click it.

Under Lian Huatao’s instructions, the secretary called up the surveillance video from the bus. Sure enough, he saw the pickpocket took out the mobile phone from the lady’s body and stuffed it into Ye Feng’s pocket.

It proved that Ye Feng was indeed innocent.

Immediately, the lady was also embarrassed. After apologizing to Ye Feng, she turned and left the bus.

The passengers on the bus also suddenly realized that Ye Feng was framed.

Of course, Lin Moyuan’s figure also appeared in the surveillance, but people’s attention was on pickpockets and Ye Feng. No one noticed the son of the richest man in Yunhai City. Naturally, no one was curious as to why Lin Moyuan also appeared on the scene. Here it is.

Looking at Ye Feng’s handsome appearance, Lian Huatao naturally aroused some curiosity in his heart. After a brief discussion with Ye Feng, he immediately realized that Ye Feng was not an ordinary person.

Of course, there are reasons for luck, or the protagonist’s own aura of wisdom, so I left Ye Feng a phone number, let Ye Feng be polite, and call him if something happened during his stay in Yunhai City. telephone.

After Ye Feng learned of Lian Huatao’s identity, he was naturally very pleasantly surprised, and thought that during his stay in Yunhai City, he would definitely inevitably have a conflict with Lin Moyuan, so he was very happy to leave Ye Feng’s call.

With resources, it is natural to use them reasonably!

After Ye Feng had a few words with Lian Huatao again, he got into Lian Huatao’s car.

The reason was simple. After learning that Ye Feng was in a hurry to go to the airport, Lian Huatao immediately vacated a car and asked the driver to personally deliver Ye Feng to the airport.

Ye Feng was naturally very grateful for this, but what he didn’t expect was that Lin Moyuan had already taken a step ahead of him and had already rushed to the direction of the airport.

But Ye Feng didn’t have any gains this time. At least he got acquainted with the deputy mayor of Yunhai City, and he started to establish his own power in Yunhai City.

Lin Moyuan opened the door of the taxi. After paying the bill, he came to the exit of the airport. He cast his eyes on a passenger plane that was going up and down at the airport. He looked at the own watch. There are still fifteen minutes left. The talents of Shengtang Company Will arrive.

Lin Moyuan’s previous understanding of this Shengtang company was not very deep, only limited to knowing some of their achievements.

But after seeing the profile of Shengtang Company, Lin Moyuan realized a problem.

That is the history of this company, which seems to be longer than Qiyun Shengshi Group!

Moreover, the chairman of this company has only one son. This time the business negotiation is the son of the chairman who came on behalf of the company.

And in Suijiang City, there is a rumor…

The son of the chairman of Shengtang Company has always been a little bit funny!

Lin Moyuan sighed helplessly, and suddenly felt a headache.

Isn’t this embarrassing?

Fortunately, I came here first. If Ye Feng came first, then the two people will definitely have a conflict!

Lin Moyuan is convinced of this!

Judging from the plot, it is very likely that the grandson of Shengtang Company will become Ye Feng’s stepping stone!

To put it bluntly, it is an experience-sending!

But since I got here first, I would naturally use this guy to create some trouble for Ye Feng!

Thinking of this, Lin Moyuan’s mouth showed a smile again.

At this moment, the target Lin Moyuan was waiting for finally appeared at the exit of the airport.

Looking at the prosperous scene of Yunhai City, Tang Qi couldn’t help but sigh secretly that he deserves to be one of the most economically developed cities in the Long Kingdom. No matter how you look at it, Yunhai City is indeed more prosperous than Suijiang City.

Afterwards, Tang Qi converged his mind back, feeling a little uncontrollable excitement.

According to what his father said before coming, this time Qi Yanyu also came back to participate in the business meeting!

After Tang Qi learned the news, his excitement was beyond description!

Tang Qi has been pursuing Qi Yanyu for more than two years, and everyone in Suijiang City does not know it.

But Qi Yanyu never responded, and certainly never refused.

In fact, there are too many people pursuing Qi Yanyu, let alone Tang Qi from Suijiang City, there are quite a few in Yanjing.

Naturally, Tang Qi wouldn’t give up easily. In his opinion, if Qi Yanyu didn’t refuse, there was a chance! So after learning that Qi Yanyu had come to Yunhai City, it was naturally Pidian Pidian who followed.

“You are the friends of Shengtang Company? Hello, everyone.”

Hearing this strange sound, Tang Qi stopped his own footsteps immediately, and looked at the young man in front of him with some curiosity.

He looks like a little white face, but who is this kid?

Tang Qi frowned and asked aloud:

“Who are you? We still have an urgent matter, don’t get in the way!”

As a rich second generation, Tang Qi certainly has his own arrogance, but his arrogance seems a bit ridiculous in Lin Moyuan’s eyes.

Although strictly speaking, Lin Moyuan is actually a rich second-generation, but what level is Lin Shengtian?

Basically it can be regarded as the absolute overlord of the southern region of the Dragon Kingdom!

A small Shengtang company, in Lin Moyuan’s eyes, is just so-so!

Lin Moyuan smiled and shook his head, and said:

“Unexpectedly, Young Master Tang doesn’t even know Ben Shao?”

“Does your company never look at the information before coming to the business meeting?”

material? Business meeting?

Tang Qi hadn’t reacted yet, but a manager who was sent to help with his work immediately remembered it!

The Young Master in front of him is the only heir of the Lin Group, Lin Shengtian’s only son, Lin Moyuan!

But when did this little master become interested in business matters?

Didn’t the information say that this famed dude was not interested in this kind of thing at all?

“Lin Shao! It turned out that it was Lin Shao in person! Disrespectful and disrespectful!”

“Let’s first say that Lin Shao is familiar, but Lin Shao wears very casual clothes and didn’t recognize it!”

Lin Moyuan heard the manager’s words and handed it a look of “You are very sensible, Young Master, I am very satisfied”, and then he turned his gaze to Tang Qi, who had just figured out his identity.

Tang Qi was also very surprised, why is this master here?

But does Lin Moyuan have anything to do with the business meeting?

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